Friday, April 30, 2010

Increase Your Laptop's Performance

There are a large number of people who throw away their resources every year by buying brand new computers and discarding off the old ones at negligible prices. This is because that after a duration of 6 or 8 months their system's speed steadily declines and after every fresh installation of either a program or a game the condition worsens and ultimately it starts taking a lot of time even on the easiest of processes. But little do they know that despite the recommendations of their system manufacturers, who will always suggest purchasing a new computer, you can greatly improve the speed of your computer just by upgrading its memory or RAM (Random Access Memory)

Upgrading your RAM will help improve the performance of your system and your computer will be able to handle more games with greater ease. Fortunately, the part that is responsible for your computer's speed can be simply upgraded and also at a very reasonable price. Before upgrading your system memory or RAM you must know what type of RAM the computer utilizes? How it is configured, and how many RAM slots do you have in your motherboard, also if the computer memory is parity or non-parity. All these questions can be answered by studying the manual that came with your computer or by visiting your computer manufacturers' website. But more easily, RAM sites such as offers online services such as RAM seekers, which will automatically scan your system and suggest the most optimal RAM upgrade for you thus simplifying our work.

People are usually surprised at how much difference a small RAM upgrade can make to their computer's efficiency. Normally a RAM upgrade can extend the usable life of your computer by another 2 to 3 years, at the fraction of the cost of purchasing a new one.

What normally comes to mind when thinking of a memory upgrade is, "How much RAM do I need?"
The answer to that greatly depends on what do you use your computer for, but as a rough estimate 512MB will be more than enough for majority of users, 512MB gives you enough room for Windows XP to run, and enough left over for a couple of internet applications, chat programs, antivirus and malware applications, and an excel spreadsheet or word processor all working simultaneously at acceptable speeds.

As for games, if you play moderate games and also do some photo editing on your computer such as using Photoshop tools, then you should consider getting 1 GB of RAM.
And if you use your system as a powerhouse and use it for editing photos, love editing and uploading videos to youtube and enjoy extreme level gaming then in that case you should think of purchasing 2 GB of RAM.

You can purchase your system RAM from various sources, made by various manufacturers. Before buying any RAM be sure to find out if the RAM is guaranteed to be compatible with your system or notebook (This is usually taken care of by the online memory analyzer tool explained earlier), ask for a return policy, and always make sure that the RAM device you are buying is backed by a lifetime warranty.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to Re-Calibrate Your Laptop Battery?

It is difficult to predict how long a laptop battery charge will last because each computer user has different habits and needs. The rate at which you use laptop battery power will determine how long you can use the battery of your laptop. You can re-calibrate your laptop battery if the battery's life has gotten shorter over time. Your laptop battery might need a good calibration if it doesn't seem to be getting the mileage that it should. How to re-calibrate laptop battery? The following paragraphs will give you the answer.

First put the laptop computer to sleep by turning off the screensaver and other power management settings of the computer. Then fully charge the computer and allow it to run all the way down until the computer shuts off automatically. Once the laptop battery has fully drained, charge it back up again and restore the screensaver and power management settings.
Re-calibrate your battery every month or so by fully charging, fully discharging, and then fully charging again. Basically to have a chance to re-calibrate your laptop battery is to turn off all power-saving features completely and then fully recharge them. If it doesn't work for the first time then try two more full discharges and recharges.

The above way of re-calibrating the laptop batteries works well with laptops using Ni-MH cells. But not with laptops using Li-Ion batteries because deep discharges will actually decrease the charge capacity and lifespan of Li-Ion cells. Moreover Li-ion batteries irreversibly lose approximately 20% capacity per year from the time of manufacture at a typical 100% charge level at 25deg.C, even when unused. Li-ion batteries irreversibly lose approximately 2%, 4%, 15% at 0deg.C, 25deg.C and 40deg.C respectively, when stored at 40% charge level. That is every deep discharge cycle decreases the capacity of the Li-ion batteries. As the Li-Ion batteries are chemical in nature, charging and recharging is not going to fix the problem once the chemical reactions stop happening. Therefore the best advice for re-calibrating the Li-Ion batteries is to store the battery at 40% charge if it kept unused for any unlimited period of time. Also don't leave the battery in the laptop if you don't use the battery or if you plug the laptop into outlet power.

You can also re-calibrate your laptop battery using IBM Thinkpad Battery Maximizer in order to maximize your laptop battery's life. If your laptop has IBM ThinkPad Battery MaxiMiser and Power Management features installed, you can verify the condition of the laptop battery. You can check the status of your battery using the Battery MaxiMiser Gauge in the taskbar tray. The ThinkPad's Lithium Ion battery pack that seems to be an intelligent battery uses a microprocessor to monitor its capacity. Then the microprocessor of the battery pack passes the information about the remaining battery capacity to the laptop. The laptop indicates the capacity with high accuracy.

Using the HP Laptop Battery Learning Utility, a modified version of a Win98 boot floppy, can also help you. Just place it in the floppy drive, and then turn on the computer. The re-calibration process is automated and takes about six hours to finish. This utility is available in different versions for different models. You can run the utility every two months.

If the laptop battery is still bad then it must have developed a memory that cannot be erased easily. If calibration doesn't help, then it is the right time to purchase another battery.

Related : Sony VAIO VPC-EB17FX/L

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Watch NFL Matches Online Right On Your PC Or Laptop

Watching live TV right on your PC is possible these days. Every day more and more people are turning to watching TV on PC because of all the advantages of it. Out of all positive things that can be said about the technology the thing that I find most useful is I can watch TV no matter where I am in the world. Whether I am in my office or on road in course of my official tour, I never miss my favorite programs. I love to watch NFL and many other sports events and for me this technology is a life saver.

Watching TV over Internet is possible thanks to a high end technology that was developed spending boatloads of dollars. But fortunately for all of us technophobes it is very easy to use and you do not need to spend anything near the amount that was invested to develop the technology.

There is no new hardware (adapter card or module) to install and no new cables to lay. You only need to install a piece of software on your PC. The installation takes only two minutes to finish and then you are ready to go. The software is quite inexpensive around 50 bucks. Mind it, 50 bucks is your total investment for life long enjoyment of TV programs (more than 3000 channels from all over the world) on your PC. You do not need to pay monthly fees for this. It's practically free for you for lifetime.

But you need to be little selective while choosing your software, because not all software perform flawlessly. Before buying be sure that you are buying the best software available in the market. Reading some reviews and user feedback before buying would certainly help.

Also check whether your PC configuration and modem speed is enough for the software. The bottom line is: do your homework before buying. And then start exploring the amazing world of 3000+ DVD quality TV channels from all over the world.

See Also : Sony VAIO VPC-CW23FX/L

Monday, April 26, 2010

Laptop Memory Upgrades - How to Install Them Yourself

I am a computer enthusiast and have been for the past 21 years. Through this time I have had numerous computer related experiences, many of which have taught me the practical side to personal computing. Given my long standing experience with computers I thought I would share some insight into why more how to install laptop computer memory be this in your laptop, notebook, sub-notebook or netbook (as these all apply here).

Is this for me?

There is often a false misconception amongst the public that installing laptop computer memory is something only a true qualified professional should do. I think it is important to finally let this age old myth rest. While it is true that most aspects of technically challenging a laptop computer from a hardware perspective are difficult, thus something a standard computer user should not attempt, upgrading laptop computer memory is not one of them. The latter is actually a fairly easy process to follow, and certainly one that can be performed by the vast majority of computer users providing they follow some simple yet useful advice.

The necessary tools and/or parts and other considerations

Before you can attempt installing a new laptop memory upgrade you need to prepare some tools and parts as well as choose an appropriate place to carry out the procedure. I will assume you already have a laptop computer ready destined for an upgrade.

The most important of course is that you have purchased a new compatible laptop memory upgrade and thus are in possession of these laptop memory modules. Should this not be the case you should purchase this from a source of your choice and once done revisit this article.

Secondly, you will need a small Philips head screwdriver. These normally come in sets of six or so of varied sizes, there is a high chance you already own these somewhere in your garage and/or DIY toolbox. Thirdly, it is best that you have an anti-static wristband. This is because laptop computer memory is sensitive to static damage. You can purchase this cheaply online, simply search for the term and it will be an easy, quick and cheap buy. If for some reason you cannot purchase an anti-static wristband find something made of metal around your house. This could be a metal lamp, a metal table leg or even a metal screwdriver. This will be used to discharge any static built up within your body, just to be on the safe side and prevent damaging your laptop computer memory modules.

Fourthly, you may wish to prepare a piece of cloth on which to later rest your laptop computer on to prevent scratching its surface. This is optional but given that most people will prefer to keep their laptop in tip top condition it is worth a mention.

Once you have all the above take a moment to think about where (i.e. what room) in your house (or otherwise) you can carry out the upgrade procedure. It is recommended this room has a hard surface on which to rest your laptop, a good light source, a means for you to sit down comfortably and also somewhere that is free from moist or dust, or any other environmentally hazardous occurrence.

The general procedure

Upgrading laptop computer memory is actually fairly simple and if you convince yourself to have a go, you will soon likely become a follower of this belief.

Having all the above named parts, tools, and location ready, the first thing to do is to locate the laptop computer memory bay cover on your laptop computer. Most laptop computers have this on the underside so flip it upside down (this is where the aforementioned piece of cloth may come in handy) and have a look there. Modern laptop computers normally have a few bays on the underside, one of which will hold the laptop computer memory modules. Either unscrew each one in turn to find this out the manual way, or consult your laptop's user manual for a quick clue.

Once inside you will either see one or more vacant slots in which to insert your laptop memory upgrade or all slots full. Depending on the outcome, you may need to first extract one or more existing laptop computer memory modules. You can do this by pulling in an outwards direction on the clips located at either side of each module. Once done, these will cause the corresponding laptop computer memory module to release ready for you to grab and pull out. Remember that before touching it you should either be wearing an anti-static wristband, or you should touch something made of metal that is earthed - in both cases to discharge your body of any static.

Next, unpack your new laptop memory upgrade and insert each module one by one (should you have more than one) into the memory slots. Do note the latch placement on the laptop computer memory module itself. Be sure to align it with the memory slot. Insert the module at an angle of about 45 degrees until the pins (usually gold plated) are barely visible. Now press down on the module until it clips into place. You will hear this happen, after which the laptop computer memory module will be securely installed.

Repeat the above process for the number of modules your new laptop memory upgrade contains. You may need to modify the above procedure slightly depending if your laptop requires installing modules in pairs (i.e. in very old laptops or newer laptops that support dual channel operation).

After you have successfully followed the above installation, replace the laptop computer memory bay cover in its rightful place and screw it back using the same screw(s) it was held in originally.

Last but not least, turn your laptop the right way up and turn the power on. You can either go into its BIOS to check whether the new laptop computer memory is detected (this normally requires you press a key such as Del, F2, F12 etc. depending on the type of BIOS immediately after powering it on) or wait until the Operating System loads. If you do not see the expected amount of physical memory installed, be sure to check whether you fully inserted the laptop computer memory modules. If for example one is slightly loose, its capacity will not be detected. In rare cases you have been delivered memory that is faulty, otherwise known as DOA (Dead-On-Arrival).

In summary

Be sure to extract the most important traits of the above information. The commonly heard assumption that installing laptop computer memory is something only a true qualified professional should perform is a myth. The fact of the matter is that you can perform this procedure yourself and thus save money and time. The only limiting factor to the above is to first make sure you have all the necessary parts, tools and last but not least appropriate location to do so. You should also remember to ground yourself to prevent any possible static damage to the laptop computer memory modules themselves. Do this either by wearing an anti-static wristband or regularly touching something made of metal that is earthed.

Above all don't become a victim of various computer services outlets that try and talk you into the complexity of this procedure and as is very convenient for them, charge you a hefty premium for their service.

See Also : ASUS K50IJ-H1 Sony VAIO VPC-EB16FX/P

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tips on Purchasing a Laptop

There are so many laptops on the market today made by a variety of companies and in such a wide range of prices, how do you know which laptop is best for you? By knowing some of the basics about what to look for when purchasing a laptop, you can make a better decision and get the right laptop to fit your needs.

First of all, the core of your laptop is formed by the processor. The processor is important because it will likely be the first part of the computer to become outdated, and unfortunately it cannot be upgraded. An Intel Centrino or Intel Pentium 4 are examples of processors to look for when purchasing a laptop.

Since you are going to be the one using the laptop, be sure to choose one with a display, keyboard, touch pad, and interface that is comfortable for you. Also be sure to look at how much RAM the laptop you are purchasing has. Anything under 256 MB will make it difficult for some applications and software to run properly. Always test the laptop before purchasing it to be sure it suits your needs.

If you plan on watching lots of movies or videos on your laptop, you will likely want to opt for a wider LCD screen. While these laptops may be a bit lower on battery life and and a little heavier, as well as a bit more expensive, it will be worth it in the long run. Do not invest a lot of money in any laptop you only plan on keeping for a couple of years.

The more you travel, the lighter you will want your laptop to be. Look for a laptop that has a shock-resistant hard drive and spill-resistant keyboard.

No matter what laptop you decide on, check to see if it can be upgraded. However, keep in mind that the more upgrades you decide to purchase, the more expensive your laptop will become, even if you start out with a cheaper model. Also, be sure to check the battery life on the laptop. While most laptops these days come with the preferred Lithium-ion battery, watch out for laptops with a NiMH battery, as these will have to be frequently charged.

Look for a laptop with wireless connectivity, and if you plan on using printers, scanners or other peripheral devices, be sure the laptop comes with two or more USB ports.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Laptops - ABC of Laptop

Earlier it was the room-size computers, then came desktop computers, and now the time is for laptop. About the development and manufacturing of the laptop; only one thought it seems has been running high some few years ago. And it is the thought - necessity is mother of discovery. According to the, the definition of a laptop is "A laptops computer is a small mobile personal computer, usually weighing from 1 to 3 kilograms (2 to 7 pounds)" It is worth to mention that the laptops is known all over the orld as "notebooks". Well, the Notebooks which are smaller than an A4 sheet of paper and weighs around 1 kg are often refer as sub-notebooks; and those weighing around or above 5 kg a desknote are called desktop/notebook.

Moreover, computers - a multi functional gadget which is larger than PDAs but smaller than notebooks are referred as"palmtops". These is what, the world of computer's terminology is known by.Buyers who are willing to go for this gadget must know tit-bit about its technical knowledge. First thing they must know is that the laptops run on a single/ unit main battery or from an external AC/DC adapter. The AC/ DC adapter can charge the battery, but at the same time it supply power to the computer itself. And the users does not know all about it. He or she does their work with out any problem. Nevertheless, there are many computers coming which have a 3 volt cell to run other accessories like the clock and other processes in the event of a power failure. So making it safe-computing.

Not to mention the laptop also carries some myths. First: Laptops are not as efficient like the desktop. The answer to this question is : laptops are as efficient as that of the potential of desktop, but they are less powerful for the same price. Purchasers must know that the components of the laptops are very similar in their functionalities to that of a desktop computer. The brownie point about the laptops is that they perform the same functions, for mobile users and for those who swear by efficient power consumption.

My Links : Discount Laptop Sony VAIO VPC-F111FX/H ASUS G51JX-X5

Thursday, April 22, 2010

PC Laptop Computer For Smart Computing

Notebook PCs has been the preference of the user almost all segments. It has fully replaced the desktop in the form of personal use. The basics of the laptop is elegant experience give the mobile user, because the light and. However, it lacks the GUI, but the development of modern graphics card offers an excellent alternative to solve the problem.

Before the new laptopComputer, the user must take care of certain qualitative characteristics. Go through this descriptive article.

Size and weight

Size and weight are the two main reasons which have strengthened their portability. Now the user is free to do the calculation from anywhere. This is the format of the extremely low weight of the computer to give you the mobile computing experience. It is a dream come true to experience. Laptop has a desktop-replacement classified netbook, ultra portable, thin and lightand luggables.

Netbooks do not have CD/DVD drive and some ultraportable may remove them as well to save on space. Hence, if you want this feature you must carry them as additional luggage. Similarly for creating thin and light systems it is equipped with swappable media bays, which can interchange between CD/DVD and a spare battery.


Earlier the PC laptop computer was not comparable to the desktop In terms of functionality. But now with induced The dual-heart Users can manage multiple applications on a reasonable speed. Not only that, it also keeps the battery power is longer. Depending on the requirements can vary the processor. From an economic point of view, you may prefer:

· Core 2 Duo P7450 and Lower
· Core 2 Duo T5800 and Lower
· Core 2 Duo T6600 Intel, and Lower
· Pentium T4400 dual-core Intel, and Lower

However, if you want to dominate the performanceFloor with faster Internet access on your laptop to be powered by the:

AMD Athlon MV-40 Neo
Neo AMD Athlon X2 l625
Intel Atom N270 and higher
Intel Atom Z520 and higher

Memory (RAM)

is an important criterion that determines the speed of PC laptops. If we consider the purpose, the general objective of the two gigabytes of memory should really solve. However, for the use of the advance check, you can4GB.

Display and video

The image quality depends on the size of the screen, video processor and the resolution of the shareholders resolution. Widescreen than the norm. The performance of the computer on 3D images is largely dependent on graphics and high-definition video acceleration.

Some of the advanced graphics processor includes:

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280M ·
NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS ·
ATI Radeon HD 4870 · Mobility
·NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260M
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 250M ·


Laptop PC built Fast Ethernet and Internet connections Wi0Fi offer with ease. For a netbook of G. It should examine the value of an Ethernet 802.11b laptop / integrated 802.11n draft is also changing. change are often recommended for built-in modem or a mobile (WWAN) card.

Adaptability battery

The user should be an overviewTable comparing the life of the battery brands and models. On average, with a paste of backup support at least 2 hours is considered good. Make sure you have extra battery.

Given the above parameters, you can have a better experience with your new laptop computer. You can select the desired function to perform.