Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tips on Purchasing a Laptop

There are so many laptops on the market today made by a variety of companies and in such a wide range of prices, how do you know which laptop is best for you? By knowing some of the basics about what to look for when purchasing a laptop, you can make a better decision and get the right laptop to fit your needs.

First of all, the core of your laptop is formed by the processor. The processor is important because it will likely be the first part of the computer to become outdated, and unfortunately it cannot be upgraded. An Intel Centrino or Intel Pentium 4 are examples of processors to look for when purchasing a laptop.

Since you are going to be the one using the laptop, be sure to choose one with a display, keyboard, touch pad, and interface that is comfortable for you. Also be sure to look at how much RAM the laptop you are purchasing has. Anything under 256 MB will make it difficult for some applications and software to run properly. Always test the laptop before purchasing it to be sure it suits your needs.

If you plan on watching lots of movies or videos on your laptop, you will likely want to opt for a wider LCD screen. While these laptops may be a bit lower on battery life and and a little heavier, as well as a bit more expensive, it will be worth it in the long run. Do not invest a lot of money in any laptop you only plan on keeping for a couple of years.

The more you travel, the lighter you will want your laptop to be. Look for a laptop that has a shock-resistant hard drive and spill-resistant keyboard.

No matter what laptop you decide on, check to see if it can be upgraded. However, keep in mind that the more upgrades you decide to purchase, the more expensive your laptop will become, even if you start out with a cheaper model. Also, be sure to check the battery life on the laptop. While most laptops these days come with the preferred Lithium-ion battery, watch out for laptops with a NiMH battery, as these will have to be frequently charged.

Look for a laptop with wireless connectivity, and if you plan on using printers, scanners or other peripheral devices, be sure the laptop comes with two or more USB ports.



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