Monday, February 28, 2011

Watch Football on PC - How to Watch Live Football on PC and Laptop

One of the most common requests when searching for PC software is the ability to watch football on PC and laptop screens.

Now I don't know about you but I'm a huge football fan, and love to watch any games that are being screened, so having been recommended to check out satellite TV software for my computer I began searching for what package offers the most bang for my buck.
PC satellite TV software basically offers you the ability to watch movies, sport, news, kids TV, music, and virtually any other entertainment that you can think of. This sounds great but one thing to be aware of is that not all packages are the same. Some charge monthly fees, several are poor quality, and many do not offer top quality channels.

As i'm not a particularly techno-savvy person I also wanted to find software that was easy to install, didn't need a satellite TV expert to setup, and didn't require any further hardware or software to use. This is also an important consideration as the last thing you want is to go out and buy a satellite dish after investing in the software.

After a lot of searching and reading many reviews of PC satellite TV packages I found the software that I still use everyday and am very happy with. Not only does the software have a low one-time fee (something I particularly wanted), but it also offered over 4000 channels from the major networks. The software works perfectly with even a slow internet connection so there is no problem for anyone that doesn't have broadband. The software is also instantly available via download and can be setup and ready in just a few minutes with no extra hardware or software needed.

Being able to watch live football on PC for such a low cost is great, and the software runs perfectly every time. Although there are several packages available I'd seriously suggest you invest in what I consider to be the best software, rather than try several others to only end up disappointed and out of pocket.

Related : Sony VAIO VPC-z114gx/S ASUS K60I-RBBBR05 Discounts laptop deal

Laptop Bags For Women - Every Woman Loves Them

The last 2 decades or so has seen a big influx of women in higher positions at the work place. While previously women were still looked down when it came to high managerial positions, nowadays it is a very normal thing to see a woman as a CEO of a company. This is one reason why many laptop bag manufacturers started coming out with great designs for laptop bags for women.

It is a fact that women like fashion more than men. While men do their shopping in a jiffy, women like to spend their time window shopping, trying out things, and generally enjoying themselves during the shopping time. It is not different with laptop bags either. Having a bag that matches a particular outfit, or maybe just the shoes and bag is a big plus with any woman who knows her value.

For example take pink. No man would ever go for a pink anything, neither in outfit or in bags. But a woman, give her a pink chic bag anytime and she'll reward you highly for it. There are many great laptop carry bags for women in pink and other fashionable colors these days and sometimes you just can't stop thinking about the Legally Blonde series of movies. Appearances can be deceiving indeed and behind any pink fluffy girl can hide a tough gal who knows her deal.

Pink jokes aside, there are nowadays some really gorgeous laptop cases for women around, all designer bags that any woman would be proud to have in her collection. And no matter the size of the laptop, be it a regular laptop or a smaller notebook, the bag will be big enough to fit it all.

Not only managers are using laptop bags. Just look at all those college students that are carrying their laptops to classes. They also need great bags and the college years are perfect to show off one's strong sense of fashion.

One of my wife's favorite series of women's laptop bags is the McKlein series of bags. For example the Lake Forest Leather bag is one that she personally has. I bought it for her for her last birthday and she can't stay away from it. It costs less than $100 at Amazon and it's a gorgeous piece.

Of course if you want something more expensive, you can always go for the Lodis Audrey Slim Triangle Briefcase. Not sure why it's called triangle, but the deep brown is something that even men would happily have. And the pure red is something that my wife is eying every time we stop at the pc bag page at Amazon. This one costs a bit more than the one I bought for my wife but it's really sleek, chic and modern. I think the reason why my wife wanted the first one (which was granted, easier on my wallet) is because it comes in pink and this one doesn't.

See Also : Sony VAIO VPC-EB17FX/B HP ENVY 13-1030NR

Sunday, February 27, 2011

5 Signs That Your Laptop is Failing

Have you ever wondered if your laptop was going to fail? Perhaps you hear some weird noises coming from the machine. Perhaps your laptop is taking too long to boot up, or maybe the screen is appearing kind of dim.

In this article, we will take a look at some of the danger signs that could mean your laptop needs to be upgraded or replaced.

1. Weird Hard Disk Noises
This is the most worrying sign from a laptop - a claking, or loud whirring sound from the laptop hard disk drive. Usually, a whirring hard disk drive means that the drive is starting to falter or fail. You should immediately back up all your important data! I once heard such noises from the laptop hard drive and within 2 days, the disk had crashed. And this tell tale sign of hard drive failure is usually spot on - so please watch out for this one.

2. Dead Pixels In The Screen
Usually, if you have dead pixels (unlit pixels) in the laptop screen, you can return them to the manufacturer to get a replacement laptop. This depends on the manufacturer's policy though - some of them only replace the laptop if you have more than say, 9 dead pixels across the whole screen. If you suddenly see several dead pixels in the laptop screen, it usually points towards LCD monitor damage, so watch out for this.

3. Boot Up Takes Too Long
This one is pretty common. Usually I hear of folks' whose laptops were fine initially but later starting booting up very, very slowly (10 minutes or more). The number one culprit in such situations is a lot of startup bloatware. Make sure you uninstall any software you don't need (excessive firewall or anti-virus programs cause a huge delay in startup times). If you've done that and the boot up is still slow, you might want to re-install the operating system. Many laptops come with a recovery disk to make this an easy job (just make you back up your critical data and documents first).

3. Battery Power Runs Out Too Fast
Yet another common problem is a battery that runs out of juice within 10 minutes, even though it is fully charged. The problem here, fortunately, is usually with the battery unit and not the laptop itself. So in these circumstances, get yourself a new battery. In certain cases, it could be due to faulty circuitry in the laptop body, though this is rare.

4. The Trackpad Fails
If you have a trackpad that is suddenly responding sluggishly, then it is also a sign that you need your laptop navigation system replaced. Usually, if you use an external mouse, this might not be a problem, but many folks I know use the trackpad and it is immensely irritating if the trackpad fails. So watch out for this sign of laptop failure (and bring an external mouse just in case).

5. Memory Problems
Laptop memory modules are and error-prone. Start the laptop on to try to control the machine as memory (RAM) to know that if your laptop has 2 GB of memory, the BIOS boot screen shows or 2GB of RAM should be assisted. If it is less likely, means having a defective memory module - which slows down the system immensely.

The other way to store, check your laptop with the tag go to the computer (Windows Vista) and click on it. Then click followed with information about Windows Help.The amount of memory available to Windows should be displayed in the dialog box that pops up - make sure it tallies with your understanding of how much RAM you have.

I hope this article has shown you 5 signs that could signal your laptop is going into critical, degradation mode. Watch out for these signs and try to prevent them where possible - it could save your laptop before it really crashes on you. Until next time, happy computing!

My Links : Toshiba Satellite L505D-ES5025

Why Choose a Custom Laptop?

As computing technology advances and a market of increasingly computer-savvy consumers emerges, a standard, run-of-the-mill laptop isn't always enough. Many people now choose a custom laptop; whether this is self-built or ready-made for them.

Gaming laptops

When it comes to gaming, a custom laptop offers both high performance and value-for-money. If you choose to build your own, this will involve purchasing many of the computer parts separately. This can save you money, as well as being a lot of fun!

Custom laptop advantages

There are many advantages to building your own custom laptop as opposed to buying a pre-built machine.

If you want a PC tailored to your needs, a custom build machine is apt. You'll have exactly what you want to use, and nothing that's unnecessary. This is true for either a computer you have built yourself or a custom laptop you order over the internet.

If you able to build a machine yourself and shop around, you high-quality components at very cheap price, so that a computer game means ideal for a price that is less than you pay to have pre-set system.

Another advantage by building a computer is that you learn a lot about the hardware.

For example, you have a CRU. The CRU is like the brain of a computer. It is the circuit that controls the laptop software, including on yourall of the games and various other applications you run off of your computer.

The motherboard is the part of your laptop that all the components connect to. The amount of RAM you can have is dictated by the motherboard you choose. Motherboards have slots to accommodate different types of add-on cards like sound cards, Ethernet cards and a modem, so you need to make sure you have the right amount of PCI slots for what you need to do.

If you are planning to select a custom laptop online then considerations as to how you will be using the computer will dictate how much you pay and which specifications you will need. An important consideration is how many USB ports you will be using; a basic office-functioning machine will only need the minimum amount; however a custom laptop required for many other functions may need many more.

Finally, it's important to many people to customise not only the inside of a laptop but the outside too, offering the chance to portray a unique image to the outside world and unleash some creativity, and you'll find many options for this type of customisation on the market.

Friends Link : Sony VAIO VPC-EB16FX/L

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Laptop Reviews - HP Pavilion dv7-4170US

Whether you're in the mood to replace your desktop computer or simply upgrade to an entertainment laptop to make your friends jealous, the HP Pavilion dv7-4170us should be at the top of your list. This is one entertainment PC for all ages, something that adds layers of fun for the whole family while turning computing back to what it's really all about: fun!

Starting with a unique 2.20GHz processor using VISION technology from AMD - Ultimate with AMD Phenom II, this incredible PC utilizes every ounce of its very special power connections. There's a 640GB SATA hard drive under the hood as well, along with 4GB of DDR3 RAM with maximum support range up to 8GB. Two memory slots make adding more a breeze.

The HP Pavilion dv7-4170us continues the party with a 17.3-inch diagonal HD LED display set to 1600x900 resolution. ATM Mobility Radeon HD 5470 switchable graphics complete the set, adding crispness to your gaming applications and brilliant clarity to everything else without stretching your computer to the limits.

Continuing the entertainment supremacy is HP's Beats Audio, a specifically designed set of audio enhancements that can kick your music up more than a few notches. Boost your bass and enhance the clarity of your sound with the use of one shortcut key or the push of a button. Impress your friends with the boom of the bass from your HP Pavilion dv7-4170us, but prepare for jealousy.

Digital media is a big part of the game, too, thanks to the highly accessible unit from Pavilion. This PC includes a five-in-one integrated digital media reader that allows for the connectivity and use of all of the cards and digital media objects you can imagine. The laptop also includes four USB 2.0 ports, a HDMI port, an eSATA/USB 2.0 split port, and a VGA port (15 pin) for good measure.

My Links : Toshiba Satellite M505-S4020 Toshiba Satellite L505D-ES5025

Friday, February 25, 2011

Laptop Security Device - 10 tips to protect your laptop and data

Here are 10 tips to prevent your laptop from theft as well as an explanation of laptop security devices that ensure your laptop and data are protected. The main attraction of laptops is their portability and mobility. It is great to be able to take your computer with you and use it anywhere. But with these benefits comes a risk of theft. Obviously theft is more likely to happen when an object can be picked up and carried away. Laptop security devices are important to prevent your laptop from being stolen as well as to prevent the data from your laptop being retrieved and used in the event that your laptop is a victim of theft.


1. NEVER leave your laptop or any valuables in plain sight in your car. Recently there has been an increase in car burglaries stemming from valuables being left in plain sight. Lock them in the trunk.

2. Don't use computer bags, while these maybe fashionable and comfortable they make it obvious that you are carrying a laptop. Try using a padded briefcase or suitcase instead.

3. Make sure your laptop is always with you. Do not check laptops in with your luggage while traveling. Never leave your laptop in your car in plain sight or any valuable objects for that matter. There has been a recent increase of car burglaries stemming from people leaving valuables in plain sight. Lock all valuables in the trunk.

4. Another great laptop security measure is to never leave access numbers or passwords in your carrying case. Keeping your password with your laptop is like keeping the keys in the car. Without your password or important access numbers it will be more difficult for a thief to access your personal and corporate information.

5. Keep your eye on your laptop. When you go through airport security don't lose sight of your bag while it's going through the scan or hold your bag until the person in front of you has gone through the metal detector. Many bags look alike and yours can easily be lost in the shuffle.

6. Avoid setting your laptop on the floor or the seat next to you. If you must set ti down make sure you are always aware of it by setting down against your leg or arm. Putting your laptop on the floor is an easy way to forget or lose track of it.

7. Use a screen guard when in public. This prevents people to look behind and see the sensitive information. This is especially useful if you travel or need to work in a crowded room.

8. Leave your laptop unsecured in your hotel room. Sometimes things tend to get lost in hotel rooms and are never safe. If you must leave your laptop in the room then use a cable to attach the security object in a stable, like the bed or desk. Another good thing to do is let the "notdisturb" sign on the door.

9. Labeling everything possible related to your laptop is an effective security measure. Label everything with the name of the individual that owns it, and ensure that these labels are conspicuous. The potential theft value of laptops is reduced greatly when additional work is required to remove the identifying marks. Conspicuous identity labels also significantly increase the risk of a potential thief being caught in the act of theft.

10. Buy a laptop security device. The next section details some options for laptop security devices.


Laptop Cable:

One of the most inexpensive and effective laptop security devices is a laptop cable. Very much like a bicycle lock, this cable attaches to your laptop and allows you to lock it to a stationary object. The cable makes it much more difficult for someone to steal your laptop.

Laptop Tracing Programs:

These programs will report the location of a stolen laptop. They work when the laptop connects to the Internet, and can report the laptop's exact physical location.

Motion Sensors and Alarms:

Unexpected loud noises make people wake up and take notice, something that aspiring thieves find very discouraging. Laptop security devices exist which use alarms as a form of protection.

While the signal mechanism of an alarm system is usually the same, the triggers are different. The idea is that if the user moves out of range of the device, or the laptop is moved out of range of the user, the alarm will sound. Thus, if someone tries to steal or remove the laptop, the alarm will sound, drawing attention to the theft. Another option is to is to buy an alarm that relies on nothing more than movement of the object that it is attached to. If the object that the sensor is attached to is moved, an alarm will sound. Entering the 3-digit security code will reset or disable the alarm once the device has been recovered.


Security measures available in order to prevent access to data on your laptop in the event that it is taken.

Set a Login Password:

Set a login name/password that way in order to successfully login in to a laptop You must have this information. If the application is wrong to refuse entry to the operating system will allow.

Set a BIOS password: Many laptops offer protection from a boat owner's share. More typically, the user is prompted for a password three times, then refuse to boot if there are three failures.


One of the best security measures are laptop file encryption program that encrypts files on the>laptop. A private unlock key is provided to the owner, and as long as your private key is kept safe, no one but you and your intended recipients will be able to view your data.

Biometric Fingerprint Readers: Another great laptop security device is the Biometric Reader. This type of laptop security device would provide authentication at the hardware level which would require authentication before the machine would even boot up. The idea behind biometrics is to use the uniqueness of certain features of a user, such as retinal pattern, fingerprints, and even typing characteristics, to accurately identify and authorize persons.

Friends Link : ASUS G51JX-3D Toshiba Satellite Pro L550-EZ1703 ASUS G51JX-X5

TV Tuner For Laptop Computer - How to Watch Satellite TV on Your Laptop?

Have you ever wanted to catch your latest shows right on your laptop? The truth of the matter is that more and more people are looking into installing a TV tuner onto their laptops and enjoying all their favorite programming as it gets downloaded onto their machine. If you want to reduce the amount of hardware that you have around the house or apartment, you'll find that you can turn your laptop into an excellent home entertainment system, so if you feel that this technological innovation is something that you would enjoy, there is some information that you should be aware of. Choosing the right TV tuners for laptop computers can make all the difference.

The first thing that you need to know is that your computer is capable of operating just like a television, as long as it has some equipment that will allow it to do so. Find out if your computer has a TV tuner in it. In many new models, this is something that you can find, but if you have a bit 'bigger or bare model, you need to visit an external TV tuner. An external tuner to connect to your home computer via a USB cable enables you to use an adapter to connect your laptop to plug in your cables. See what the right TV tuner for notebook computers can do for you.

If you are hunting for an external TV tuner, which is also known as a TV tuner card, go, you'll find that you can find easily at any time baseelectronics store. When you have a selection in front of them, make sure that you are looking for the number of channels that it will support as well as the frame rate that it will support. You will also find that you are going to need to make sure that it will sync up with the sound card that it provides, and finally, always make sure that the adaptor will fit what you have at home. This is all fairly basic, but don't decline the help of the store employees if you want clarification on a few Things. Finding the right TV tuner for laptops is one thing you have to make sure that you get right the first time.

If you're looking for a TV to turn your laptop in a place where you can see, you will find that most of the cases, you want to go to a PCMCIA TV tuner. These tuners are much more portable than desktop personal computers designed, but you will also find shops that are less and less features. A USB-based TV tuner is actuallyquite easy to use and easy to install, but keep in mind that if you have an older computer that it might not be able to process the heavy data flow.

Remember that finding the right TV tuner for notebook computer use is something that you are going to need to consider. This means that you can enjoy hours of entertainment, all without logging out or missing your AIM Chat, simply by finding the right TV tuners for laptop computers. 

Recommend : Compaq Presario CQ60-615DX Toshiba Satellite L555D-S7005

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A 17 Inch Laptop Sleeve

Laptops are a favorite among all, and people love it because of its portability and compactness. The convenience of carrying a laptop cannot be fulfilled with a desktop. This is why people prefer laptops as they can carry the world inside their bag and go anywhere. But laptops are priced higher than desktops and are very delicate. Thus one who owns a laptop need to be very careful with it and protect it at all circumstances.

When protection comes into question, laptop sleeve is the right answer. Laptop sleeves are covers for your laptop that protect your notebook from any harm to its skin. The most common type are the 17 inch laptop sleeves, as many people use 17" notebooks and can keep their laptop protected all the time.

These sleeves are simple skins on your laptop, and protect it from scratches and dust. These can be simply stored inside your bag or backpack and carried along. 17 inch laptop sleeve come in different colors and design to choose from. The manufacturing materials are usually cotton or rubber that can withstand impacts. These are washable so when they are dirty, you can simply put them in your washing machine.

Some of the 17 inch laptop sleeves come with a handle, and this is all the more better as you can carry it without putting it in another bag.

Some of the specifications of a 17 inch laptop screen are:

- Washable: The sleeve is washable that can be washed any number of times. All you have to do is put it inside your washing machine.
- Stain resistant: Most of them are stain resistant, so you don't have to worry about dirtying your sleeve.
- Make: They are made from 15 MM Neoprene and are highly durable.
- Stretchable: Most of the 17 inch sleeve comes with a stretchable feature, so bigger size laptops can fit into it.
- Interior lining: Some of these sleeves come with an interior lining which adds to the further protection of your laptop.
- Handle: Some of them come with detachable handles, and so you can carry them like your briefcase wherever you go.

Laptop sleeves are the best lightweight protection for your laptop. Purchasing sleeves are quite easy as these can also be brought from online stores.

See Also : Sony VAIO VPC-EB17FX/P Toshiba Satellite U505-S2010

The History of Laptop Computers

Have you ever wondered where the slim new laptops come now? As they are so small and so fast? It is true that modern laptops have experienced many changes over the years.

In this article I will try to create Laptop historical summary and a calendar. I say gross, because no one can really put my finger on the development of the first mobile computer. In any case, go!

Computer buffs may not know whocreated the first laptop, but most will agree that Alan Kay of the Xerox Palo Alto research center was the first to come up with the idea of the portable PC in the 1970s. Kay envisioned a portable computer much like the ones found today. Something small and lightweight that anyone could afford.

Some say that the first notebook that was actually built in 1979 by William Moggridge who was with Grid Systems Corp. It featured 340 kilobytes of memory, a folding screen, and was made of metal (magnesium). This was hardly like the laptop computers found today, but it was a start.

Arguably, the next mobile computer produced was in 1983 by Gavilan Computers. This laptop featured 64 128 megabytes of memory, a touchpad mouse, and even a portable printer. Weighing in at 9 pounds without the printer, this computer was actually only a few pounds heavier than notebooks found today.

Gavilan later failed largely due to their computer being incompatible with other computers. Mainly because the Gavilan laptop used their own operating system.

Apple Computers introduced the apple IIc model in 1984, but it wasn't all that much better than what Gavilan had produced a year earlier. It did feature an optional LCD panel which had on impact on later notebooks.

Finally in 1986 a true laptop was created by IBM called the IBM PC Convertible. I say

See Also : ASUS K52JK-A1 ASUS K52JR-A1 Toshiba Satellite A505-S6012

Lowering Mobile Plans

In today's economy, it is nice to know that laptop layaway plans are still available from a variety of retailers. Laptops have become a necessity for most students and business people alike. Unfortunately, a decent laptop is hard to come by for less than $700. Enter layaway or another type of monthly payment plan. Remember layaway plans? To reduce the cost of holding on to layaway inventory, and reduce the risk of customers abandoning merchandise, many retailers have stopped offering layaway. Even though it seems like they were only a thing of the past, layaway plans are alive and well, and are gaining momentum.

In case you are not familiar with layaway programs, here is a quick refresher. A monthly payment plan allows you to put a small down payment on the item you wish to purchase, usually around 10%, and often less, and then pay off the balance with interest free or low interest payments. A layaway plan will usually allow you to pay as little or as much as you want, as long as the item is paid off within the pre-determined amount of time. Besides being a cost-effective way to purchase your laptop when you do not have the cash to pay for it upfront, it may also be the best way to purchase laptops with bad credit. That is because layaway plans do not run credit checks. The retailer keeps the laptop until you have paid it off in full.

So, what retailers offer laptop layaway plans? Kmart is one store that has kept their layaway program alive for over 40 years, and is proud that it continues to reach out to customers from all walks of life. A laptop can be put on layaway at Kmart with a minimum down payment. Another great resource is Sears. The company recently revived their layaway plan, claiming that it was responsible for increasing holiday sales over the last couple of years.

Even online retailers have begun offering layaway programs. is responsible for representing numerous products from several large companies, including Best Buy. At the time of this writing, a $2500 Apple Macbook Pro could be put on layaway for around $233 a month. This model was only one of several more budget conscious models available. One notable difference when you use, your plan will specify an exact amount to be paid each month, which is then automatically deducted from your bank account. What a small price to pay for such convenience!

My Links : Sony VAIO VF111FX/B

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Broken Laptop Screen Leads to Trade in For Cash

I had definitely gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. 8 A.M., with wrecked hair and badly-burnt coffee, I began my work-day with the intention of collating some old emails. Unfortunately, my laptop would not power up. After numerous attempts to woo, coddle, and accolade the machine, I finally got the old laptop to power up. A few minutes later, detecting its sudden bit of verbal inattention, the laptop involuntarily shut down and became once more a black screen. Bad words were said. A quick consultation with my husband, who is much more technical-minded than I, provided me with the realization that I had an old, broken laptop which I must trade in for a new one. After a brief Googling, I come across a site that would pay me to trade in my used laptop. This seemed too good to be true, especially because I could trade in a laptop that was both old and broken to get cash to supplement a new laptop. At that moment, I thought that the sun had just come out on my cloudy day.

I visited the website immediately to do some preliminary research. First, I noticed the professional graphics on the site and the E-trust and Veri-sign verification logos at the bottom. This was very promising thus far, for I had become somewhat attached to the old laptop in the past few years and I wanted to get the best possible value for it when I trade the laptop in. The first step was to get a quote. This took less than thirty seconds and I was ecstatic to get an offer of $150 to trade in my used, broken laptop. This was great news. However, my next question was how a business that could recycle an old or broken laptop could work, so I consulted the FAQ to find out. There I discovered more great news. The website pays for shipping, by sending a pre-paid, insured box to ship my laptop in. Once, the used laptop is received, its memory is erased, and within one day, a check is mailed to the customer. Already, I was thinking that this was probably the easiest possible process to trade in my broken laptop, however I wanted to do some alternative research to see what other deals I could get.

First, I went to some competitor sites, which also offered to pay cash to trade in a used or broken laptop. I found that these sites either didn't offer as much money as the first site I went to did, or the websites just appeared to be scams with inexplicit privacy policies, or vague information on the location/age of the business. Then, I went to E-bay and ran a search for used laptop parts. Almost a thousand hits. Considering that I didn't have the time, energy, or technical know-how to take apart my used laptop and requisition its parts, I decided to try local. I called a local computer store who offered to buy my used laptop for $100. I politely declined the offer and decided that my first option to trade in the broken laptop was the most viable and economic option. Plus, I felt good about doing my part to recycle electronic waste and help save the planet. (It was the least I could do for the planet, considering the hundreds of aerosol hair-spray cans I have used throughout the years.)

Needless to say, in a few days I got the prepaid box, slipped the broken laptop in it, and slapped the shipping label on it (which came in the box). In a few more days, the mailman delivered a deliciously sweet $150 check in my name. With this, and a little help from a healthy tax return, I am enjoying the sound of the happy clicking of shiny keys on a new laptop. Thus, I have already collated those emails, and have a bit of extra time to give some advice on how to easily trade in an old, broken laptop. However, I am at a bit of a loss with the burnt coffee...

Related : Toshiba Qosmio X505-Q860

Start Watching Free Streaming Movies on Your Laptop

Your boring PC is a great place to watch free streaming movies. Did you know that? No i didn't either until i found out the ways, the tips and the tricks to start watching Hollywood Blockbusters online.

Get watching online and remember that every day more and more streams and websites appear on the internet.

You will also need a selection of media players installed on your computer. They are all free to download. You will need Adobe Flash player, Windows Media Player and Apple Quicktime for example and probably already have them installed.

Most movies are streamed to your computer as you watch. There is also the option of downloading first to watch at your leisure. Most are streamed though and that is why a fast connection is needed.

Now to get watching the streams just visit one of the hundreds of websites around that have links to the movies and tv shows. One such site is that has a big choice of free streaming movies.

By looking through the many streaming TV and movie sites online you are able to view latest movies and TV shows as soon as they are released. Please look for different streams if the quality or speed are not good enough.

Today it is so much easier than ever before to see free streaming movies and television shows from your computer.

So is this legal? Well it is a grey area but the websites would be shut down if there was an issue and nobody has ever been jailed for watching online movies.

See Also : Toshiba Satellite M505D-S4000

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

HP Compaq Presario CQ60-615DX - Budget 15.6 Inch Laptop

For its price the HP Compaq Presario CQ60-615DX looks very professional. Bearing a glossy finish lid with black screen bezel and silver keyboard bezel, the laptop looks like something far more expensive. There's plenty of space for the keyboard keys and it even comes with a numeric keypad. Typing on the keyboard is very comfortable while the touch-pad is smooth and responsive something which only a few netbooks can offer. The HP Compaq Presario CQ60-615DX's 15.6 inch display is bright and clear while the chassis is fairly solid. At 6.2 pounds it does weigh a bit more than your average 15.6 inch laptop but the build quality more than makes up for it.

Powered by an Intel Celeron 900 processor and 2GB of DDR2 memory the HP Compaq Presario CQ60-615DX is more or less as powerful as most netbooks. However its older Intel GMA 4500MHD integrated graphics is still equal if not better than most netbooks, unless you're talking about the ION powered ones. Thanks to the displays 1366 x 768 pixel resolution you can watch up to 720p HD video which is relatively smooth using the integrated graphics. A 250GB hard disk drive offers a good amount of storage while its DVD burner offers allows DVD playback and archiving, something which no netbook can do.

Other features on the HP Compaq Presario CQ60-615DX include good Altec Lansing speakers and wireless-n wi-fi connectivity. Other connections include three USB ports, a VGA port and an RJ-45 Ethernet LAN port. Performance is good so long as you don't multi task or use too many different applications at one go. This fits with a basic netbook performance but the extra features and space offers a bit more functionality than any netbook you can find on the market. While the laptop does run on a Windows 7 Home Premium operating system it is responsive as long as you treat it just like a netbook allowing it to run most office applications and surf the Internet.

Overall, the HP Compaq Presario CQ60-615DX is a good basic 15.6 inch laptop that rivals most performance netbooks in price as well as performance. This makes it ideal for the basic user who doesn't need more than a netbook but wants something with a larger screen and a DVD drive.

Tags : Toshiba Satellite A505D-S6008

The Never Ending Laptop Vs Notebook Debate

If it comes to choosing a cheap laptop or notebook there is one thing to be sure that there is so the debate between everyone whether a laptop and notebook computers are the same or different. On one side of the debate, which have many experts agree that the two are completely different. Going with the notion that a laptop is a portable computer known as a notebook for recording, will argue the point until your eyes cross and pointed out all possibleThings like a notebook is defined by different companies have different options on the type of processor, memory, and optical drives. If you look at this concept, a notebook would be a real machine detects that there are no problems what so ever running word processing capabilities, Internet access and can also come with an optical drive for archiving methods data.

Across the table that you have a laptop, which obviously has more processing powerSkills as well as RAM and have no problems running multimedia applications and development of high-end software such as CAD or Photoshop and Dreamweaver. But the concept of them is even more confusing when you know that some companies are starting to computer to use the terms loosely and all their laptops for one or another conversation. Some even separate them according to their skills and as a result of years of debate among experts in the field, if developedare exactly the same thing or different.

After the first set of experts in the search for a cheap notebook computer laptop, go with the notebook, because it has features that make it less convenient. On the other hand, business as many call them one or the other, this process is the decision must be made much more difficult. Instead of thinking if you want a cheap laptop or notebook, you should instead think that it worksIn particular, notebook computers, and only for a look that is affordable and has all the features you need.

Let me not to get drawn into this discussion, it is not worth all the effort, just think of it as a mobile PC and nothing else. Otherwise you could spend many days are looking for a low-cost notebook or laptop, even if you need one another. Save yourself the trouble to sit down and think about what you have decided to pay attention to the handset and switchthere. Once this part is out of the way, finding a cheap notebook/laptop will be a much easier task because you know what you need and can then compare prices looking for the cheapest, without having to give up any features.

Recommend : Toshiba Satellite T115D-S1125 HP Pavilion DV4-2167SB ASUS K42F-A1

Monday, February 21, 2011

Dell Inspiron 1545 15.6-Inch Laptop (2.1ghz Pentium, 4gb Ram, 250gb, 4.5 Hours Battery Life)

Specifications: Dell is a brand that has been long associated with affordable computers. The Dell Inspiron 1545 is one of its latest 15.6-inch laptop models to hit the market. It is an entry-level model that is well suited for light/moderate PC users and also those who are planning to get a laptop on a budget. This model is powered by an Intel Pentium T4300 2.1Ghz processor. It has a 250GB hard drive and 4GB of RAM. For graphics, this laptop comes with an Intel GMA 4500MHD graphics processor. Other notable features include 3 USB ports and a 7-in-1 card reader.

Design: The Dell Inspiron 1545 comes in a variety of colors but I have had the pleasure of reviewing the black one. It was an all-black model where every part of the laptop (from the lid to the keyboard to the screen bezel) is black in color. This model measures at 14.7 x 9.6 x 1.5 inches and weighs 5.8 pounds. Overall, this laptop has an elegant and professional feel to it.

Features & Performance: The Dell Inspiron 1545 also comes with 802.11b/g wi-fi connectivity, a 8X DVD drive, stereo speakers and is powered by a 6-cell battery. The battery on this model can last up to 4.5 hours on a single charge. Like most dell computers, this laptop comes with a set of unique Dell features such as Dell Dock, Dell DataSafe Online and Dell Remote Access. All in all, the Dell Inspiron 1545 15.6-inch laptop is would make a great student or business laptop for anyone who is looking for an affordable and straightforward laptop model. At the moment, it is priced at just around $531 each.

Related : ASUS U30JC-A1 Toshiba Satellite Pro L550-EZ1703 HP EliteBook 8740w WH276UT

Mini-laptop for children

Recently, mini laptop computer manufacturers have decided to focus on a much younger crowd. When I say "a much younger crowd", I'm 'not' talking about college students or high school students - I'm talking about children in elementary school and middle school - kids ranging in age from six years old to 12 years old.

One of the world's largest and well-known PC manufacturers has come out recently with the announcement that they're going to be releasing mini laptop computers for kids. Many in the industry believe that HP's decision to come out with their own brand of mini laptop computer for children is a direct reaction to the success of competitor Asus' Eee mini laptop computer. The Eee laptop computer has been highly successful ever since its release; in fact, it has become a huge top seller. The Asus Eee features a seven inch screen. However, the company does not refer to it as a laptop computer - instead, they refer to it as a (super mobile internet device). It has taken the industry by storm and has solidified itself as a favorite of middle-school children. Asus is now seeing an influx of competitors now trying to muscle in on a piece of the market.

However, up until now, HP is the most recognizable company that has tested the mini laptop computers for kids market. HP's mini PC also known as the Mini-Note packs a lot more features than the Eee. For starters, instead of a seven inch screen, it has a nine inch screen. The look of it is pretty cool also, because it comes in a sleek and sturdy design with an anodized aluminum shell.

The Mini-Note is also child proof to an extent, because its display is scratch-resistant while the keyboard is coated with a protective finish. Adults can also use the Mini-Note because it is larger than the Eee with a larger screen. For additional protection from children, it comes equipped with HP's 3D DriveGuard. This is a great feature for the child with butter fingers. A signal is sent to the computer's hard drive when it's dropped.

That's not all that puts the Mini-Note ahead of the Asus Eee. HP's mini laptop computers for kids also come with Wi-Fi capabilities as well as a USB drive. However, you're going to spend at least a hundred dollars more for the HP mini PC.

The Mini-Note is an attempt to compete with a rival, but it is also an attempt to make their presence felt in the education market, a market that's not currently dominated by HP. In fact, Dell and Apple are the two biggest manufacturers that cater to the education market. Their computers are being predominantly used by schools all over the country - HP comes in at a distant third. In addition to coming out with the Mini-Note, HP is also coming out with an online resource where teachers can access tutorials and other teaching tools on the internet called the Teacher Experience Exchange. This is another attempt for the company's name to stay on the minds and tongues of educators all over the country.

My Links : Toshiba Qosmio X505-Q860 ASUS G51JX-3D Toshiba Satellite U505-S2010

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Is Your Laptop Running Slow?

Is your laptop running slow? Remember sometime around this time last year, or maybe the year before that (if it was before then we'll just pretend) when your new computer worked perfectly? It only took seconds for your computer to boot up. Now you can take a shower, have breakfast and wash the dishes in the time it takes the start menu to show up. Why is your laptop running slow?

Your computer is similar to your car in that you need to maintain it. Ever notice the difference between an older well maintained car and a car that was never maintained. The same differences exist between a well maintained computer and one that is just worked to death.

To make your computer run faster you can just reformat the whole computer, although if you have a lot of information and programs on your computer then this may not seem like such an appealing task. Of course, you could just decide to bite the bullet, clean up your files, eliminate what you don't need, burn all your files onto a CD. Save any programs you want and reformat. Yuck! What a job! This one is up to you.

You could go into the windows registry and fix the registry problems that are probably slowing down your computer. The thing of it is; do you know where the windows registry is and what to fix when you get there?

The windows registry is a central component to the windows system and it holds all of the windows applications, sort of like a large database. And because it is like the backbone of the whole system if you manually change something that you were not supposed to change. Whoops! There goes the system, and all your files, and all your music, and all your photos. Oh, oh, now what!

There are programs that help you clean the windows registry on your laptop. These are called windows registry cleaners, and can be found and downloaded to your computer. Using one of these windows registry cleaners will tune up the windows registry and make your laptop run faster and more efficiently. Just as a tune up does the same for your car.

The benefit of a windows registry tune-up is that you can do it yourself, because most registry cleaning utilities are easy to use. All you need to do is, install it, run the program and let it find and list the errors for you. Before letting the program fix the errors, choose the create a back up option, just in case something should go wrong, and then click fix registry and you are done. The program does the rest for you and you wont have to suffer from your laptop running slow again.

Related : Sony VAIO VPC-EB17FX/B Sony VAIO VPC-CW23FX/P Toshiba Qosmio X505-Q860

Laptops Guide: Choosing a Laptop that is Right for You

Most of us tend to think of laptops in the same way: a fairly small portable computer that can open and close like a suitcase, with all the functionality of a desktop. In fact, the term "portable" is very general, really. There are currently four main styles of these portable PCs, each something different, depending on your needs.

ultralight aircraft - also known as ultra-portable sub-notebook or laptop weighs style - and no morethan - four pounds, making them ideal for travelers. The upside of an ultralight is that it doesn't burden those who have to spend a lot of time carrying them with aching muscles, as its larger cousins often do. The downside, however, is that - in order to cut down on the size and weight - this type of laptop is so small that there's no room for a network card or internal CD drive. In order to reap the benefits of these types of "attachments," you'd have to bring an external CD drive and port replicator. Another negative in the scenario is that ultralights tend to be on the expensive end of the laptop spectrum.

Notebooks - This is basically just a regular laptop, but is slightly less heavy, weighing in at four to six pounds. While it's heavier than the smaller ultralight, it also offers more options with less fuss. Offering the flexibility of a combo bay, notebooks are designed with a large opening on the side which allows the user to plug a CD drive, floppy disk or extra battery - allowing you to access the features that you need without the burden of making room for those that aren't needed.

Standards - Commonly referred to as "regular laptops," these weigh between six and eight pounds and offer a full range of benefits. This technological pack-mule is the best buy - dollar for dollar - when you consider the cost/performance ratio. Due to their popularity, combined with their design and usability, it's not uncommon to find discounts on these from major manufacturers. Other types of laptops, which fall into more specialized categories, tend to be in the higher price ranges. The bottom line is, of the four main types of laptops, the standard is the most economical for the most reasonable amount of money.

Extra Large - Although this type of laptop doesn't yet have a technical name, it's best to simply refer to it as "extra large," since they weigh between eight and ten pounds and have a screen that measures at least 17 inches. In addition, the keyboard is much larger than a standard laptop, making it a more comfortable fit for those who find the keyboard of the standard laptop rather inhibitive. There are a couple of downfalls to owning this type of unit, not the least of which includes its weight. There can be a four pound difference between the weight of a standard and an extra large laptop - and that's quite a bit, when you think about lugging it around all Day. The other negative factor is the cost for this type of laptop. It 's a price as strong as its weight and size.

The purchase of a laptop comes down to personal preference and there are lots of styles in the laptop community to please everyone in short supply. For those who can decide and just want "a laptop", then it's probably better to keep to the standard model.

Tags : Sony VAIO VPC-EB16FX/L Sony VAIO VPC-EB17FX/L HP ENVY 13-1030NR

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Are Refurbished Laptop Computers As Good As New?

Refurbished laptop computers are laptop computers that have had the internal memory cleaned, have been fully serviced and are made ready for re-sale. Typically, a refurbished computer is best bought whenever it is under six months old, but savings can be had when purchasing an older model.

There is some controversy over whether a refurbished laptop computer is as good as a new computer, but there is no clear consistent answer. There are many variables that can be taken into consideration when determining whether a particular refurbished laptop is as good as a new one, such as the age of the laptop and what the refurbishing process entailed.

Typically, a laptop that is bought under six months from its original release, given a full memory swipe and revamped through a professional service technician, will perform just as well as a new computer, if not better. On the other hand, a laptop that is bought after the six to seven months of its original release and is only given a base memory clean from an unprofessional technician will not perform as well as a new one.

If you are looking to purchase a refurbished laptop computer, it is important to make the purchase within six months of the original release for the sake of the quality of the computer and the possibility that a virus or spyware could latch on from a previous owner's lack of care. It is also important to have the laptop refurbished by a trained professional who does a complete refreshing of the computer. If those variables are taken into consideration, you will be much more likely to purchase a high performing, refurbished laptop computer that works as good as new.

Overall, the majority of laptops if taken care of properly and refurbished correctly will perform as good as new, but it is best to avoid laptops over two years or so old for the compatibility issues and performance output. Before The purchase of a refurbished laptop, you should check the basic guarantee and warranty, if not come back for him.

Tags : Toshiba Qosmio X505-Q860

The Best Laptop Computer For College Students

Laptops are now essential for college students as the books. Today many professors will assign online work and homework. Some colleges even now have online classes you can take. A common question from college students is "What is the best laptop computer for college students?" I want to say there is not exactly one laptop that is the best for all college students. There are a huge variety of laptops available to choose from. I am going to tell you what you should look for in a laptop and I provide a link to a recommendation where you can in my opinion buy the best laptop computer for college student.

Buy a laptop you can afford

There are a lot of fancy laptops out there, but you do not need to buy the most expensive laptop. As a college student you already have tuition, books, school materials, and possible loans to pay for. Most laptops now today can do pretty much the same thing, and provide what is needed for school, such internet access, word processing, basic tasks, music, and even games that you may be interested in.

A light and thin laptop is best

A common reason people love laptops is because of their portability. As a college student you most likely will have to carry multiple books with you throughout the campus for your class. You do not need a heavy fat machine adding extra weight to drag you down. Many up-to-date lightweight laptops are now on the market, and will make your walk through the campus a lot easier.

Buying a laptop with wireless internet is important

Today most colleges provide wireless internet on their campus, and offer the service to their students. So it is important for you to buy a laptop with wireless internet access. A laptop with wireless internet access can connect to the school's wireless internet connection anywhere within the campus, regardless if you is outside or in one of the school's facilities. If your school do not have wireless internet, it most likely will soon, so it is still important to buy a laptop with wireless internet access.

Space and Speed

I would like to also mention that if you plan on storing music and games on your laptop, you should consider the speed and hard drive capacity when buying a laptop. You should buy a laptop with at least 60-70 GB (Gigabites) of hard drive capacity (hard drive stores information) and processor speed of at least 1.46GHz (determines speed of laptop)

See Also : Toshiba Satellite T135-S1300 Toshiba Satellite U505-S2010 Sony VAIO VPC-EB17FX/B

Friday, February 18, 2011

Buying a New Laptop - What to Know, and What to Look For

It 's time of year again. Summer is drawing to a close for the clearance and the colder climate means the leaves change color and schools all over the world are about to open their doors. One thing that many parents (and students) are afraid of departure is that the school, its students ask them to use laptops in their classes. But fear not, for I have created a tutorial that make it easier to buy the right laptop a lot. And if it is not expected to fall this school, theseguide should still assist you in your quest for a business or personal laptop for yourself or someone in need this holiday season.

Why are you buying a new Laptop?

Maybe you're one of the parents looking to find a laptop for their child to take to school this year, or perhaps you're looking for a system that will give you a new edge at the office. The reason you are buying your laptop is going to determine what you're going to need out of the new system. If your laptop is going to be using Computer Animated Design software for example, you're going to want a more powerful processor than if you're merely using it for Word Processing or Internet based research. Are you a hardcore gamer? Do you like editing photos or creating videos? Are you a musician looking to get some better exposure? It may be best for you to jot down every possible scenario you could see yourself using the laptop before you read the next section of the guide, to be sure you're getting everything you need out of the system.

Laptops come in all shapes and sizes.

Size does matter.

This is a feature that a lot of people overlook when buying a laptop, but the size and physical features of the laptop are arguably one of the most important. Where the processor, amount of ram, and hard drive can be upgraded and replaced as needed, features like the size of the laptop, the placement of its various input/output ports and it's weight are all things that you're realistically going to be stuck with after your purchase it. Some things to ask yourself are:

How large of a screen am I going to need?
Am I going to be carrying this laptop around a lot?
How many peripherals are going to be attached to the laptop?
Am I going to miss not having the NUMPAD on my keyboard?

The size of the screen is going to directly affect the size of the laptop, so this question is important. If you are buying this laptop to edit photos, create videos, play games or watch movies and television then you'll likely want a large screen. Keep in mind that large screen laptops are heavier, and therefor if you're going to be crossing a large campus on a daily basis you'll need to consider that as well. The number of peripherals you'll be attaching to the laptop also helps narrow down what you'll be using it for. The most important consideration is the number of USB ports you'll have, as most accessories and devices connect to a laptop using these ports. A printer that isn't wireless, a drawing tablet, a wired or wireless mouse and a USB storage drive are all examples of devices that connect via USB. If you intend on connecting your laptop up to a monitor at any given time you'll want to consider the Output connection on the laptop as well. Finally, one of the most overlooked features of a laptop is the presence or absence of the NUMPAD on the keyboard. The NUMPAD is the 16 button portion beside your arrow keys that sort of resembles a telephone. Though, it is possible to purchase a USB powered external NUMPAD for a laptop, if you're used to having one, it's best to have it attached to the laptop itself.

What makes a good Laptop?

Now that you have an idea about what you want your laptop to look like on the outside, it's time to consider what you'd like to see on the inside. If you're buying this laptop merely to use programs like Microsoft Office, an internet browser and iTunes then you're not going to need a whole lot of power from your system. Laptops on the retail market these days come equipped with Windows 7 as an operating system, and unlike their Vista counterparts a couple years back will come designed to handle running the operating system smoothly. That being said, a good benchmark to set for your system will be 4GB of RAM; preferably DDR3, A quality dual core processor (avoid the Intel Celeron series for example), and then a hard drive based off how much you plan to store on your computer. Typically hard drives from 250 - 500GB are the most commonly found on lower to mid ranged laptops, and that should be more than sufficient storage space.

If your plan is to use more intensive programs, such as Graphic Design software, Music editing software, or anything else that will create an intensive load on your system you'll want to take a closer look at your Processor. A processor that boasts dynamic performance enhancement, such as the Multithreading feature offered in the Intel i series of processors are a good choice for this. The cores of the i3-i7 processors are designed to divide tasks up into threads within each processing core, allowing your system to think it has more cores to work with, the end result being that it can force a little extra power out of your system in a pinch. Another handy feature to watch for is the size of your L2 and L3 cache. The larger the cache, the more your system is able to do without slowing itself down to access more distant memory sources, and that means quicker response times to whatever you need to access.

If you're buying this system specifically for gaming, or for High Definition multimedia or 3D modeling, you'll want to consider the Graphics Card your system will come with. For the most part, a 1GB of video memory in the graphics card should be more than powerful enough to handle whatever your needs are, but it would be wise to check the specific requirements of the game or software you're installing, and be sure that the features you need are included in the design of the card.

Finally, the battery life of the laptop could be important as well. If you plan on using the laptop in a lot of places where there are no power sources, you'll want a laptop with a longer than average battery life. And considering the average battery life of a laptop varies from 2-4 hours, this can be a very important decision for the commuting over-achiever or social butterfly.

The Hard Drive of a Laptop stores all your data.

Where to go from here?

So you've finally decided on a laptop that fits all your needs. It's the right size, has the NUMPAD on the side, doesn't weight too much and it's a sweet shade of charcoal gray. Now that you're ready to dish out on the system, it's time to consider everything else you're going to need to work at maximum efficiency.

For software, consider again what you'll be doing with your laptop. If you're ever planning to take it online by any capacity (and who isn't, these days) then you're going to want a reputable Antivirus program. One of the best right now is from a company called Kaspersky. As of this writing, it has been found to locate and quarantine/remove the largest library of malicious software of any Antivirus in the retail market. The internet security package also includes metrics to protect your personal identity online from online phishers. This can be important if you access your bank information or log into sensitive company assets over the internet.

Another must have for business and school is the Microsoft Office suite. Microsoft Office comes in many packages, and the one that is right for you depends on what you need for work. Most users will find the Home and Student offering to be enough, featuring Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. This allows you to create professional documents and resume's, organize slide show presentations, and create powerful spreadsheets. Other popular programs included in other Office suites are Outlook, a program used to organize e-mail in ways most internet services can not, and Access, a program that can create Databases for organizing and storing information on anything from sales records to your Elvis Presley collectibles. Make sure when you're purchasing a copy of Microsoft Office that it has every program you need to be successful.

Graphic designers or photography buffs will want to get their hands on photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop. A music producer will need a program to allow them to record, edit and store music. Gamers will need to shell out for their latest digital fix, and Web Designers will likely want to purchase a license for Macromedia Flash or Adobe Dreamweaver.

What about Accessories?

So now you have a laptop and software to go with it. What else could you possibly need? Well for starters, what do you plan on carrying it in? Laptop bags come in several varieties. Slipcases for storing your system in a backpack or briefcase, messenger bags for carrying your laptop and a couple needed accessories, and larger briefcase style bags to carry your laptop along with work materials. They come in all sizes to accommodate a laptop of any size, so be sure the bag you're buying will hold the 17" wide screen your purchased.

Another accessory to add to your list is a wireless mouse. Most people (myself included) do not like the touch pad that comes with your laptop, so by plugging in a receiver into a USB port of your laptop you can replace that dodgy pad with a traditional mouse, AND you don't have to untangle 4 feet of wire first, either. Other input peripherals include a NUMPAD if your laptop keyboard doesn't have one, or a Tablet for sketching or signing documents.

If you plan on listening to a lot of music, voice chatting, or even just taking verbal notes for your to do list, you may want to consider purchasing a USB Headphone/Microphone combination. If you want to add video conferencing, or creating video blogs to that list you'll want to purchase a web camera as well. (keep in mind that many laptops come with a camera and/or mic built into the screen). If To save a large amount of data or storage of sensitive data that can not afford to lose, invest in an external hard drive. You save at least the amount of data such as your laptop, and can even fly on a scheduled system. Moreover, they are easy to install and can also be portable to take with you wherever you go.

If the house will be a lot of pressure and working in several areas, wireless printer is a good addition to any purchase of the laptop.They are no longer more expensive than their wired counterparts, and who make the choice on the most powerful and versatile than the money spent. Be sure to weigh the cost of the printer with the costs and revenues, and ink. Generally, the cheaper the printer, the more expensive it will receive the ink.

Finally, if you're not wirelessly to your home, there's no better time than now. Your laptop will come with a wireless adapter built right in, so it is necessary to collect onlya Wireless Router. For the cost of technology, spend the extra $10 or so dollars and opt for a Wireless N system. It has a faster wireless download speed and a much larger signal range, allowing you to update your Facebook status from the bedroom, or destroy your best friends Town Hall from the comfort of your lawn chair. Keep in mind that just about any wireless router you purchase comes with at least 4 Ethernet ports so your wired desktop and/or gaming consoles can still be connected to the network as well.

Most of your accessories will connect to your laptop using a USB connection.

The Router Goes Where?

So now you've finally made your big shopping list of everything you're going to need to get back to school in style this year, and looking at the list you're starting to wonder how you're going to get it all installed, set up and be ready in time for the start of your classes. It's time for you to consider the last step of buying a new System ...

Every retailer worth salt will assist in the creation of a new laptop. You turn it on, install the hardware connections, install the printer driver, and in some cases they may even go so far as the home unit and set the wireless network. If the idea to configure your home computer, new laptop, Xbox 360 and iPod touch with a network that is frightened, it can save you hours of frustration and having to pay all professionalinstalled and configured.

One last thing to check how your investment is protected. If you start from scratch, you're probably close to spending up to a thousand dollars for the new, and in some cases even more. And although the idea of adding another cost to the already daunting list you are willing to pay may seem like a bad idea, the next test can literally save your ass in a pinch seem. What I'm talking about is the dreaded Extended Service Plan.Unfortunately, I think that sellers of used cars ee the Commission on the basis of e-commerce activities ESP given a bad name. The extended service plan really exists to protect the investment made for the limited warranty for major electronics manufacturers.

One year limited warranty provided by companies such as HP or Dell to cover manufacturing defects only. Which means that if the problem directly, has caused an error in making the product, HP or Dell will deny,you any assistance or monetary compensation for the system. And believe me, they will do anything to convince you that they didn't mess up. What does that mean for you? Well, without assistance from an Extended Warranty, odds are good that you're stuck with that laptop with the dead hard drive and faulty screen.

The extended warranty however, will protect your Laptop against any and all damages and defects incurred during the life of the warranty, typically between 2-4 years. This means that if a year and a half down the road the cheap hard drive that HP placed in your laptop dies out, you can call the company that you purchased your warranty from and either get your laptop repaired, get it replaced, or get your money back (less the money spent purchasing the warranty). And in most cases, the cost of the warranty is less than even the cost of buying the replacement part, let alone the cost to have it replaced.

I hope this guide has been helpful in assisting you in purchasing not only a new laptop, but everything that you'll need to go with it. I spent a lot of time writing this from first hand knowledge, and any feedback you can provide will be most appreciated. Happy hunting, and I'll see you online!

Tags : Laptop deal Toshiba Tecra A11-S3540 ASUS K42F-A1

Laptop Skins Craziness

With laptops becoming more and more a part of our life, just like computers already did, a new trend came to life - laptop skins. This simple, yet effective modification for your laptop lets you completely change the way you feel about your favorite gadget.

Let's think about for a second. Having a laptop skin is not just an fashion statement (although it could be a pretty damn cool one). Laptop skin can also serve to protect your laptop from scratches, smudges and unwanted damage etc. It is very similar to the way you your protect your car seats. And it's much easier to replace a scratched laptop skin (~$20) then a damaged laptop.

Another creative use of a laptop skin is to for marketing purposes. You can put your company logo on it and let everyone know about it when you open up your laptop in a cafe, club or an airplane. Since it is a pretty new thing (it all started about two years ago) it will be a real attention grabber. Being so cheap laptop skins are also collectible - you can build your own collection. You can have a skin for a certain occasion, current mood or just time of the day! Use your imagination. Personalize yourself.

Last but not least, it allows you to freshen up the looks of your laptop giving you more pleasure every time you use it. It also lets you express your opinion on anything because you can put virtually everything on it. So simple, so cheap and yet so wonderful invention.

See Also : Sony VAIO VPC-F111FX/H

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Laptop Memory Upgrades - Can Desktop Memory Be Used in Laptops and Vice Versa?

Why can not, desktop netbook storage in use in a laptop, notebook, sub notebook, or (as they all apply here) and vice versa.

For those looking for the quick response

Unfortunately, only in very limited cases, the computer's memory can be used as a desktop not laptop computer memory laptop computer desktop can not be used. There are several reasons for this and find out why I suggest you read the answer below for more information. If yoube struck for time however, just remember, laptop memory upgrades cannot be used as desktop memory upgrades and vice versa because they vary in size.

For those that desire a longer answer (recommended)

To appreciate why it is not possible to use laptop computer memory in desktop computers and vice versa, we first of all have to remove the single facet that breaks this rule. In the very old days when laptops were only just appearing they used memory that came on SIMM's, otherwise known as Single-Inline-Memory-Modules. These were indeed the same used in desktop computers at the time, either in 30pin or 72pin configurations. As laptops entered mainstream and so became less of a brick and more of a mobile tool did this facet change.

Ever since laptops became mainstream they have used a variation of the same computer memory used in desktop computers. For this reason it is common for you to stumble upon model names such as PC2100, PC2700, PC3200, PC2-3200, PC2-5300, and even more recently PC3-8500 etc. that you also find in desktop computer memory. The reason behind the all important "why" is that laptops are simply a subset of personal computers. They are designed around the same principles thus make use of a series of the same technologies. The "why" behind why they make use of a wide range of joint technologies is a topic on its own, but for now the best way for you to think of this is that as a result of these, they are made compatible and can run the same software and use very similar hardware.

So what are the differences that may ask? From the above we know that is not the most important distinction lies in storage technology. PC2100 DDR memory in laptops and desktop computers in PC2100 DDR memory, and the same goes for the real difference PC2-5300 DDR2 PC2-5300 DDR2 laptop and desktop, etc. The memory is actually in the memory module itself. If you rememberfrom above, very old laptops used memory that came on 30/72pin SIMM's, just as desktops did back in the day. Modern laptop computer memory comes on DIMM's, otherwise known as Dual-Inline-Memory-Modules. This is not however the main difference, to find this we must introduce SO-DIMM's, which are the laptop variety of DIMM's.

SO-DIMM's are mini versions of DIMM's. Depending on the memory technology they carry onboard (have soldered onto their PCB - Printed Circuit Board) they will somewhat vary in size and the number of pins they feature. For this reason it is not only easy to tell apart laptop memory upgrades from desktop memory upgrades just by looking at them, but also appreciate why they cannot be used in desktop computers. Because SO-DIMM's have fewer pins, for example 144pins Vs 168pins in the case of laptop/desktop SDRAM memory, they are smaller and thus better suited to laptops. Incidentally because laptops have limited space inside, this explains why SO-DIMM's were devised and even goes as far as clarifying why some laptops today can be so thin and yet so powerful.

In summary

I hope the above has been useful and you may now explain this to your friends and colleagues should they ever be in doubt. In closing let's have a quick recap. Only very old laptops used the same memory as desktop computers. This was because they were big and heavy and space considerations inside laptops were not really an issue. As laptops became mainstream, and thus space did become an issue were computer designers forced to invent SO-DIMM's. These are considerably smaller than desktop DIMM's as well as now ancient SIMM's and feature fewer pins. Despite these differences, the memory technology they employ is identical to that of desktop computers. If you compact all the above together to come up with a shorthand answer it would simply be this - laptop memory upgrades cannot work in desktop computers because they are smaller, and therefore do not fit into the memory slots bigger.

Thanks To : ASUS K50AF-X1 Sony VAIO VPC-CW21FX/R

Business Notebook Guide

Now, most well-equipped business laptops run around $549 or so. Some of the more top-of-the-line laptops wind up at $750 or more, depending on how many bells and whistles you want to attach to your finished product. Customized laptops can run you even more.

The first thing to realize when shopping for a business laptop is that size really does matter. Whether you travel frequently or just need something for the office, space is a consideration you need to keep in mind and your laptop purchase should reflect that. Most business laptops feature anything from 12-17 inches in terms of screen size, so you have the pick of the litter when shopping for a business laptop.

A business system requires that you have a sturdy and quick hard drive. Anything less than a 7,200 rpm hard drive will be almost entirely useless, so make sure that you include something durable and sizable in your budget when shopping. Compare hard drives with other laptops, too, and you might find a few surprises.

Integrated graphics are essential and 3D graphics are optional, so you can take your pick in this area too. If you're just using your laptop for basic applications, like Word and Excel programs, integrated graphics will save you a lot of money. But if you have more multimedia applications to get to, more graphics mean more versatility.

Along with size and graphics, security is a deeply important issue when it comes to buying your business laptop. Check out the options and compare the production benefits in terms of security before you buy. One of the most exciting security advantages you can find on even the most affordable of laptops is a fingerprint reader, ensuring that you and only you can get into your laptop.

Size, security, graphics, and hard drive space are among the most vital issues when it comes to shopping for a business laptop. You can find a wide arrangement of units available at a wide swath of prices, so take your time and compare as you shop.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Three Examples of Small Laptop Computers

Small laptop computers are very convenient since they are so portable. They are used frequently by people who travel a lot, who study or do their work in coffee shops and just for those who like the small design especially if you live or work in a small space. Small laptop computers come in two basic configurations. An ultra-mobile PC (UMPC) is the smallest and the other is a subnotebook also called a Netbook. The biggest differences between the two are the display screen size, the software operating system and the processor capability. The UMPC has a screen size of 7 inches or less while a Netbook comes in 9 inch, 10 inch and 12 inch screens.

Small laptop computers consume less power and they enable you to do your work from anywhere at any time. Before you purchase one of these computers it is important to check out what kind of software they have, what the life and size of the battery is and its overall features. Many small laptop computers are now packed with the same specifications as the larger computers. These devices are becoming more and more popular and are expected to become one of the largest industries in computing. They are targeted at users with basic computing needs; for example - email, chat, music, videos, movies and just everyday use of the Internet.

The Acer Asper One comes in several different versions; each with its own size and specification but this small laptop computer consistently earns top marks from reviewers. It is not considered the absolute best Netbook on the market but you will most definitely get a lot of features and the laptop is affordable. You can surf the Internet, install a program and have tunes running in the background with no performance loss. The Acer has both a headphone jack and a microphone jack, which is a very nice feature. You can also upload pictures from your digital camera. And because of the size, you can carry this computer is a small bag or purse. This is one Netbook that performs as well as it looks.

The Dell Inspiron Mini 9 weighs a little over two pounds. It is rugged, very quiet, power friendly and very durable. Its external speaker provides good sound quality and the laptop provides over four hours of battery life.

The HP 2133 Mini-Note is a high spec PC and as good as any larger laptop. This laptop is small but solid and the extra wide keyboard makes typing considerably easier than some of the other small laptop computers. Its sound is very good and it is a fast enough machine to check emails, surf the web and write documents.

These are just three examples of a nice array of small laptop computers that are currently being offered at very good prices. Be certain to check all features to make sure the laptop you purchase will fit all your needs.


Advantages of Using Laptops

A huge number of people are using mobile computers. These mobile computers are called laptops. A relatively huge amount of people are using laptops rather than desktop computers. Why people are moving towards laptops rather than desktop computers? Many people are moving toward laptops because these computers are portable. Here are some advantages of using these computers.

The first major advantage of a mobile computer is portability. The number one reason why people buy laptops is because they can take anywhere. You may use your information and data in your laptop. You can use your desktop while your laptop. You do not need a plug or a wire to the use of mobile computers.

Another advantage is a very good size and weight of the laptop. It contains all the components of a desktop in a merged form. This includes monitoring, CPU, mouse, keyboard and speakers. A notebook mouse over, but you canstill choose to use an external mouse if you prefer. You can use it anywhere while sitting on the table or in bed because it is smaller in size and lighter in weight.

Laptops also take up less space, and look more stylish than a desktop PC. A laptop may generally be more personal, especially as you can carry it around with you anytime. Desktop PC's seem more suited to family use.

A wide variety of slim laptops is available in the market in different colors and designs. You should not waste your precious time and should buy good laptop for you rather than using a desktop computer.

Friends Link : Toshiba Satellite T135-S1300 Toshiba Satellite L455-S5000 Toshiba Satellite T115D-S1125

Laptop Computer Maintenance

Laptop computer maintenance is one of the best practiced solutions since it ensures that the computer is running and working effectively. Some of the tips to be observed to ensure the safety of your computer include:

1. Back up all your important files and documents.
2. Clean out temporary and unwanted files which are stored in your computer.
3. Always check on your hard drive (by using chkdsk or scandisk).
4. Defragment your hard drive once a week so as to allow Facilitate access to the files.
5. Update your antivirus.
6. Remove dust with a clean cloth and a dust blower.
7. Always make sure you have a space of 500 MB

Turn on your laptop to keep your computer in the process legitimate. It's never turn off your computer before you can turn off, the reason that the data or the window of lost files and is usually detrimental to your hard drive. Turn off thecomputer in the rightful manner is going to prevent the damage of your hard drive hence safe guarding your important files and documents. Having an un-interruptable power supply for your computer will prevent it from crashing during power shortage and it will also protect your computer in times of low and high voltage currents. This is key to laptop computer maintenance.

If your computer uses an operating system like windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 and need laptop computer maintenance, you can easily access system tools which are provided freely. These system tools are going to help you do your laptop computer maintenance without calling or getting any assistance from your technician. While these tools are helpful, they may be time consuming and not work for most. In such cases, try hiring a laptop computer maintenance expert.

Recommend : HP Pavilion DV6-2190US

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Am Looking for A Way to Speed Up My PC - Here Are Some Tips to Make Your Computer Run Fast

Are you looking for a way to speed up your computer, laptop or PC? Have you tried some tips but they could not just work out because they are either complex, require a lot of money or just impossible? This article will certainly give you some fail-proof, easy-to-follow and do-it-yourself tips that will help you to speed up your PC even if the only thing you know about computer is how to use the mouse to click on something.

Using a PC that does not run fast could be very frustrating if you want to complete a task without much waste of time. I have had such an experience so I know what you are possibly going through if your PC is not running at a comfortable speed. So, you may still be asking, "What are the ways for me to speed up my PC? What are the tips that will help to make my computer run fast?" Now, let's go.

Tip 1: Look around your system's list of programs. Did you see any program that you have not used for a long time or you don't nee at all? Uninstall it and remove it from your PC. However, before you uninstall any program from your laptop, computer or PC, Google it on the Google Search engine to find out the exact function of the program, tool or software so that you don't end up damaging your system.

Also, remove those unnecessary features such as graphics, screensavers that are just occupying hard disk space for nothing. You don't really need wallpapers, screensavers and other in-built graphics especially if you are using your computer for business unless you are just using it for fun. Now, check your system, has it started flying? Okay, if no, go to the second tip.

Tip 2: Check the size of your RAM. If your RAM's size is 256MB, then you need to increase or change it to 512MB. If the size is 512MB, then change or increase it 1GB and so on. Now, check the speed of your PC again. Has it not changed? It supposed to have changed by now. But if it has not changed, then go to tip 3.

Tip 3: Do you use any anti-virus program, tool or software? Is it McAfee, Panda or Norton? Now, uninstall it, delete it and install Avast or Avira. Why? Avast and Avira are lighter than other anti-virus tools I mentioned above.

I'm sure that your laptop, PC or computer is now running fast. If these tips are not enough to speed up your computer, then you need to scan and clean your system with a registry cleaning software such as CCleaner which is free or you can get the paid registry cleaners which are better because they come with license, refund policy and warranty.

See Also : Toshiba Satellite L555D-S7005

Laptop Virus Protection Review

Are you looking for laptop virus protection for your computer? Viruses today are becoming more and more advanced, developing sophisticated stealth technology that help them escape the detection of antivirus cleaning programs. They can also multiply themselves much more rapidly once they have attacked a system, making them much more difficult to destroy.

Due to the increased usage of the Internet, more computers around the world are being affected by spyware and virus attacks. For the best protection against these malicious software, it is important that you download a protection and cleaner software for your PC.

1. How Can Laptop Virus Protection Tools Help You?

There are many Internet security companies that program this type of software today. The best ones will be able to scan through many layers of encrypted codes of viruses and delete them before they cause any real harm. Once installed and activated on a computer, they will actively scan incoming files and alert the user about any potential threats.

2. How Does PC and Laptop Virus Protection Software Work?

They are able to recognize viruses, spyware and other types of malware because they have a database of malware definitions. By matching file definitions inside their database with every other on the PC, they are able to distinguish the bad files from the harmless ones.

3. Why You Should Download Laptop Virus Protection Software?

We all know the dangers that these viruses and spyware can pose to us. However, most people do not find the urgency to get their computers protected because they feel that they are safe and their PCs will not be attacked so easily. The truth is that it is much easier for a PC to get attacked today due to the Internet. Any link that you click on the web, any video you watch, music or software file that you download can potentially get your system infected by viruses and malicious files.

My Links : Toshiba Satellite T115D-S1120 Toshiba Satellite U505-S2005 Toshiba Satellite T135-S1300

Monday, February 14, 2011

Printable Laptop Skin - Design Your Own Laptop

Your laptop might look sleek and technically expert in the distance, but at some point in your possession, the high-end device, make sure that you want them, is easily distinguishable from other like this. Customize your laptop with stickers and book covers can help, but make it look like an optimist, a laptop skin with your print design can be distinguished from the others.

Give your laptop some 'skin

Basically a laptop skinis a protective cover that is laminated on your laptop's outer surface. Aside from making your laptop look unique, it protects it from damage, scratches, and abrasions caused by transport conditions. It is usually made of elastic material that is thin and can stretch firmly over the surface of your laptop. A printable laptop skin allows you to experiment on various styles and designs.

Personalize your laptop

Printable laptop skins computer, you can print your own unique designs from your laptop be able to customize everything and do it. You can use the skins every month if you just want to pull out because they can attack and a new surface for the laptop.

If you plan to replace your type from time to time, the skins laptop for printing, you must remove stains easily without injury or death. In this way you can easily replace withanother design without having to worry about residues underneath the new one.

Choose quality skins

A printable laptop skin is like a sticker paper where you can print your designs. However, make sure that even with customized designs, the skin can still protect your laptop from scratches and dust. To ensure that, choose printable laptop skins composed of high-grade vinyl. If you are using your laptop in colder climates, neoprene laptop skins should provide adequate insulation for it.

Visit : HP Pavilion DV6-2150US

Do You Need a Desktop Computer or a Laptop?

These days, it's not hard to spot a laptop computer almost anywhere you go. Rather than a high end item for businesspeople, they've become an everyday item for people of all backgrounds. When it comes time to purchase a new computer, one of the biggest questions is whether to buy a desktop computer or a laptop.

Functionality-wise you can get the same options available whether you go for a laptop or desktop computer. Several areas of consideration exist when making this choice. Here are five specific areas to think about before making your purchase.


Although your first thought may be that a laptop is smaller, it really depends on the model. Laptops are available in very small sizes, but they are also available with screens that easily compete with a regular computer monitor.

With the availability of flat screen monitors, a laptop can easily take up just as much desk space. Smaller models are readily available, but make sure you consider how much you'll be using the machine. If you're going to be using it for many hours each day, you want to make sure that the type and display is not going to be too hard on your eyes.


If you spend long hours working on your computer, desktop systems are easy to work at. A laptop keyboard can be hard on hands and posture if you don't have the right setup. In terms of positioning and ergonomic design, desktop systems are generally easier on the body.

One remedy to this issue is the use of equipment such as a docking station. It is possible to have a desktop setup with a laptop that includes an extended keyboard, second monitor and external mouse. This can be very helpful for those times when you will be using your computer for long periods of time.

Keyboards on laptops tend to be smaller, they often have smaller keys. Many laptops also do not have a ten-key pad, although external ones are available for to acquire.


How many times have your computer in a room away from the normal desktop use? If you are a business traveler or student, a laptop would be the best choice. Many students bring their laptops to school for notes and tasks work on between classes. If something other than computer users, the laptop can not make as much sense.

A major advantage of the mobility of a laptop is the availability of wirelessAccess to the Internet. We recommend buying a laptop specially designed for the use of mobile Internet in meaning. Do not forget to ask about the wireless card that is included in the machine.


Although there is less difference than in the past, cost, laptops are more expensive than desktop computers. external devices, like a docking station or a second monitor can greatly add to the cost of acquisition. Typically, hardware for desktop computers easier andless expensive to maintain and update. With a laptop if a part is damaged, you may need to replace the machine entirely. Be sure to check the warranty and service plan before buying one of two types of computers.

Energy Use

This could prove a small contribution, but for many people "live green" has become a daily part of life. Laptops generally use less energy than desktop computers. If this is important for you to gain controlDealer from whom you buy your computer.

Whether looking to buy a desktop or laptop, it is important to know the exact machine des specifications ensure that what you are trying to buy machine has the right amount of memory and processing speed for your needs.

If one takes into account all these factors and still have doubts, try to seek advice from friends, families and professionals. The staff at most computer retailersknowledgeable and will be able to help you make this important decision.

Thanks To : Sony VAIO VPC-CW23FX/R