Monday, February 21, 2011

Mini-laptop for children

Recently, mini laptop computer manufacturers have decided to focus on a much younger crowd. When I say "a much younger crowd", I'm 'not' talking about college students or high school students - I'm talking about children in elementary school and middle school - kids ranging in age from six years old to 12 years old.

One of the world's largest and well-known PC manufacturers has come out recently with the announcement that they're going to be releasing mini laptop computers for kids. Many in the industry believe that HP's decision to come out with their own brand of mini laptop computer for children is a direct reaction to the success of competitor Asus' Eee mini laptop computer. The Eee laptop computer has been highly successful ever since its release; in fact, it has become a huge top seller. The Asus Eee features a seven inch screen. However, the company does not refer to it as a laptop computer - instead, they refer to it as a (super mobile internet device). It has taken the industry by storm and has solidified itself as a favorite of middle-school children. Asus is now seeing an influx of competitors now trying to muscle in on a piece of the market.

However, up until now, HP is the most recognizable company that has tested the mini laptop computers for kids market. HP's mini PC also known as the Mini-Note packs a lot more features than the Eee. For starters, instead of a seven inch screen, it has a nine inch screen. The look of it is pretty cool also, because it comes in a sleek and sturdy design with an anodized aluminum shell.

The Mini-Note is also child proof to an extent, because its display is scratch-resistant while the keyboard is coated with a protective finish. Adults can also use the Mini-Note because it is larger than the Eee with a larger screen. For additional protection from children, it comes equipped with HP's 3D DriveGuard. This is a great feature for the child with butter fingers. A signal is sent to the computer's hard drive when it's dropped.

That's not all that puts the Mini-Note ahead of the Asus Eee. HP's mini laptop computers for kids also come with Wi-Fi capabilities as well as a USB drive. However, you're going to spend at least a hundred dollars more for the HP mini PC.

The Mini-Note is an attempt to compete with a rival, but it is also an attempt to make their presence felt in the education market, a market that's not currently dominated by HP. In fact, Dell and Apple are the two biggest manufacturers that cater to the education market. Their computers are being predominantly used by schools all over the country - HP comes in at a distant third. In addition to coming out with the Mini-Note, HP is also coming out with an online resource where teachers can access tutorials and other teaching tools on the internet called the Teacher Experience Exchange. This is another attempt for the company's name to stay on the minds and tongues of educators all over the country.

My Links : Toshiba Qosmio X505-Q860 ASUS G51JX-3D Toshiba Satellite U505-S2010


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