Monday, January 31, 2011

CTL TW9 Laptop Review

The CTL TW9 runs at a speed of 2.53 GHz with the Intel i5 and a 2 GB DDR3 RAM. Although most laptops smaller, TW9 CTL is still willing to do this multi - tasking. You can do everything from media needs computing power up, the more challenging tasks such as gaming and 3D graphics. This is possible because of the dedicated graphics card, the laptop is installed. NVIDIA ® GeForce 9600M-GS 512 is able to play online and moreoffline games.

It has a 320GB 5400RPM SATA Hard Drive storage, which is more than enough to store pictures, music, videos and more.

Speaking of HD, this laptop gives its audience a full HD experience. It has an HDMI port, which can be hooked up to any HDTV ready or HD capable television.

The laptop also has the following I/O Ports:

- Optional Bluetooth
- 2 Audio Jacks: Microphone Input, Speaker Output
- 2 USB 2.0 Ports
- 1 HDMI Port
- 1 CRT Port
- 1 Express Card/54 - PC Card Slot
- 1 Modem (RJ11) Port
- 1 Ethernet (RJ45) Port
- 1 DC-In
- Card Reader

The CTL TW9 travel master is priced at about $1099.00 excluding shipping and handling.



2.53 GHz Intel Core i5-540 Configurable on the website


2 GB DDR3 Kingston 2GB DDR3 RAM

Operating system:

Windows 7 Professional
with Microsoft Office 2007 Home BasicMicrosoft Office 2007
Small Business Microsoft Office 2007 Professional

Hard drive:

320 gigabytes SATA
320GB 5400RPM SATA Hard Drive


Nvidia GeForce 9600 512 MB nVidia® GeForce 9600M-GS 512MB


The CTL TW9 has the potential for a seamless performance due to its powerful processor and a high capacity RAM. This is a new generation laptop running a Windows 7 operating system. It has a large storage for a laptop this size not to mention storing pictures, music, videos and others.


The CTL TW9 has an HDMI port but can only display a maximum resolution of 1280 x 800 (typically the standard high definition) and not the full HD, which is 1080p/1080i (1920 x 1080).

My Links : ASUS K72JR-A1 Sony VAIO VPC-z114gx/S

Never Miss another baseball game - Watch Live MLB games directly on your PC or laptop

Some people may think that there laptop or PC is just a gateway to the internet where they check their email, their Myspace or in many sports fans cases they watch highlights on YouTube or ESPN. With the technology we have nowadays you can do almost anything in terms of communications or watching types of media and watching your favorite MLB teams is one of the those advantages. Not only is it possible to watch full MLB games on your PC, but you can watch any MLB They want, whenever you want.

How cool it would be laptop see any game at any time directly to your desktop or MLB?

If you're a fan of MLB crazy like me, you know what I mean, it would be just wonderful? Absolutely!

If you buy a package on your DirecTV satellite MLB-TV connection, either support or you might have cost an arm and a leg to start and most games you will not even see, honestly, it is a completewaste of money.

With this technology you will never miss MLB games again! No more surfing through ESPN or YouTube to find your favorite teams highlights, no more paying an arm and a leg to watch the games you can't watch on your TV because the TV network decided not to air it in your area. Finished, no more!

Now you can watch live MLB games on your laptop or PC from any location at any time!

My Links : Sony VAIO VPC-F113FX/B Sony VAIO VPC-EB17FX/B Toshiba Satellite T115D-S1125

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Computer System Running Slow - How To Stop Your PC Or Laptop Slowing Down On You

It is not unusual that over a period of months or even weeks, the performance of your new computer becomes slower. You may be able to put up with it in the beginning, but soon you find yourself sitting there, waiting for programs to open or even to respond to commands. Let's just say that you can hit the power button and walk away to have a cup of coffee or do something else till it comes up all the way. But one thing is constant, no matter if you're using your computer for entertainment or work, slow performance like this just makes you want to throw it in the trash and you need to find a fix for your computer system running slow.

There are several different reasons your PC could be running slowly.

#1 First of all, RAM (Random Access Memory) acts like short term memory. Before any information is dedicated to the long term memory on the hard drive, it has to be stored within the RAM. Ram also acts as a way to help speed up the retrieval of pieces of information you may be using over and over again for a particular program. It's a much fast and efficient way to store information because instead of having to physically spin a hard drive and search for the information RAM consists of only memory chips. No moving parts mean faster access.

Now the reason RAM can actually slow down your PC is because you simply do not have enough of it in your computer to run everything that wants to be run when it wants to run. Now one solution is to go and actually purchase more memory for your computer. But unless you know what you are doing when purchasing or how to install the new parts, you could end up causing damage to your computer. And getting someone to install it for you can be even more expensive.

How can you get around this and stop your computer system running slow?

You can free up some of your memory by turning off programs that are running in the background of your computer. Many programs leave a small amount of information stored in the ram every time you reboot to help speed up the software should you want to open it. As we add programs, the amount of data that is stored in the ram after reboot continues to increase. So you either have to turn those programs off so they do not automatically run or even uninstall programs you no longer use. Both methods will free up RAM for faster performance. Another way to do this and optimize performance is to download and run a system scanner which will do this for you and stop your system running slow.

#2 The other thing that may be causing the issue is problems within the computers registry file. Because it is accessed hundreds of times a day and changes are constantly being made, errors are bound to happen. And when they do, they can cause you to experience just a slow computer or they can even cause your computer to crash, go to a blue screen error and keep you from operating your system at all.

Registry errors are easy to fix though with the right software. To do this you can download and run a system and registry scanner. If your computer has any registry errors it will detect them and fix them for you automatically. If your computer system is running slow download a system and registry scanner and fix it now without calling a technician to do the same thing.

Thanks To : Toshiba Satellite L505D-ES5025

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dell Laptop Hard Drive Diagnostics

Most Dell laptop and desktop computers will come with a handy utility already built into them for performing at least some form of basic diagnostics when you need to do a little bit of preliminary troubleshooting. This article will show you how to test the hard drive which is installed in your Dell laptop or desktop computer.

Some symptoms which should make you suspect that your hard drive is either going bad or has gone bad to some extent include:

No POST - your laptop or desktop computer just hangs and does nothing when you turn it on. It may sit with the lights on, but do nothing more. It may come on for a couple of seconds and then shut itself back off.

Errors - instead of seeing the Windows splash screen after your laptop completes it's POST you get an error which may mention that there is no boot device, or that maybe there is no mountable volume on the drive.

Sluggish Performance - Often when a hard drive is failing you will be able to have some form of a heads up about this unfortunate fact by witnessing a noticeable decline in your systems performance when you are actually in the laptop's OS (Operating System).

Windows Warning - Microsoft Windows does have the ability to actually warn you through a message which will pop up on your screen letting you know that you should save, then backup all important data immediately because a hard drive failure is imminent. Now, it is not necessarily a good idea to wait until this message is displayed because often times a hard drive will go completely bad, unusable, without this warning message ever showing up on your display screen at all.

On your Dell laptop or desktop computer you will likely find a handy utility which will run a quick test on your hard drive for you. This test is very reliable, at least for determining if your hard drive has actually gone bad.

The way you can access this test is as follows:
Power on your Dell computer, you will see the Dell splash screen, then very briefly you will see a message referring to F2 and F12 in the upper right hand corner of your laptop or desktop screen. The trick is to press the F12 key on your keyboard right when you see the message about F2 and F12 show up in the upper right hand corner of your screen.

This will bring up a BIOS boot menu and you will simply choose the one which refers to the hard drive diagnostics. Various models of Dell desktop or laptop offer different options depending on your SATA or IDE. Once you start traveling, the selected tests. After two minutes five minutes ago or so, depending on the size of the hard disk, you can see the results of the test. The results are both a step, or an error code. I remember the thing with the hard drive diagnostics Dell has a return code 7 error means that the hard drive must be effectivelyreplaced. Backup any important data which you may have on your laptop or desktop computer and replace your hard drive.

Visit : Sony VAIO VPC-EB11FX/WI Compaq Presario CQ61-420US Compaq Presario CQ61-410US

Laptop Wireless Card Connecting You to the Internet Anywhere

The tendency for the features of the Great laptop is a laptop, wireless card in your mobile phone with built everywhere to provide instant Internet access at any time and you're up to when a LAN connection is available. Without the hassle of cables and wires commonly used in desktop computers, portable computer users to adopt a more high-technology connection to the Internet through the wireless card. The card allows you to instantly connect to the Internet by a signaltransmission coming from a router. Some uses a cell tower to make this connection possible. The card may be conveniently built inside a laptop unit or can be an external device.

To connect your laptop wireless card to the Internet, you need to have an Internet service that is accessible through a wireless router or a modem. Wireless hotspots are available in many public establishments thereby giving wide access of hotspots that allow laptop users connect to the Internet wirelessly. To be able to take advantage of using the wireless card in your laptop, it has to be supported with similar protocol as the wireless router that supplies an Internet connection signal to your computer device wirelessly. Four wireless protocols are available namely A, B, G, and N. They vary in terms of speed as well as the compatibility applied to home networks.

Modern laptops come in built in wireless cards. It uses a card directly connecting to the Internet via a cell phone tower. Externally placed wireless cards allow the connection of your notebook to the Internet using the PCI slot or USB port of the laptop. It will then connect to the wireless Internet hot spots or through a signal coming from a cell phone tower. You can absolutely enjoy being instantly and wirelessly connected to the Internet anywhere you are. This is the convenience and essence that wireless Internet card provides among mobile computer users. Its feature gives the best value for the user's end since they can access an Internet connection from wi fi hotspots for free.

External wireless card are available to any computer shops. They come at affordable price. This card is now an important must-have to laptop owners. They no longer have to look for an Internet café to access the Internet when they are outside their home to attend to urgent matters. The laptop they take with them gives the best benefits of connecting them to the Internet anywhere they are with the help of wireless Internet card technology.

Visit : Toshiba Satellite L555D-S7005 Sony VAIO VPC-W21FX/B

Friday, January 28, 2011

Criteria For Choosing PC Laptop Computers

In today's highly mobile world, PC Laptop Computers are increasingly becoming necessities instead of the luxuries they once were. This is especially true for businessmen, students, and professionals who want to take their information and get their communication anytime, anywhere.

However, the sheer number of brands in the market can be very bewildering to the newbie in the mobile computing world. Not all laptops are created equal. The features, both in the physical sense and in the storage capacity, cater to different markets, different needs, and different strokes. With that being said, here are the things you must remember when considering the purchase of laptop computers.

Faster Processor

Ideally, the processor must be the fastest in its segment to enable computing speeds that will keep up with your equally fast lifestyle. Most tech geeks will recommend Intel Core 2 Duo as the fastest in the market at present.

Higher Memory Capacity

Often, it is better to opt for the higher memory capacity because you will be saving yourself the trouble of upgrades, not to mention the costs, later on. Although 1GB is sufficient and 2GB is better, opt for 4GB if your budget allows it.

Again, the higher the capacity and the faster the speed of the hard disk, the better. You will need the extra space when your data (i.e., software, photos, videos, documents) increase with constant use.

Preferred Screen Size and Resolution

When it comes to the laptop computers' screens, you will have more leeway as it basically boils down to your preferences. You will be confused with tech-geek terminologies like screen resolution, passive/active screens and aspect ratio so the best thing to do is to test drive the laptops until you find one that suits your viewing needs.

Longer Battery Life

Your laptop will only be as good as its battery. Nowadays, the normal battery life is 2-3 hours although the MacBook Pro can last as long as 5 hours. Just remember that the more batteries your laptop has, the more expensive it becomes but the price will be worth it.

Wireless and Wired Mobile Connectivity

Ideally, your laptop must have mobile connectivity options in both the wireless (WiFi) and wired networks. You will have more opportunities to connect to the virtual world when you have both options, which will make your life easier especially when telecommuting.

Multi-Media Options

Nowadays, laptop computers are becoming an all-in-one entertainment-cum-business device. As such, you will need sufficient ports to plug in external devices like a mouse and printer, a memory stick and scanner, and even your digital camera must be accommodated by your laptop. And if you are a movie fan, you should consider buying a laptop with a built-in CD/DVD drive.

Physical Appearance

Fortunately, the physical Appearance of laptops today is certainly more and more fashionable. You can practically dribble, smooth and elegant, refined styling laptop covers, bags and sacks are often necessary evils. And with designs in various colors, textures and prints, you will certainly find a laptop that appeal to your sense of style!

When buying a laptop just remember these criteria and you'll eventually find your perfect>laptop.

Tags : ASUS K52JK-A1 HP G60-630US Toshiba Satellite L455-S5009

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Laptop Battery

Laptop batteries are exclusively designed for every laptop model and make. Thus, the batteries required for a particular brand of laptop differ from batteries those that are used for other brands of laptops. The life of a battery depends upon the type of that battery. This means that a nickel metal hydride battery will have a shorter lifespan compared to a lithium ion battery.

Laptops are famous for their phenomenal power consuming capacity. This happens because these batteries must be small and lightweight so that they can be easily fitted in the laptop. A typical laptop battery lasts for about ninety minutes. This is a major problem because laptops are supposed to provide service even on the road or when moving. Using heavier and larger sized batteries can solve this problem.

One more factor that affects the performance of a battery is the temperature inside the laptop. A battery loses half of its power when working because of the temperature in the laptop that can reach the 45°C mark. This happens because of the cell oxidation that takes place inside the battery. Cell oxidation is an irreversible process that is detrimental to the lifespan of a laptop battery.

All these problems cannot be solved in an instant. However, some precautionary measures can be taken in order to save time and money. Leaving a laptop in a car that is parked in the sun will result in battery damage and this situation must be avoided. Using the laptop in a cool room will result in increase in the lifespan of the battery. Lithium ion batteries are well suited for those who switch from a fixed power source to a battery on a regular basis. On the other hand, nickel based batteries are useful for those who prefer using the battery as a primary source for the laptop.

The way in which a person uses a laptop battery and the type of battery used, is more important when we realize there are very few alternatives that can really satisfy a laptop user when it comes to battery failures.

Related : Toshiba Satellite T135-S1330

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Designer Laptops - Sony VAIO VGN-P530H-Q Lifestyle PC (Mini Laptop)

At the risk of sounding shallow and superficial, I confess that I'm one of those that may purchase a laptop purely based on its good looks. In the past decade, manufacturers like Apple and Sony have placed great emphasis on producing beautiful laptops. My job requires me to carry my laptop with me wherever I go so I have decided to get my self a mini laptop or netbook. If I am to carry a laptop with me wherever I go, it might as well look good, so I have purchased the super sleek Sony VAIO VGN-P530H/Q Lifestyle PC (black).

The Sony VAIO VGN-P530H/Q Lifestyle PC is thinner than most netbooks in the market. In fact, it is as thin as a mobile phone. One of my favorite features of this model is its sleek design. It is more rectangular than other netbooks in the market, measuring at 9.7 inches long and 4.8 inches wide. It weighs at just 1.4 pounds making it a truly portable mini laptop.

The Sony VAIO GN-P530H/Q Lifestyle PC is not all good looks and no substance. Hidden behind its beautiful design is a feature packed mini laptop. This netbook is also a GPS navigator. You can use this notebook to navigate and find directions even without an internet connection (in the USA and Canada). By using the GPS function you can find directions and navigate to your desired location within the 50 miles radios from where you are.

Instead of your regular LCD display, this model comes with a 1600 x 768 resolution that runs on Xbrite-eco technology with LEC back lights. The keyboard's design is pretty refreshing as it is usually a challenge to do any heavy word processing on a netbook's keyboard. The shift keys are very strategically located and typing on this Sony netbook feels very much like typing on a regular keyboard. It is powered by a 1.3Ghz Intel processor and comes with 2GB of RAM. It also comes with a 60GB ATA hard drive.

Thanks To : Sony VAIO VPC-EB16FX/P Sony VAIO VPC-EB15FX/WI Toshiba Qosmio X505-Q880

Gaming Laptop

In recent years, the laptop never Capacity software is an option for all games because of his. But over the years things have changed that. Portable is now toys are used to playing in front of all the form for most people, men. The laptop games used in video game called a portable.

Today, the gaming laptop the performance of intensive management of high-generation graphics for 3D games and other softwareapplications. Aside from the advantage of unique portability, it has now became the most demanded gaming hardware in the market today as compared to desktop computers. A gaming laptop is truly a very versatile approach when it comes to the booming market of online games as well as other PC games.

Technology is increasing fast everyday. With this, you need to be aware on how to choose the best gaming laptop for yourself. The most important thing is for you to have the basic knowledge and understanding on what are the factors you should look for or consider when choosing or buying a gaming laptop of your own. Among these factors include the processor power, the Random Access Memory or the RAM, the graphics card, the screen clarity, the battery life and the pricing.

The processor power serves as the engine of the the machine. It is the most vital component of the laptop where it should be a dual core processor. A dual core processor is very expensive but you can be assured that your gaming laptop will be in good stead in the succeeding months. Nevertheless, if you can't afford a dual core processor, you may look into consideration of using minimum processor speed of 1.8 mega hertz. The Random Access Memory or the RAM is one component that is being overlooked by any buyer of a gaming laptop. It is important to choose for the 1MB or 2MB RAM as its functions work with the processor. Once you have a better RAM, it will work better in all the important frames. For the graphics card, always give your best decision on this. The graphics card is a great identification between a gaming laptop and desktop PC. Always ensure on the upgrade ability of the graphics you are planning to buy. However, in laptops it's quite difficult to upgrade graphics card as it comes with on-board graphics cards. With this, it is highly recommendable that you should buy Geforce or Radeon. Screen clarity and quality is important to a gaming laptop for you to have long gaming sessions as well as comfortableness. It is important for the image qualities of your gaming laptop.

The battery life is as important as other factors above when buying it. Look for the battery that can lasts up 6 hours without any source of wired power. Finally, the pricing, always look for the best yet affordable laptop pricing.

Thanks To : ASUS K52JR-A1 ASUS N71JQ-X1

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Travel Notebook Accessories

Laptop cases and bags are widely used in the world. There are several different kinds of computer bags and cases available in the world. Many people face problems while choosing laptop luggage accessories. They do not know which type of bag is suitable for their computer. The following are some famous luggage accessories that you should select.

The most famous luggage accessories are computer bags and cases. These computer cases have several different types. These types include laptop hard cases, shoulder bags, computer bags and cases for men and women and laptop travel bags. These cases have several advantages. Computer shoulder bags are best suited to those people who carry their computer with them daily. These laptop cases come in different colors and designs. If the protection of your computer is your priority then you should select a hard computer case. People purchase these cases because they are very durable.

Customer specific luggage items are also available such as laptop cases available for men and women. These bags are specially manufactured according to the choice of men and women. Pink and purple color computer cases are very popular among girls. Men mostly choose black and blue color computer cases. Travel bags are also available in the market. They are specially designed for traveling.

In casual styles, laptop backpacks and messenger bags are available. Generally backpacks have two straps while messenger bags have only one strap. Backpacks are large size bags with lot of space. They can easily carry your computer and other essential things.

Thanks To : Toshiba Satellite L455-S5008 Sony VAIO VPC-z114gx/S

How To Configure Wireless Internet Access For Your Laptop

Here's what you need to know (and do) to connect your laptop to a wireless network and get Internet access.

First off, let's talk common sense. Before you access any wireless network, especially one in a public place, you must have anti-virus software installed and up-to-date on your laptop. Your laptop should also be current with all Windows Operating System Updates.

That said, the next thing you need is to have a laptop with wireless networking capabilities. If you're not sure whether yours does, do the following to check it out:
Click on Start | Connect To | Show all connections, or

Click on Start | Settings | (Control Panel) | Network Connections

Under "LAN or High-Speed Internet" you should see a wireless connection icon. (If not, see below about installing a wireless network card).

Assuming you have wireless capabilities, continue on doing the following:

Right-click on the wireless connection icon.

In the pop-up menu, select "View Available Wireless Networks."

In the "Wireless Networking Connection" window, click on the appropriate wireless network.

Check the box that says "Allow me to connect to the selected wireless network."

An icon in the lower right hand corner of your desktop should eventually appear stating that you are connected.

Open your browser and visit any website you want. If authentication is required on the wireless network, you will be redirected automatically to a login page, where you are with an authorized network user name / ID and password logs correctly.

That's all you need.

Note: If your laptop does not already integrated wireless networks, you must buy and install or have installed a wireless network card. There are many brands of wireless cards. Make sure you buy a card that is 802.11b or 802.11g. Linksys cards are an excellent choice and I recommendthem highly. If you choose another brand, be certain that the card is WiFi Certified. (For a list of 802.11b and 802.11g certified cards, please visit the WiFi Alliance website.)

Recommend : HP Compaq 610 WH247UT ASUS U30JC-A1 Sony VAIO VPC-EB17FX/P

Monday, January 24, 2011

Get Your Laptop Batteries At Your Local PC Repairs Store

Many people believe that there is only one place to get laptop batteries, at the laptop manufacturer. However, what you may not know is that your local PC repairs shop may also have them or can get them for you at a fraction of the price. Laptop batteries are not well known for having a long life, that is unless you have spent a good deal of money ensuring that you have yourself a top notched battery.

For the most part, laptops do not come with extended with periods of battery life. For example, a typical laptop battery will last about an hour or two, so you have little or no time for work or to communicate on the go, unless you are on the ground near a load. Then it sort of defeats the purpose of a laptop for more people anyway. The laptop will be mobile. In order to best fit your laptop to your lifestyle, you must make sure that you looking for high quality>laptop batteries.

These can be found at your local PC repairs store in many cases. If they do not have them in stock, they may be able to find them for you. The best news of all is that they will likely be far cheaper than what you would have to pay with the manufacturer. For the most part, you will likely purchase a Lithium Ion battery for your laptop. This is extremely popular and the type used by most manufacturers to date. All you need to do is contact your local PC repairs shop and ask them about any laptop batteries they might carry or if they can get them.

If they cannot help you, you can always do a search on the internet. You will likely still be able to find high quality and long lasting laptop batteries on the internet than you would with your manufacturer. Remember, it is important to look at the life of the battery. However, it is just as important to ensure that you are taking your own measures to ensure the life of your laptop batteries. This means you need to be looking at the right maintenance procedures and using techniques for saving power as much as you possibly can. This will help extend the life of your battery altogether.

Related : Toshiba Tecra A11-S3540

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Laptop Hard Drive Data Recovery - Recover Deleted & Corrupted Files

Laptop hard drive data recovery services - the advancement in technology has led to the increased usage of laptops. A laptop enables an individual or a business professional to carry his office with him, and allows him to work as well as remain in business even when he is not at home or in his work place. Hence, it is quite obvious that a laptop would always be stored with critical business and official information. But, it would be quite overwhelming in case your important data is lost from the laptop and at the same time you do not have a back up of the important files. One of the major causes of data loss from laptop is due to hard disk drive complaints, which at the same time is the most complicated reason.

In other words, in the case of laptop hard drive data recovery, DIY or the usage of free software program may prove harm than good, as hard disk drives within the laptops are relatively small when compared to hard drives fitted within the desktop computers. In other words, any wrong move may sometimes damage the laptop as well as data contained in it, and hence should be handled with utmost care.

Contacting a data retrieval and recovery service provider would be one of the fast, reliable, and trouble-free ways to rescue your lost data. Since they provide access to expert data and file recovery engineers and technicians coupled with excellent, dust free, clean lab environment, a data recovery specialist or company could help you to recover data that has been lost due to a number of reasons, from logical and physical damages to natural disasters such as flood, hurricane, and earthquake.

A laptop hard drive recovery expert would be proficient enough to recover data from almost all types of laptop hard drives such as Parallel ATA (PATA), Serial ATA (SATA), Small Computer System Interface (SCSI), and Solid State Drives (SSD). In addition to in house service, some companies even render onsite laptop hard drive data recovery services however depending on the cause of data loss. There are also companies that render professional courier and pick up services.

Recommend : Discounts laptop deal

ASUS N61JQ-XV1 Review - Everything You Need to Know About This High-Performance Laptop!

Are you looking for a notebook that offers more than just the basics? If so, then the ASUS N61JQ-XV1 might be for you! This is a laptop that delivers premium entertainment. It's built with an Intel Core i7 processor (quad-core), making it an exceptionally powerful laptop PC. Its ATI mobility Radeon high-definition graphics make it easy to play games and watch movies without any latency. With the HDMI port, you can hook it up to a larger display, including a high-definition television.

With its features, this laptop can do just about anything, and handle just about any programs and tasks! It offers DirectX 11 support that can handle high-definition playback. You can expect enhanced graphics and realism when playing your favorite online games. The ATI PowerPlay feature allows for long battery life. You can store up to 500 GB of files in the Super-Multi disc drive.

Here are the technical details of the ASUS N61JQ-XV1:

· Intel Core Processor
· 500 GB hard drive - 7200 RPM
· 16" high-definition LED-backlit display
· ATI (Mobility Radeon) high-definition 5730
· Memory: 4 GB - 8 GB DDR3, depending on whether or not you upgrade
· Windows 7 Home Premium OS

The 3-touch track-pad allows the user to navigate through documents, photo albums, web pages, etc. It's pretty easy to catch on the zooming, pinching, rotating, etc. The Chiclet keyboard is designed for typing precision. You can type and navigate comfortably on this laptop. It's designed to be smudge-resistant, making it easy to clean.

This ASUS N61JQ-XV1 laptop has numerous wireless features. In fact, it's one of the 1st laptops to feature USB 3.0 instead of the regular 2.0! USB 3.0 allows for 10x faster data transfer than USB 2.0! If you want to take it with you, you'll be glad to know that it's fairly light for its size. You can go online at just about any wireless spot thanks to the high speed Wireless N.

Many thanks to the latest Bluetooth technology you can sync your devices with ease. The speed, images, files, music between mobile devices and are impressive. Printing time is also reduced. You can even up to three digital devices to the laptop at a time!

The laptop has a hinge down to make it easy to adjust the screen angle des you can easily screen a littleabout any angle. More and more laptop manufacturers are trying to create ergonomic features, yet not of all of them are able to do so. ASUS, however, succeeds where most others fail - especially in regards to this particular laptop.

It's designed to be a business laptop, but you can use it for multimedia as well. The graphics and processor are enough to support most games. You can also stream videos and music if you want. Most consumers choose to buy this laptop because it offers high performance at an affordable price. The DVD burner is extremely fast, so you can burn CDs and DVDs quickly and effortlessly.

Additional features include a headphone jack, microphone jack, web-cam, Express Card 34, E-SATA, etc. The 6-cell battery offers hours of nonstop use. If you want to take it with you as you travel, you won't have to recharge it very often.

Overall, the ASUS N61JQ-XV1 is an impressive laptop that doesn't compromise on performance. It's not always easy to find an affordable laptop that offers such impressive performance, so this ASUS laptop is definitely worth the investment. Its sturdy design will protect it from drops and bumps, so you can expect it to last for years!

Related : Sony VAIO VPC-CW21FX/W

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Such as cable TV look cheap PC or laptop

There are many ways to watch cheap cable tv but this article will focus on a low-cost method to watch live cable channels on PC or laptop. This can be achieved by using satellite tv software.

Why watch live television on PC or laptop using software instead of LCD tv? Firstly, there is no need for expensive satellite dish or cable setup box equipment and no need to spend hours setting them up. Once the software is installed, you can start to enjoy live television. What you need is only a broadband connection. Secondly, cable/satellite television companies typically charge a monthly subscription fee for the service. They may provide the equipment and setup for free but customers will have to commit to the service for a period of at least a year. On the other hand, once you purchase the satellite tv software, you can use it to stream live tv channels for free, for life. This is not just cheap cable tv, it is almost free. No monthly charge, no pay per view fees.

When you subscribe to cable television service, you can only enjoy the service at home. However, with the use of software, you can in fact use it anywhere in the world by installing it onto your laptop and stream cable channels through WIFI connection.

Even the best of cable programme packages will offer no more than 500 channels. Satellite tv software can offer up to 3000 channels world wide in different languages.

If you want to go for this method to watch cheap cable tv and enjoy live tv on your LCD TV at the same time, you can always hook your PC or laptop up to the LCD tv using VGA cable.

Finally, a good software will cost you no more than $50.

See Also : Toshiba Satellite T115D-S1125 HP Pavilion DV6-2180US

Folding Laptop Tray - The Perfect Laptop Accessory

Laptops have become increasingly popular as home computers, with many people choosing them over traditional tower PCs, and thanks to advances in technology, laptops are now as powerful and in some cases even more powerful than tower PCs. One of the major advantages of having one as your home PC is its portability, especially in the case of smaller versions such as Netbooks. You can use your laptop anywhere in the house, without having to worry about masses of cables and other accessories necessary to be able to use it. All you need is the laptop itself and if you are going to be using it for a long period of time, then the charger as well.

If you are using your laptop where there is nowhere to rest it, then you are more than likely going to use it on your lap, or perched on something less than suitable, which can cause problems. There have been many warnings about the possible health risks of using a laptop on your lap for prolonged periods as it creates excessive heat. There is also the risk of blocking the fans if you are resting it on a material surface, which can cause overheating of the laptop itself. The simple way to avoid these kind of issues if you want to use your laptop around the house, is to invest in a folding laptop tray. Folding laptop trays are designed to be used anywhere, and provide a safe, stable base for your laptop to rest on eliminating any health risk, and also eliminating the risks of possible overheating, or even dropping of your laptop. They come in all sorts of different styles and sizes, so you can find one that fits perfectly, and you find comfortable to use.

Another excellent accessory for is a laptop stand. These are designed to support your PC when it is resting on a solid surface, allowing you to adjust the angle that it sits at, making it more comfortable to use both from a typing perspective, and if you look at the screen. portable is also helping ventilation so that air can circulate freely under your laptop, which makes more efficient cooling. There are even some portable stands that come with built-in fan capacity to run that from a USB port so that the maximum cooling. You can also create both a laptop folds and securing a laptop, use means that you not only able to use your>laptop anywhere in the house you want, but you can also make sure you are using it at an angle that is comfortable for you.

There are countless accessories available to help you get the most out of your laptop, but being able to use it comfortably and safely is probably one of the most important things to get right. Investing in a folding laptop tray is beneficial not only for your own safety and comfort, but also for your laptop, as it will extend your Life of laptops, if you treat them well.

Thanks To : Sony VAIO VPC-CW21FX/P Sony VAIO VPC-EB15FX/WI Toshiba Satellite A505-S6012

Friday, January 21, 2011

Laptop Troubleshooting - A Guide to Quick Repair

Laptop troubleshooting is an important operational function which every laptop owner and user should know as it will facilitate in the proper running of the laptop. Let us take an example, suppose your laptop is not working, you will start checking its battery and other things but fault could be different. This is where laptop troubleshooting comes into use. You yourself can solve and repair several technical snags of your laptop which will save you from laptop technicians. A dead LCD trouble may be due to the failure of video adapter, main-board, a burnt out backlight or bad inverter. Such troubles can be easily solved with the help of laptop troubleshooting manual.

There is no point is replacing a LCD if it has a minor technical problem, it is replaced when blocks of dead and burnt out pixels or physical crack in the glass appears. You might be thinking that laptop troubleshooting differs from company to company but it is not like that, fundamentals are same. If you know laptop troubleshooting, you can address technical problem of any of the laptop like HP Compaq, Toshiba Satellite, or IBM ThinkPad. Although, these laptops are equipped with AMD, an Intel CPU or a PowerPC but they all experience more or less identical technical snags because of affinity in design and structure.

Identification of the snag is the first point in laptop troubleshooting. Suppose, if there is a snag related to power then rectify this by restoring proper power supply. Check LED, power plug and battery in this regard. If you find that all these things are working properly then check the power switch and main-board supply. This is how you can solve your problem related to power supply. If you think that your laptop battery get exhausted soon then through control panel allow the power saving modes. If you want to clean your laptop from dust, then its make better use of suction cup good quality welding.

If there is a problem of video error, so the first step should be to check the power supply. If he had heard the sound of your laptop in a long time, but now there is no sound, as then this could be a sign of it, is a failure of power from the motherboard instead of the video failure. If there is an internal problem with the physical connections, such as replacing the modem or network port then weld to be made usinga quality solder. If you want to check mother board or internal video adapter then connect an external monitor with a regular VGA; if there is no light in the external monitor then you should check the above faults.

Even if your external monitor is working properly then also there could be problem in the video subsystem. If you notice - dead spots or columns or complete row augments gradually on the screen, then it shows that the assembly of LCD in your laptop is poor. If you find that screen glow fluctuates then most probably it is a failure of backlight or inverter. These were some of the highlights of laptop troubleshooting (one may frequently witness such snags) but you will find it useful in number of other ways.

My Links : HP Pavilion DM3-1140US ASUS K60I-RBBBR05 Toshiba Satellite L455-S5000

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Asus Eee PC 1005HA 10.1-Inch Netbook (Pink) - The Sweetest Pink Netbook!

Technical data: In addition to one of the best looking pink netbooks, Asus Eee PC 1005HA VU1X-PI is also one of the most powerful, whether in terms of battery life, specifications or performance. This model comes with an Intel Atom N270, 1GB RAM and a hard drive with 160 GB SATA. The batteries of this netbook is up to 8.5 hours on one battery charge. Its 10.1-inch screen has a resolution of 1024 x 600 and it also has HD audio CODEC. Other features include 3USB ports, a memory card reader and a web-cam.

Design: While most other pink netbooks (from other brands) end up looking childish and toy-like, Asus manages to pull of a professional look with the Asus PC 1005HA-VU1X-PI netbook. The netbook's external casing has a glossy pinks surface. On the inside, the screen bezel and the keyboard are white in color. The touch pad area is pink in color. If you are looking for a stylish pink netbook, this Asus netbook model is the way to go.

Features & Performance:Although this Asus netbook comes with Windows XP, you can upgrade it to Windows 7 anytime with the Windows Anytime Upgrade option. Tech gurus all over the world (including myself) have recognized Asus netbooks as some of the best in the market. In the past few years, Asus netbooks has established a very good track record for reliability and durability. Currently, the Asus PC 1005HA-VU1X-PI netbook retails for just around $319, an excellent price for an amazing netbook!

Related : HP Pavilion DV4-2167SB Toshiba Satellite T135-S1330 Sony VAIO VPC-W21FX/B

How Do You Connect a Printer to a Laptop Or PC?

Most printers are designed to function with a laptop or PC, because it is these systems that send the instructions to the printer as well as send the document or image that needs to be printed. Various software have a print function that makes full use of the printer, but it can only be used if it is actually connected. There are three general ways to establish a connection from the printer itself to a PC or laptop.

Direct Connection

A direct connection is the most common way to connect a printer to a system. Modern printers achieve this via USB connection where you simply plug the USB cable from the printer to any of the USB ports on the laptop or PC. When plugging into a PC, it is recommended to plug it in one of the high-speed USB ports usually found on the back of the system for maximum performance.

For laptops, you should be able to plug it in any of the USB ports available. Older printers use the parallel port which can only be found in older motherboards and printers. Laptops no longer have that so you will need to find a USB to parallel printer adapter cable.

Shared Connection

A shared connection involves directly connecting the printer to a desktop or laptop that is then shared over the network for other computers to use. Laptop users will benefit more from this since the printer is usually connected to a server or PC in a fixed location. Simply establish a connection between the two devices and then make use of the printer sharing capabilities, which can vary on the operating system.

Once the printer is shared, any laptop or desktop in the network should be able to use the printer by browsing the network. In order for the printer to remain connected to the network, the computer sharing the printer must stay on.

Network Connection

A network connection is more efficient than a shared connection because it does not connect to a computer, but utilises a specialist router instead. This means that any of the computers can access the printer as long as the router is accessible to them. It also gives the printer its own address in the network where any computer can configure or carry out operations. The exact method in connecting depends on the model, so make sure you consult the manual on how to do that for your particular device.

No matter what type of printer connection you choose, you will need the drivers have installed. Most printers should offer a CD that you install the drivers and software that provide additional features to get the printer. Later, the models are able to work as soon as you connect the printer. Be sure to configure the printer options so that you do not care about later. Once you are finished, one of the programs, the properties of pressure has to have the printer connected to work.

My Links : Toshiba Satellite A505-S6012 Toshiba Qosmio X505-Q860

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Mini Notebook - A Perfect Student & Children's Computer

Mini notebook computers, which are also called mini netbooks, may be seen all over at the moment, even in a lot of classrooms. It might seem that the mini laptop has materialized and turned out to be the most prevalent variety of pc effectively straight away. The novel mini laptop computer gives maximum functionality contained in an exceedingly condensed profile.

Screen Size

The lone objection certain purchasers state with these mini Laptop is the size of the thumbnail, but it changes to a specific amount on the brand and version you pay money for ever. Immediately it will be among digest brands on the market, larger screens, while maintaining the selected size. These figures are easy to transport and easy, with almost all the scales at just over a pound in about three pounds, with screen sizes of 7:00 to 10:00 customs. If you've ever seen a Mini>laptop computer it follows that you will already understand how appealing these little laptops are. Most industry professionals already have one of these mini notebook computers. Professionals like them because of the condensed size and their functionality.


Mini notebook computers have become inexpensive especially once compared with ordinary laptop computers. Because these minis are much smaller, the price of production is cut, and so the cheaper purchase price. This has made the existing mini notebooks an instantaneous hit particularly with the current economic climate. There are currently brands to buy that exhibit a similar purchase price to a modern cellular phone. With compelling and innovative knowledge all contained in such a small package, the mini notebook computer has captured the attention of knowledge aware folks everywhere. Even though lesser in size, the functionality of the mini laptop has not been sacrificed. Speedy hard disk drives, contemporary processors, together with a realistically sized keyboard are now available features with mini laptop computers. Access to contemporary expertise for our children must be an absolute necessity. But, the price of computers can be so excessive that many parents may be unable to purchase a normal pc. Using the option of the mini notebook, virtually everyone can now enjoy the benefits of online access.

For Children & Students

Laptop computers for school children ought to be lightweight, easily portable and durable with a condensed size that will definitely squeeze into their bag. Moreover, think about the functionality of the laptop computer. If your pc is to be made use of in the college or a distance from your home frequently, then assess the length of the battery life. The perfect laptop computer has to hold a rechargeable battery that will work for a few Light hours without charge. In addition, make sure that the computer is satisfactory over a wireless connection, because the Web has become the most useful way to educate. Another feature will be included tasks to see if your PC Student perhaps processing software you need to write a word and then edit your. The normal version of Microsoft Office is probably enough for almost all your needs, but each time you any type of nonslide-show presentations or website construction, you will most likely want to purchase Office Pro.

When you need a really discounted pc, in that case you possibly will think about looking for a refurbished laptop and not a new one. There are various benefits to doing this but the huge one will be the low purchase price. An extra advantage that a large amount of purchasers will disregard is the fact that a refurbished laptop will have been already screened for defects, at the same time as someone else will have been making use of it.

Now, buying first-rate, inexpensive laptop computers for school children is possible if you discover one of the hosts of locations that there will be refurbished laptop computers to be had. If you're on a budget, as on the whole college students will be, you should save a lot of cash by buying carefully. But, purchasing a reduced pc might result in going for something shoddy. When you're investing a lot of money for an education, you may need to also supply the best technology in the form of a first-rate laptop computer which should keep going several years. So now have this in your thoughts as you buy that perfect student laptop computer.

An extra reason these mini notebooks are the 'just what the doctor ordered' student laptop computers is their wallet friendly price. A lot of college students are as a rule on a strict budget and these mini laptops are a seamless match. Most first-rate mini notebooks are nowadays priced in the $300 to $500 price range, whilst many other entirely passable ones go for well below $300. In addition, price tickets are now constantly falling, so virtually any student can nowadays buy a mini laptop.

Where To Find A Deal

Firstly you may take a look at one of the inexpensive laptop computers offered from all of the foremost computer designers. The majority will have varieties that will supply the components college students require, but also with a lower cost. These inexpensive laptop computers may not include some desirable software, but initially for nearly all college students, these uncomplicated laptop computers are spot on. Most may even incorporate gigantic hard disk storage space and modern cases. It is thought that during next year most computer manufacturers should be able to sell mini notebook computers for less than $100. These designers also expect to drop their weight to under a pound. Whether you mean to send e-mail, make videos, keep in touch, or simply use the net, mini notebook computers are innovative even before having these measures.

Shouldn't Replace A Normal Computer

You must understand however, that these mini notebooks aren't planned to supplant the PC. Whilst mini notebook computers are getting better, many makes are still finding it challenging to squeeze the quick functionality together with the great memory on the market into such condensed pieces. As a result, most mini laptop computers are not as efficient as a normal laptop computer. Mini notebook computers, however, can be modified and improved to suit the requirements of the consumer. There will be various admirable mini laptop options these days. The laptop manufacturers like Asus, Hewlett Packard, Apple, and others provide a extensive array of features and makes. When you're looking for a capable computer, you'll absolutely want to have a good look at these mini notebooks.

An extra grounds for acquiring a mini laptop is the array of options they confer. The best habitually have 3 USB ports together with many internet options. Unlike hand held devices, that may cost just as much or even more. Mini notebook computers allow a more potent processor, extra memory together with improved desirable software options.


Possibly, one of your top priorities while selecting laptop computers for school children ought to be theft. You may at the moment find many different anti-theft extras as fingerprint entry and maybe even receive facial recognizing software within some of the brand new laptop computers. You can also purchase a useful cable lock which will keep the computer a little safer. In addition, you could assess anti-theft software as LoJack which is able to follow and trace your stolen computer with the unique IP identification whenever it is made use of to connect to the web.

Tags : ASUS N61JV-X2

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Asus Eee PC 901 Laptop - How is it?

The highly anticipated Asus Eee PC 901 is the best version of this netbook, but cheap, but it is facing increasing competition from the likes of HP, Dell and MSI. How is it?

The Asus Eee PC 901 lasted 5 hours and 15 minutes on a battery drain test video playback, the class is the best battery life scores a laptop I've seen for a. On a battery test the notebook usually lasted nearly 7 hours !

In the Eee PCentire spectrum of applications is perfectly improve user communication and computing experience, while the infusion technique uses a unique manufacturing process that is in the chassis itself an integral part of the device inserted.

In addition, new cover design are tastefully decorated and offer brilliant colors depending on each user's personality - such as the Eee PC 901 ideal companion for your needs.

Equipped with theIntegrated SSD (Solid State Drive) technology, this device is the ideal travel companion mobile computing, especially because it allows an Internet service capacity of 20 GB, that a massive 5GB worth of downloads per day provides encryption files and the Access to Windows and Linux.

The Eee PC 901 is able to open in the protection against unwanted incidents and accidents, which makes it ideal for computers, it is ideal for reporters, photographers and other wildlifeLike-minded outdoor enthusiasts. Be the first Intel Atom-powered Eee PC, the improvements really add to the attractiveness and the choice of Linux or Windows XP is the purists and the masses happy.

This is a really good notebook that does not let you down and you certainly will not hold the office until all hours. Remember that it takes up to 7 hours, sitting, working and relaxing.

Thanks To : Sony VAIO VPC-F114FX/H Toshiba Satellite P505D-S8000

Laptop Screens - How to choose the right one

One of the most important factors when you buy the right laptop comes to choosing the right screen. This article will give you some practical tips you can use the situation to buying a laptop with a screen that really works. We discuss the financial issues and practical applications of the type of screen is more advantageous for you to determine. After reading this article, you should make all the necessary elements for the decision to purchase the rightNext on the notebook.

Not all screens are created equal. Their screens are standard aspect ratio, and then there are widescreen. There are 17-inch screens, there are 15-inch screen size and even smaller than that. Some screens have an anti-glare technology. But what has to do with you?

Before you can determine what the screen is right for you, we know your situation. What do you use for your notebook? If you intend to use it toGames, multimedia, image editing, music production, etc. then there are certain types of screens that allow you to be the best of these experiences. On the other hand, if you intend to use the laptop for more research, or work less, you check your e-mail, and to be more.

To begin with the differences between a wide screen aspect ratio standard. A large screen is primarily for watching DVD's advantage. This is because the horizontal or verticalProportions closely simulate a home theater system. Although widescreen is beneficial for the players, is still not enough to reach the mass market. Most games are made for a standard aspect ratio, although future trends about widescreen.

Widescreens are not easy for the user who reads a lot of text on the computer. This is because, a widescreen display with a high vertical. That is, the flow of more if you're reading text documents. Aswill this affect you? You must consider the frequency with which to read the information on the Internet and the computer, against, as is often used to watch movies, play games to see, and to run programs with complex interfaces.

Another thing to consider is your lifestyle. Go for your laptop with you wherever you go? Or is it going to be converted to and from work in the first place, and that is? Believe it or not, most of the weight of the laptop is off the screen.Try this - go to shop and take a laptop with 17-inch screen, and select a laptop with 14.1-inch screen. Are you surprised by the difference in weight? Many people who complain about the weight of a large screen to take them.

There are many innovations worked on laptop LCD screens. If a trader tries to buy a particular brand of advertising for you, because it's special anti-glare technology, which reducesGlare, do not be deceived. Almost every manufacturer has this technology and has designed its own name. The best test is the eye exam - compare one ad to another and choose which will tell you. This one is a better screen for your goal to have.

One thing to consider is how often you plan on using the laptop battery power while running. There are some types of laptop screens use different amounts ofbacklight, the power of the screen. The backlight is the most intense on the laptop battery. There are innovations in this field, including a white LED, which is currently under development and to help the other options, the return of power and longer battery life longer. Is this something that important to you with one, talk to a trader on the options available, backlit laptop screens efficient.

Finally, I gave you some options forwhen you buy your next laptop. Obviously, there are other factors that are involved in the screen but the screen is a great source of pain for a human being, and laptops are dissatisfied with your purchase. Follow the advice of this article stated that, and use them only as the next time you are shopping for a laptop, and are considering the screen size.

My Links : Toshiba Qosmio X505-Q880 Sony VAIO VPC-CW21FX/P

How can I speed up PC functions? Fast, easy way, but really effective to speed up your laptop

We all want to speed up our PC, especially if she does, that does not work as fast as you. A fast computer can lead to productive results, while a slow computer can not stop everything.

If you really want to know how to speed up the PC, then you should also know what to slow it down. A slow computer can have many causes. If you do not know what they are, then you will not be able to solve your problem.

Fortunately, a slowPC> can be improved. There are several ways to speed up PC. I discuss computer run faster, more efficient ways to make your. These are step by step procedures to assure you I will make your PC run as before. "

1 .- Increasing the memory of your computer by any unused programs. Check out the programs installed on your PC and see, you no longer use the. Delete it to increase your RAM.

2 .- Check your hard disk. TheirHDD, the most useless information can find. Delete unnecessary data and see a big change in the performance of your computer.

Unnecessary data from your hard drive has to temporary Internet files and cookies. You should also clean. On your Web browser, click Tools, then Internet Options. Click the General tab and Delete Cookies.

3 .- The defragmentation. This is a process of reducing the fragmentation of files on your computer. He has alsoaims to create more space in your computer by using compression. Click on My Computer, click Follow the local hard disk, then the tools and instructions.

4 .- Check your computer's memory. How much space is left? A better question would be how big is it? Some programs require adequate space to function properly. If you have a small RAM memory, do not try too many programs running simultaneously.

5 .- registry cleaning. Most people do not know what a record or what he does. Registration is your computerDatabase. It is all puffed up occasionally and makes the PC run slower.

Try to download a registry cleaning. It will scan and clean your registry. The registry cleaner then the errors in the Windows Registry. Thereby preventing regularly that your computer will slow.

If you really want to speed up the PC, then you should combine these steps. Cleaning the registry is an important step. Even just doing it alone canreally improve the performance of your computer.

Related : ASUS K50AF-X1 HP Pavilion DM3-1140US

Monday, January 17, 2011

Laptop Reviews - Toshiba vs. HP vs. Apple laptops

Toshiba, HP and Apple are some of the biggest (and most established) brands of laptop in the world. If the model on the market for a new laptop, it is often difficult) to choose between brands (or models. Here is a brief comparison between these three giants make your laptop you choose.

As with everything else the price is always an important factor in every purchase. If you are shopping for a laptop with a budget, you canconsider an HP or Toshiba, because notebooks are much cheaper than Apple. This does not mean that Apple computers are expensive. You can not have the best price / specs, but often with many unique features that are worth the purchase. They are also very robust and reliable, it is still justified the laptop, you spend a bit 'more about an Apple. On the other hand, if you only need an easy, simple and powerful laptop model budget, HPand Toshiba laptops, are employed.

Besides being very convenient HP is also famous for its great customer support. They have a variety of laptop models to choose from, and most of them are very cheap. If you're a year or someone who can with a PC for 6 before getting a new one, you might want to get Toshiba. The Japanese giant is to produce very durable laptops known. If money is not like a laptop computer from Apple would be a greatto acquire. In addition to the many features one-of-a-kind trackpad as huge and splendid display capable of running Mac OS on its own to justify the purchase. E 'known that multitasking performance on the Mac OS better than other Windows-based systems with the same specifications. Apple Computer has also won big in the "cool factor" department.

Thanks To : Toshiba Satellite A505-S6012

laptop-tech equipment - what does it all

There are four areas that usually dictate specifically how powerful a laptop at home. These are the central processor, the internal buffer (or RAM), hard disk and graphics chip. The central processor may be the most important of all. The brains of the computer, the speed of work - in other words, how fast your computer is doing things. A lot of new software, especially games require a fast, modern processor to perform correct. However, the central processor controls the overall speed of the entire computer, open e-mail to scan your system running.

As a temporary memory called RAM, is also very important. It serves as a landfill for your laptop at home, the storage of information that must otherwise be read from a disk. Generally, the more complex the program, the more RAM it requires to function. The other type of memory, hard drive, this is your > Laptop 's repository. This is where all your files are stored, these documents, music or photos. If you install a program, game or is this part of your laptop at home, the information provided. In simple terms, the more files you want to keep, the more programs you want to install, the larger the disc should be.

Finally we come to the graphics chip. Note that this is only a consideration if you want to play on your home> Laptop - if you just want to then use the photos for Microsoft Office, Internet and storing video and music files, the integrated Intel chip well. If you like games with complex 3D graphics, then you must make sure your laptop has a 3D accelerator. The two main producers are Nvidia and ATI, the accelerator to replace the standard Intel chip. The technology improves the graphics all the time, but if your laptop has a new homethese chips, you can be pretty sure that deal with the vast majority of the latest gaming software.

Of course there are other types of mobile home to be aware of details - the speed of your DVD drive, sound card, etc. - but the four mentioned above is certainly the most important. Happy hunting!

Friends Link : Toshiba Satellite Pro L550-EZ1703 ASUS G51JX-X5 ASUS N71JQ-X1

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Asus Eee PC 701 - Cheap Laptops

Looking for a lightweight, economical laptop and if so, then you may have with the Asus Eee PC 701 with model release.

The term "economic" is not necessarily "cheap," but the idea that the device seems to be spend with the best value for the money it is based. Contrary to common perception on the cheap laptops, Asus Eee PC 701 model comes with its means. With the same features andPower to get other brands.

In fact, laptop (especially the Eee PC 701 version), ASUS has integrated 4gigabytes with a Celeron processor, same RAM and a standard space. The only difference is the physical design - a small screen in one size, 7 inches. Conversely, it is not DVD player, which would then force users to buy one if they have such an integrated education.

Regardless of whether a DVD player or not,many people are still patronizing Asus laptops. This work is mainly because of the remarkable features that it takes a very reasonable price. is the simplicity of his regime. In fact, it is considered ten times easier than Windows-based computers. That's what catches the interest of many mobile enthusiasts young and old.

The following highlights illustrate the reasons for the success of the Asus Eee PC 701 model.

a. Integrated helpfulApplications: what can you do with a Windows based unit is also possible the laptop with the latest Asus. All These include the availability of functional programs such as the Internet, where users of the Firefox browser, Skype, instant messaging applications such as GTalk, Yahoo, AOL and MSN, well, you can use Wikipedia.

b. user-friendly interface: Graphical User Interface is deliberately designed so users will be as friendly as possible. This is so in order to meet the demand didNovice and expert end users. Like the Eee PC, it works well in providing a refreshing interface is suitable for both grandmothers and children. He is a board member of tabbed browsing and basic options, the knowledge, favorites, workplace settings, playback and Internet Options.

c. Excellent screen display: What makes the Eee PC is painless eye on the ultimate design of the screen size is displayed in a 7-inch screen with a resolution of 800x400 pixels. ThisScheme is very comfortable and sturdy enough for the price.

d. Best Network Performance: With Eee PC, users would not be difficult to connect to the Internet. With the Wi-Fi capability, integrated, you can go by just the profile and the entry of a valid WEP / WAP key codes assigned to your network online. This is only a single process, so that the next instance, if your computer, you have already connected to the Internet.

These are justfour attributes highlight the latest Asus laptop. Some interesting features can be identified Asus Notebook, by adding your own contribution to the. Surely you will discover why it considered the best value for your money.

Friends Link : HP Pavilion DV6-2162NR Discounts laptop deal Toshiba Satellite A505-S6030

The very efficient laptop model Toshiba

Despite the fact that Toshiba U305-S5127 notebook weighs only 4.6 pounds, is a very powerful model. It 's the embedded processor, a job offers fast and stable machine.

Users have the ability to manage multi-tasking on the laptop. With a powerful processor the element-and off in minutes. Users do not have to wait too long to begin with a period.

Even if the screen is not far away, is clean, bright and colorful.Users enjoy the film. The graphic display is also great, playing computer games will bring a real pleasure for users. He saved a lot of audio files?

The Toshiba laptop has a large hard drive, the ability to save user files an unlimited number of audio and video. It 's very handy to have everything at your fingertips. Large hard drive (200 GB) is a further advantage of this model.

The internal battery gives users the ability to usethis model for a long time. However, an additional battery can be purchased in stores. The model is sold with a preinstalled Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium.

The operating system is great. Many users prefer to Vista and only use this operating system. E 'considered a very good operating system. This model is comfortable with a keyboard?

The machine has a standard keyboard and a touchpad responsive. Both the keyboard and touchpad are very easy to use.No need to connect a mouse.

Recommend : HP Pavilion DM3-1140US Compaq Presario CQ61-420US

Saturday, January 15, 2011

5 tips to speed up your Windows PC or laptop

Everyone wants to work quickly with Windows PC or laptop, but it is very common for the PC or laptop is slower in operation or able to obtain gel in just the wrong time, when you are in a hurry to get your work . end In this situation there are some software systems, which are very convenient for you to avoid the kind of laptop laying on the Windows PC or.

The most common problem that is associatedwith the computer slowing down is the problem that is gaining in the registry section. Any program that is right not installed or uninstalled, the system registry to get up, that directly influence the speed of Windows or the notebook. But there are things that people will be very useful for blasting out of this situation.

Top 5 tips to speed up your Windows PC or a laptop that showed muchResults are shown below.

1) Clean your hard drive when the speed is reduced to the possibility of cleaning disc in the system tools can be carried out.

2) Take the process unnecessarily.

3) System tray should be empty.

4) viruses and spy ware must be scanned and cleared by the updated version of the software leading anti-virus, the virus can be eliminated.

View 5) Prevent the Windows logo at startup, this optionSave bind large amounts when you start Windows.

The above tips seem to be so simple can make world of difference and improved the speed of your Windows PC or laptop!

My Links : ASUS G71GX-RX05

Satellite TV Free PC software for my laptop - can you get it?

There is no PC Satellite TV Free software that deserves the name

I do not sound very critical, but I think what most are free of charge or at a certain level or are just not worth it.

Is this really Free Internet TV is worth?

An example of the website is free satellite TV no fees and all you have to do, the URL in your browser. TV service is available online free of charge to his word, he is completely free. But thensomething happens that does not usually available.

Due to the high demand for Internet TV for free save people around the world, the server, these guys are definitely fixed. I have tried many free satellite TV to watch many times, but only 5 minutes after I connect, it gives me an error message and stops the transmission of the live stream.

Now let me say that we see at night when everyone is asleep, but I remember that the worlddifferent time zones and if someone does not see in the States as a million others in China and Africa. True, because you only need an Internet connection and even in Africa is now well connected.

What about TV online once purchased software

To see the only other viable option to satellite TV software is to buy ridiculously low prices. They combine many channels around the world and to create an interface that easy to browse and save yourFavorite TV networks. Say, if you want to know what is happening in the Arabic-speaking countries, simply click on the menu. It is simple.

What satellite TV software is good?

One of the best online Live TV, and recommended software is PC 2007 Elite Edition. This is an I to have found images of good quality and best price. It is also among the best web pages more Click on the check and the bank, one of the leading online retailers digital ranks.

IfIt leads to the market place, it must be good. Enjoy the viewing quality of the demo by clicking the link below to view the site of the manufacturer.

Thank you and happy viewing.

Recommend : HP Pavilion DV4-2140US ASUS N61JV-X2 Toshiba Satellite L455-S5008

Friday, January 14, 2011

Laptops Guide: Choosing a laptop computer is right for you

Most of us tend to think of laptops in the same way: a fairly small portable computer that can open and close like a suitcase, with all the functionality of a desktop. In fact, the term "portable" is very general, really. There are currently four main styles of these portable PCs, each something different, depending on your needs.

ultralight aircraft - also known as ultra-portable sub-notebook or laptop weighs style - and no morethat - four pounds, making them ideal for travelers. The advantage is a lightweight, that does not burden those who spend much time taking with muscle pain have to do as its larger cousins often. The disadvantage is that - to reduce weight and size - this type of laptop is so small that there is no room for a network card or internal CD drive. To reap the benefits of this type of "attachments", you should bring an external CD driveand port replicator. Another negative scenario is that ultralights tend to be expensive end portable spectrum.

Notebook - This is basically just a normal laptop, but a little 'less severe, with a weight of five £ 56. While heavier than the smaller ultralight, it also offers more opportunities with less effort. With the flexibility of a combo bay, notebooks are a great side opening that allows the user to insert a CD designedDrive, floppy disk or an extra battery - allowing the necessary functionality without the burden of making room for those who are not required to access.

Standards - commonly referred to as "regular laptops," these weigh 6:00 to 8:00 pounds and offer a full range of services. This technology tracks the pack-mule is the best buy - dollar for dollar - when you consider the price / performance ratio. Due to their popularity, combined with their design and usability, it is not uncommonDiscounts on these major manufacturers. Other types of laptops that fall into more specialized categories, tend to be higher in price ranges. The bottom line are the four main types of laptops, the default is the cheapest for the right amount of money.

Extra Large - Although this type of laptop do not have a technical name, it is best to simply refer to it as "extra large", 8:00 to 10:00 in weight in pounds and have a screen,Measures at least 17 inches. Also, the keyboard is much larger than a standard laptop, making it the ultimate comfort for those who are resistant to the standard keyboard of the laptop anymore. It is about having a few crashes that kind of unity, not least of which is its weight. It can be a laptop £ 4 difference between the weight of a standard and an extra large - and this is a bit ', thinking of them around allDay. The other negative factor is the cost for this type of laptop. It 's a price as strong as its weight and size.

The purchase of a laptop comes down to personal preference and there are lots of styles in the laptop community to please everyone in short supply. For those who can decide and just want "a laptop", then it's probably better to keep to the standard model.

See Also : Sony VAIO VPC-EB16FX/L HP Compaq 610 WH247UT Sony VAIO VPC-F114FX/H

Master Essential Laptop Shortcuts to save time

are a lot of time could be saved when you are a laptop computer. You know all the links you can use the computer? The knowledge and use of these abbreviations help you to save your keyboard and then time is much longer. There are no shortcuts for almost all actions and can increase productivity significantly.

The keyboard, you can create a lot of things you might not be aware of. For example, you can quickly launch many of your applicationsthe keyboard. You can also start your own keyboard shortcuts for applications that have desktop icons, applications on your Quick Launch bar or Start menu. You can do this by right-clicking the application icon and selecting Properties from the menu that appears to do. In the shortcut box, type the key is assigned as a shortcut to this application. By default, this is Ctrl + Alt and a key of your choice, but this can be any combination of changesCtrl, Alt, Shift and F1 to F12. After you have entered these, click OK.

A tip for Microsoft Word: If you press Shift + F5, you will see where you are on the page. Pressing this combination of new looks at the last three places you make changes to the document or saved. This link can display up to three recent changes or saves.

You can use the web search faster and more relevant results by properly setting the search parameters. Perform a Tto search within a range of numbers, put "..." between the keywords, like this: "$ 1000 laptop ... 1500" will only look for amounts between these laptops. You can filter your search words using a "-" before the word you want to keep you on the results. For example: "Virus - Computer will show the results for the type of non-computer virus. Another good tip is to find" ~ "before a search, including search resultsTerm and its often used interchangeably. Thus, "Computers help ~" You can also obtain results that contain the words "PC" portable "or" hardware ".

You can zoom in on web pages using only your mouse. This can be done with the mouse wheel. This works for both Internet Explorer and Firefox. Simply hold down the Ctrl key and spin the wheel to zoom in up to fall away. This trick also works in MS Office!

Have you always wanted to be able to turn off your computer and fasterarrested him faster? It 's simple. In Windows XP, you can find this setting in Control Panel. Under the tab "Performance and Maintenance in Power Options, click the Advanced button. Once you know, click on" If I have the power button on my computer button and select Shut Down, then click OK. This will set the can in Vista Power Options in Control Panel, but this time in System Preferences. Again, select "Advanced" and "When you press the power button ..." option, selectStop and save your changes, click OK.

Use an external keyboard and mouse whenever you can. You can do a / 2 splitter cable PS or USB hub as well. The portable product page you can find places for these items. There are models in which these chips will not work. They usually have two doors on these models, but not yet panic. If you have both a PS / 2 port and a USB port, you get a mouse with a kind of interface, a keyboard with the other.

Remember meErgonomic principles and place the keyboard and mouse, or no more than an inch below the elbow height sitting. If you are not simply the amount of work surface, keyboard used to hold down the mouse and keyboard at the correct height. Even products page laptops, the computers that are in the right direction for small adjustable table is ideal for your work.

Keep laptops close at hand - has a screen to tilt forward to see if this isaway and can cause neck tension. It also slows down the speed with which you work.

Keep your laptop into a level where the screen in front of you. There are many stand monitor, laptop owners do, just for them. If you use your laptop to a permanent job, consider using one of these to help your productivity, your.

Sit in a chair and bend your head forward. If necessary, get a chair where you can sit comfortablyat work. This can be expensive, but if you frequently work on a laptop, you see a chiropractor a lot more expensive. If you are not comfortable at work, there will be much less productive. Keep your wrists on the palm rest. The movement of the fingers, wrists. The wrist should be in line with your elbows.

When possible, use the keyboard commands. This saves time and effort. Reflective lighting should be avoided. Keep the screen brightness to a level that isconvenient for you. Need a little 'experiment, to discover that the ideal level.

Keep the screen clean. You will be surprised at how a place can be slow. They are annoying, but soon learned, so whenever you want.

Try not to work on a hotel bed or on a table top. This will be slower and can quickly lead to back pain that can be realized.

If the knee will be at a level much lower than the hips and back did notadequately supported at the same time, it is necessary to support the feet. A footstool to go far, even a makeshift one. This makes you more comfortable, so you can work with fewer distractions.

One last tip to save time. Free is good, right? Not always. A lot of free software comes with spyware and other disorders that can really slow down your computer equipment. By downloading this article is not first, keep your computer running faster.

Friends Link : ASUS K50IJ-H1 Sony VAIO VPC-CW23FX/B

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Capacity Notebook Battery Explained

Batteries rated) by, Voltage (V) and milliampere-hour (mAh power. Is the rate at which energy from the battery and milliampere-hours represents the capacity of the battery is pulled. The milliamp hour rating corresponds to the battery life. A battery with a rating higher milliamp hour lasts relatively longer than a battery with a rating lower milliamp hours.

Batteries with different milliampere-hours can be used on the laptop with the condition that theThe voltage is the same. The voltage must match the original battery or recommended by the computer manual. With a battery with a different voltage setting can seriously damage the laptop. The power of most compatible / replacement batteries cushions are higher than the original battery manufacturers. This will not damage your laptop, in fact, it simply means that these batteries in many cases more than original batteries manufacturers. AskExperts
PowerUp on compatible replacement laptop batteries.

The life of a laptop battery for various applications in individual laptops, used on the base (ie high graphics, games), sometimes something or retrieved are stored on your hard drive and / or CD-Rom drive, memory notebook and chemicals, and battery capacity. An average "realistic" run-time for a battery of 1.5 to 3 hours. With wireless devices such as aAdapter on the laptop also draws significantly from the battery.

The life of a battery in normal use is about 500-900 charge-discharge cycles. It is about one and a half to three years of battery life for the average user. As the battery begins to fail, the execution time of the battery starts to sink.

Thanks To : Toshiba Tecra A11-S3540 Toshiba Satellite A505D-S6008 ASUS G51JX-A1

Invest in a touch screen notebook

Not everyone has a laptop, but these days almost all, the handset may have its own needs. However, not many people know of touchscreen laptops. And that's a shame, because finding the laptop with ability to recognize right touch could be a very long way to help you in school or business.

There are two varieties available with similar technology. The Tablet PC is its name and form a solid piece of screendo not have a keyboard and mouse. The user interacts with the stylus directly on the screen. However, you can connect a USB or wireless keyboard or mouse, and most drivers are compressed with most standard devices.

But when we say touch-screen laptop, more people have heard of such a swivel screen laptops than normal. It may be in tablet form, rotating the screen around and fold it back to convert.

BothThe devices allow the user, drawings, handwritten documents, graphics and other such things to create on-screen with the stylus. It also allows you to browse media and scaling with multi-touch sensing. Objects and launch applications can interact with the screen without the need for a mouse or touchpad.

The disadvantage of this construction is the weakness in the screen hinge. Since it is built for flexibility, durability, there are some that wetypical in a laptop screen hinge. While the screen is constructed with a protective layer, as it should be hammered, but finally with the interactive use.

Fortunately, as technology advances, these screens are more durable with each new model. The producers are well aware of the problem and a good sum of money is always R & D firms in this field.

As the weakness of the physical structurethe laptop is a good guarantee probably a plus for many people. It can be expensive to repair, and usually buy a lot of money to another. extended warranty packages are usually very convenient with any laptop.

touchscreen laptops would be a great investment for people who carry laptops with more features in terms of input. The touch screen offers many advantages for many people and the interface is more intuitive than standard laptop.

Visit : Toshiba Satellite T115D-S1125

The best notebook for 2010 Touch Screen

2010 is around the corner and laptops this year, new players in and beyond the already displayed. They are mobile phones with touch screen functions. Touchscreens are not new, they have been for a while now, but especially in commercial computers, like computers in the fast-food restaurants, Kinko's and other places. Today, however, you can move the screen of your laptop, zoom to it or what you always want to do computer with his finger, and theto answer. This new concept of capacity touch screen is coming through the window 7, the latest Microsoft operating system on the market.

Even if you have your mouse, Windows 7 is the course for the mouse in the direction of the dinosaurs, which is off to move any further. We collected information on some new laptops that 2010 are the best search and guide you choose one, which laptop computer replacing your 5 years with inmatesGlue and sticky.

The Lenovo ThinkPad T400

4oo ThinkPad T Series is designed with the user, improves productivity and fundamentally change the way we work. It has a simple application that you can display double tap tap anywhere on the screen notebooks on the Control Panel. Then you can use the computer as the screen.
The screen is 14.1 "and is probably the best feature. It has a coating to protect the fingerprints of ants on the screen and also helps to reducePower consumption, and bright colors. This notebook will set you back $ 1,700 more, and it has a wider touchpad modules of DDR3 memory.

Archos 9 Tablet PC

The Archos 9 is the jewel product of the line Archos Tablet brings you a new option, Internet, media and your TV, you can enjoy all in one handheld device. It is clearly defined, the portable device with high-end ultra-thin 9-inch touch screen and weighs less than £ 2, which is lessan average cup of coffee. It comes with a 1.3 megapixel Webcam for video conferencing, 1GB RAM and 60 GB hard drive. The device must have cost you hundreds of dollars.

Asus T91

This is the latest and monitoring of the ESSS Asus PC T91 family. It is loaded with Windows 7 and has a multi-touch display and pioneering new software Asus touchscreen. do it is one of those screens that rotate in any direction you can, ideal for presentations andprobably the world's smallest and thinnest touch a PC.

It is also very light, 2.1 kg and comes with a touch interface and 3-D user-friendly browser, you flip through the floating panels on the screen. The touch screen is very easy to use and you can surf the web effortlessly at the touch a finger. Best of all this excellent PC costs 500th

Recommend : ASUS G51VX-RX05