Thursday, May 5, 2011

What to Consider When Buying a Laptop or Desktop PC

If you are anything like us, you just love computers. You don't have to be a geek or geekette to love spending time on your computer and surfing the Internet. Are you ready to buy a new computer or even to buy your first computer? In this article we will give you a few basic things to think about before making the big purchase.

Keep in mind that technology is growing so fast it can make your head spin! What is new today, may be obsolete in just a few short years. With that in mind, let's move on.

· What is the purpose of this computer? Will you be using it for business, pleasure or both? If you don't need a computer for business, a desktop computer would be a good fit. On the other hand, if you are someone who doesn't like sitting at a desk, likes the small size or needs a computer when travelling, the laptop is your preferred choice.

· What sort of work do you do on the computer? Do you work a lot with graphics, for example? Or is it mostly with documents and spreadsheets or presentations. If you frequently work with graphics or photos, you are more likely going to need a bigger hard drive than is standard. You may need to install a number of software programs that may need a lot of RAM as well. So these are a few things to think about and discuss with a knowledgeable sales representative.

· How about gaming? Do you plan on playing a lot of video games online or offline?

What about videos or watching TV and movies using your computer? The more programs you install, the more RAM it takes and the more you need a bigger hard drive to operate everything. If you don't have adequate RAM and hard drives, your computer may run much slower than you want it to and cause a great deal of frustration.

Someone recently asked this question. "What kind of computer should they buy?" She was considering one that would require learning an entirely new way of doing things for which she had no experience. You need to surf for only their computer for e-mails and a little bit. After discussing its needs and it is ready to learn when you create a new computer is very helpful to them. They did not recognize her in over his head not familiar with a new computer if need is low. This saved her a small fortune if they made their new purchase. Each time you add memory, RAM, etc., add the dollar sign on your purchase.

It's a good idea to listof all the things you want to do with your new laptop or PC. Then consider your budget. Remember that technology changes rapidly and you may want to upgrade again in a few years.

Choose a brand you are comfortable with or one that meets your computing requirements. Bring your list and talk to the sales people because they will be able to help you with the more intricate considerations of your purchase.

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