Saturday, June 19, 2010

Digital DJing - with a laptop or PC to share your Mobile Disco

Many mobile discos have the base change from a CD or vinyl-based system software, and usually runs on either a full size PC or laptop. The fundamentals of both systems are essentially the same, and therefore you should not simply about stories be adopted within other horror as her laptop DJs overheating during the first dance at a wedding or as full size PCs exploded their power in the middle by a concert. There are advantages and disadvantages using both systems, but especially if you like laptop using a PC or a full comes size it to personal choice, practical, budget and space, and you will often find that's to criticize the DJ, the machine in front of , never actually used the system they criticize!. If possible visit by a DJ, who already uses a system that you want to use yourself, nothing can sell an idea better seen in action! "For the record, I did use both Mobile DJPC 's> and laptops from DJ, and neither in my opinion, was more reliable or better than the other, so there should be a personal decision, rather than scare stories or the decision at this point!.

Performs a mobile disco from a PC or laptop reliable?

Those who dread the Windows Blue Screen of Death "or worn with the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Delete on the keyboard, the idea has met with such a system as a platform their DJing. Basically, a decent dedicated PC or laptop with a clean, good quality of the hard drive and a reasonable amount of memory to preform typical home PC set-ups that can be run multiple applications at once with viruses or spyware traces are infiltrated and have a hard drive and complete record of the entena corrupt and partly uninstalled files.

The key to all success of a software-based DJ system, is to buy a dedicated PC /Laptop> to as the task and not the operating system and software DJ, and never allow it to run other applications or even connect to the Internet. In this way, the boot and stays clean and above all without error, rarely is a corrupted file and will not be infiltrated or bogged down with several other applications. This advice is provided DJs have years of which have with the software and the computer for many, and I found this method to mix as reliableDJing than conventional CDs.

The advantages of using a laptop or PC DJ

The advantages of converting your material can be music files with a PC or laptop from many DJs. The most obvious is the first time is over, if you wear several heavy boxes of CDs around with them, most DJ CD collections and can be easily converted to MP3 format and hard on an 80 GB - 200 GB hard drive!. The conversion software to get rid of DJ'ingThis long search through several CD compilations percent in search of the elusive title that you just asked that you had somewhere!. In most DJ software, you can find type all or part of the name of the artist or the title and it in seconds!. It is really possible to find and to a request within five seconds - something that simply can not be easily and quickly with a CD or vinyl collection.

Other advantages of a software-based DJ system includesPossibility to create, play lists of frequently used tracks, and you can create lists of all sorts, including a playlist of music in the background, one for dance music, one for 70 years and one for the end of the slow night. Of course you can also book group together and indexed by gender, to find the traces of time easier. Some DJ software also allows you all the tracks that have a similar BPM - a boon to combine DJ'smix.

What DJ software should I choose?

There are many different brands and types of DJ software on, and again it is personal preference which type you choose. It's always a good idea, the comments and discussions in forums and DJ if possible, a DJ, one of the system software that it is of interest to read you used to find, once you actually see it in action, in a nightclub environment.

Some DJ software comes with a free trial version, which you can downloadand install the software on your system and try it for free for a limited period (usually 10-30 days). According to the cost of software, it can have other properties. Some DJ software lets you easily cue and play music files with two "players" have other features comprehensive, to how to fade between the tracks, the pitch and tempo of a checks the same way as conventional CD and vinyl decks some of the more expensive software, evenYou can mix or add a USB controller that looks and works like a Twin-CD-controller! Some software even mix tracks for you.

Remember that only one function is useful if you have a use for it. Think carefully about the features you need and what you have no use. It would be pointless, a package of DJ software that allows you to buy Mix, if you have a mobile DJ, who rarely has the obligation to beat mix are. Most of the software in its basic form,also comes with the ability to add and install plug-ins that you updates and additional features, then its value, starting with the basic packages and adding new features, if and when you need it!.

My advice at this point, if you are new, or are considering DJing software is the free trials of different software programs available that try for the limited time download, and then buy the one that suits you, and is very comfortable operate.

Some DJSoftware titles that are currently popular and well reviewed by mobile DJs are OtsDJ, PCDJ and DSSDJ

What kind of computer do I need to run my DJ Software

If you chose a program, it is time to examine, on a laptop or PC, use it. Contrary to rumors, you do not need the latest laptop brand new or properly carry out the DJ software, nor do you need a huge CPU processor. Most DJ Softwarehappy on a Pentium 3 with 600 MHz or faster, a lot of new Celeron 1.2GHz + hit is also perfect DJ software run without problems and without sweating. Try and buy as much memory as you can afford, ideally, 512 MB of RAM or a minimum of 256 MB for most applications.

What size should I: o)

A decent size hard drive is the next consideration. Remember, the more the hard drive for most individual songs you can stand it. A music mediumat 192 kbps ripped file is approximately 5 MB in size and, therefore, a 100GB hard drive should fit around 20,000 tracks on it. However, increase if the quality of tracks in the MP3 format and file size increases, so a 320kpbs mp3 could be as large as 11MB in size and it has the same 100GB capacity would be the fact that, around 9000 titles reduced. Remember to factor in space for your operating system, drivers and DJ software at work on the hard drive!. You can extend your courseHard drive capacity by installation of external hard drives to USB ports, and they are also reliable. If possible, try using a FireWire or USB 2.0, which works well, as they speed up in data rates than USB 1.1 standard, although the report many DJ's no problem with hard drives and sound cards longer run of 1.1 systems.

Give me Sound!

With a good sound card is a must!, Many laptops and PC motherboard based sound chips to full height, to be fair rarelyQuality or developed with full-time audio playback with high quality. Consider installing a PCI sound card in your PC, or invest in an external USB sound card and, if you choose to use a laptop. Most sound cards Channel 2 is sufficient in most mix mobile applications where sound is a mix of players on the laptop and the output is only fed by a pair of "L" and "R" connectors on the sound card and then in the console orAmplifier.

However, if more creativity is needed, or software must be used for mixing applications or expected to be used with a crossfader between channels on a conventional mixer, then you need to buy a sound card 5 channels. This allows to implement the sound card in a way that can be a pair of "L" and "R" outputs are used for "Player 1" on the sound card and fed into a single channel mixing on the table, and even for "allows Player 2" - the software allows anyPlayers have their own cursor on the mixer - just like a conventional twin CD player.

What quality?

Some software packages Dj come to rip with the means "take out a CD. "Ripping" means placing the original CD into the PC CD-ROM s and the process of converting music on original CDs into MP3 files, the file is saved to disk as MP3. In the case of OtsDJ is the option to convert it to a file called OTS, is a custom file regonised byOtsDJ software, but it seems as good as MP3 and is also a file size smaller, which means that several files can OTS on a hard drive in comparison to conventional MP3 files can be saved.

If you are a DJ software, current MP3 files are used, you have the quality to which the option "rip". This number is in "kbps" and often measured between 32 kbps and 320 kbps. Lower lines are not recommended for use on a professional sound system, because theydull and even distorted. Ideal for professional use, should the DJ look at their CD ripping of MP3 files at 192kbps or more.

192kbps as acceptable quality, but nearly 320kbps CD quality and can be brought forward with some DJ's is - but on small sound systems, the difference may be difficult to recognize. Because quality is increased, the larger the file and a 320kbps MB file can be very much larger than its counterpart 192kbps, it can take longer to rip a whole320kbps CD at lower rates.

DJ software that extract is not able, Musicmatch Jukebox is an alternative to this process,

Are there any drawbacks with a digital DJ?

Now the disadvantages!. Obviously the initial cost of buying a PC / laptop, sound card quality, large hard disk and DJ software itself is the player likely total more than buying a traditional CD or record player. It also takes time to rip ""Your CD collection to MP3 and store them on your hard drive. In some countries it is also illegal, original material in MP3 format for digital use without a license, which can be expensive to convert, if the DJ is working on the right side of the law. It is a condition of license possible that we discuss next.

Do I need a license to the music from a laptop?

At the time of this writing, an annual license fee is required in Canada and the United Kingdom foruse a PC or laptop DJ. In the United Kingdom, the payments an additional license and royalty possible is also necessary for the conversion process. Even if no charges were to be announced (April 2006) these controversial laws are likely to free unattractive to this form of DJ'ing, more conventional and "license" in comparison with alternatives.

Finally, my advice software DJing

* Always buy and use a dedicated PC / laptop will be used to seduce not only DJ,PC use to the family or other applications running on the machine you use to DJ and shall not allow the machine to connect to the Internet. On a pre-used machine, also from the ground up with a format and reinstall the operating system.

* Use a good sound card, even if you buy an upgrade or an external USB one needs

* Always rip the music directly from an original CD quality at 192 kbit / s or more. 320kbps is recommended cd for sound systems of the highest quality and proximityQuality. 192kbps is acceptable for small systems used by mobile DJs.

* Be not concerned about running to buy the latest top of the range PC. Most of the DJ software is like to be the basic P3 600MHz machine running from, but check the minimum requirements for the software authors website.

* The comments on the different software available reading. Stick to the features you use, because you can always extras later. Take a free trial version of DJSoftware that are available and use the time to find the best software for you

* If you select a full-sized PC make sure it is professionally Flight Cases PC - 's are not designed to be carried out.

* Choose a high capacity 100 GB - 200 GB hard drive from a reputable manufacturer. Where practical and legal back-up your data

* Turn your ideal computer with 256MB memory and 512 MB.

* Review the legal aspects of the transformationOriginal music to MP3, and whether a license is required to operate such a system.

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