Thursday, August 12, 2010

Laptop vs Desktop - Which one should I buy?

History Then and Now

In the past, this was an easy choice, if not a necessity for the benefits of a laptop simply chose a desktop. This was mainly due to the large price difference and the fact that, for reasons of performance, the desktop was a much better purchase.

But in today's technologically advanced society, you can buy a laptop, the only comparable in terms of performance but not the price points significantly decreased. InIn fact, not a popular consumer magazine - sorry to mention the name in advertising - is that the possibilities of modern desktop and notebook computers are practically the same, it is a matter of preference.

Which to choose?

But before you buy to run on desktop, laptop or new, you must understand the advantages and disadvantages of your purchase.

Why you should buy a laptop?

The primaryAdvantage for possession of a laptop is portability, its ability to move quickly and easily. You can download the business travel, you take on holiday and, thanks to wireless networks can work outside to sit on your terrace or garden with her. They require less space, since they are equipped with built-in screen that you really need to buy a separate monitor.

Basically you can do everything out there on a laptop that you can do on the desktop workOffice, writing letters to edit newspapers, surf the Internet, photos, create videos, films, to play. Think you can do this with a device that is basically the size of a portfolio of business to do.

However, note that there are some disadvantages. The best advantage notebook is also its greatest weakness. Because they are so portable, can be easily stolen. Many laptops are lost every day in office buildings, college dormitories and even airport terminals.Statistics show that thousands of laptops lost or stolen each year. I'm sure all remember him, news of laptops that came with missing data classified or highly sensitive about their hard drives.

Laptops can also be erased coffee is poured on them, are difficult to upgrade or repair in particular the portable monitor and do not forget the batteries Contribute laptops, which must be constantly charged and must be replaced Eventually,It costs extra money.

Why you should buy a desktop?

The desktop is still considered the patriarch - the matriarch of the computer world. Today in all shapes and sizes. If you are looking for maximum flexibility, maximum performance and best value for money $, is simply the best option. Desktops are always on top of the technology curve. New components (eg CPU, memory, disk drives) is almost always debut in the desktop first.

The mainAdvantage of the desktop is that from a standpoint of performance (speed, capacity, etc.) are the best computer you can buy. Moreover, they are among the computers cheaper and cheaper. Now for the disadvantages of a contrast with younger siblings, there is the laptop are not very portable. Depending on the model you purchase, can be very cumbersome, requires a lot of space on your desktop and you always need to buy additional peripherals, such as a monitor, keyboard andMouse.

A Few Final Words

As you have just read, two laptops and desktops have their advantages. When you want portability or if you want a laptop to check. If it is simply the best value for money you want and you want a desktop then by all means consider a Deskto.

What do you think?

It's not my decision, you must decide for themselves, I'm going to take the fifth time this ...

Thanks To : Sony VAIO VPC-z114gx/S


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