Monday, August 9, 2010

Mac Laptops - Why you should buy a Mac laptop?

If you turned on and used a new Mac laptops ... You'll never go back to a PC again. And I mean always! Who has not with your PC? Crash, nor have security updates, viruses, and what about Windows Vista. XP was not so bad. Stop wasting hours and hours of your PC.

The new line-up of Mac laptops are much easier to use, you do not, they will use a computer to the genius. Thenew operating system is simply the easiest to use and almost free of viruses. The con that I can think of is the price that you know the saying you get what you pay for.

Another reason for choosing this machine is to run PC programs impressive and is willing to work in the field. Never needed updates, if you will have the chance to get a lot of games or run programs that you better stay with [I hate to say it] on your PC. Your newApple has its own software for all your videos, photos, files, etc. .. designed to work together.

The new operating system OS X Leopard comes with standard features such as: Safari, Mail, Address Book and iCal. Others include Time Machine, iChat and Boot Camp. Link this mean with an Intel Core 2 CPU Duel you machine! The latest is the Mac Book Air ... an impressive ¾ inch thick, making it easier for all.

Thanks To : ASUS K50IJ-H1


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