Sunday, October 3, 2010

As the hard disk to retrieve data from a dead laptop

This guide will show you how to retrieve data from a dead laptop, because it does not work anymore, what a nothing but a hard disk failure.

To remove a disc

The first step is to remove the hard drive (look on the manufacturer's website or network for the service manual of the notebook). In general, it is an easy and simple operation.

2, data restore order

There is much about the recovery of data from alaptop hard drive, the easiest way is to connect the hard disk to another PC.

With this intention, you must be a 2.5 "Hard Drive FireWire or USB enclosure or a laptop hard drive adapter kit of 2.5-3.5 inch IDE HDD. When the connected PC simply copy the data from the portable hard drive TV.

3 illegible or corrupted data

In this case, you need a tool like Unstoppable Copier. Read It is a tool that allows data to makea damaged disk, if you encounter a file can not copied, that file will be ignored and the copy process continues.

4 Due to a damaged hard disk very

In this case it is necessary to review Ultimate Boot CD for Windows (the tool that everyone should have) First, read the data that can be run with the Explorer XP.Then Unstoppable Copier, which is included in Ultimate Boot CD to be used, For example, you want the source drive as C: and what was the hard drive laptopIt did: the destination drive, which is the hard drive of your PC desktop.

For more information, visit the Community Support portable solution.

Related : Toshiba Satellite L455-S5008


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