Friday, October 15, 2010

Speed Up Laptop - accelerate, as the light laptop

After using the laptop for a few months, you will find that your laptop is slowing down. Many people think they can spend money to upgrade or reinstall your operating system. I've been in this situation before and was looking for a better way to solve the problem. After researching and gathering information, I found three steps that really work, slowing to prevent and even speed up the handset. These three steps are so simple that anyone could do if they knewthem. You know exactly how the speed of your laptop, after reading this article.

First step to speed up the laptop - Defrag your system

Share your hard drive as a folder with many papers in different colors. Each color represents a type of program. When such a program, efforts will be only one color which should be read. Imagine how difficult it is to read about a program when the cards are randomly distributed and how much of your precious timeu will fall. When you defragment your computer will deal the cards and put together every color. Defragment the hard drive can speed up your laptop significantly. Do it yourself and see the difference then number two.

Second step to speed up laptop - unnecessary startup programs

Some programs start automatically when you restart the laptop. It means that you get late when you turn on your laptopany program that starts automatically. after the commissioning of these programs running in the background, also use the memory of the laptop. why your laptop is running slow. Remove all the necessary programs and start feeling the difference.

Third step to speed up laptop - Fix Your Registry Errors

and the most important step to speed up the laptop the third is to clean registry errors from your. When downloadingremove any files or when you install or remove a program, and if you can remove or install the hardware. The registry contains a record, and it is useless. It can also be broken. This is why the computer is getting slower and slower. It could also be some error messages on a laptop. All of this slows down your laptop well and it gets worse.

After these three steps to speed portable laptop is much faster. E 'is like buying a new laptop. It is not necessary for your Windows or anything and install Registry Cleaner to clean regularly. They have a fantastic laptop without the hard work.

Tags : Sony VAIO VPC-F114FX/B


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