Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ouch! I poured water on my laptop, now what?

We get this call about twice a week and it seems that there is conflicting information, so we decided to clear the air. We are dealing with laptops, which often were buried. The worst thing that a laptop computer for children poured a margarita pitcher in one. One wonders where his parents were.

First, the laptop immediately and remove the battery. The electric current in a laptop is the biggest threat to the laptop. SoJerk the power cord and remove the battery. You must remove the battery, because even if the handset is turned off there is a bit 'of power through the laptop.

Secondly, you need the laptop long enough to dry. Remember, as mentioned above, the electric current, causing water damage to laptops, it is true. In most cases, the internal parts of a laptop is covered by current without resistanceDamage (but please do not try to find out). E 'to go with him that is because the components of the laptop motherboard short or otherwise. Ideally, if you can hold out for 4-5 days, the weather should be absolutely sure. Of course, in 20 years involved in this activity, I have a client who wait patiently enough, and where to meet.

It could be a fan of any type of laptop to dry, but by all means do not use a hair dryer. L 'will definitely cause problems with your laptop. And in case you could try a free cloth, wipe the inside.

At best, you can disassemble and dry the entire laptop. So you can be isolated, the wettest parts of the laptop, make sure it is dried. In general, there will be 30-45 minutes apart to take the laptop. Most laptop manufacturers have online guides to show disassembly, how to obtain these happened.

You have given the best portable drying under the circumstances you are working in time to press your thumb and hope and pray that you can get. To replace the battery, connect the power, and hope the gods smile on you computer.

If your laptop does not even turn on, obviously this is not a good sign. Second, you start Windows, or is going to give you some errors on startup. One of the most common signs that the> Laptop has been damaged by some of the key does not work. Sun Open WordPad or similar and make sure all the keys. It's worth checking them all.

Now, some repair shops will tell you that you replace the keyboard and it should work, but in most cases it is not a keyboard malfunction, but a failure of the motherboard itself.

is the threatened loss of prediction laptop. Motherboards Motherboard repairs are terribleexpensive. often costs $ 400-500, and are actually used in most cases. Unlike desktop PCs, there are boards specifically for notebooks, so that almost all the replacement motherboard stripped of laptops, which were converted to parts arrived.

Most questions need to show in the first day of use, so if they do it through the first day or two, then you should be safe. Watch what goes fast and if it works as before. I hope you're not reading this asResult of pouring water on the keyboard, but if so, then hopefully be able to use it to save your computer from further damage.

Recommend : HP Pavilion DV6-2162NR


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