Friday, November 19, 2010

One Step How to Remove Personal Protector From Your PC and Laptop - Remove Them in 10 Minutes

Licensed software is not available for free on the net. Most people realize it yet they do not hesitate to download free copies of commercial software from dubious sites. More often than not the files containing this free software contain malware that silently loads itself on to your computer and then performs all sorts of irritating activities. One such rogue program is personal protector. On other occasions people download and install this software believing it to be a free and genuine anti-spyware and later on worry how to remove personal protector.

Once installation is complete and personal protector is started, it pretends to scan your computer. It then reports back that your computer contains a variety of infections which can only be removed when you purchase it. Do not be fooled by the scan results since they are not real. The reality is that this fake anti virus classifies legitimate programs as infections in order to scare you into purchasing the program.

Computers infected by this rouge anti virus generally display the following characteristics: The malware starts on windows launch, simulates a system scan and shows users the infections their computer is supposedly infected with and recommends users to purchase this fake anti virus software to vaccinate their PC. The speed of the infected PC becomes very slow and the homepage gets changed. Various pop up ads appear that might trick the user into downloading additional malware.

Do not purchase the software as recommended by this rogue program. You must be thinking of how to remove personal protector? If you are familiar with the registry and other sections of windows, you can remove this rouge anti virus manually. It is recommended that you make a backup of the system and registry in case anything goes wrong. Here are the necessary steps: Halt this fake anti virus software by deleting un.exe & personalprotector.exe and then remove all its traces from the registry. Then search and remove all files and folders of this rogue program from windows. Finally remove inetprovider.dll

Those who are not comfortable with editing the registry or tampering with windows files can opt in for various free programs that are specially meant to remove personal protector. Just download the best antispyware software from reputed site for free and install it in your computer. Follow the how to remove personal protector instruction from the software to get rid of personal protector such as the link that is provided at the bottom of this article.

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