Monday, March 28, 2011

Care and Keeping of Your Laptop Bag

Washing Laptop Bags

I used my laptop a lot, therefore I needed a nice bag to carry it around it. It is very important that my laptop is protected, so finding the right bag was a challenge. I bought a more expensive bag, to be assured my laptop was under the best protection. This proved to be right when I spilled coffee all over the bag. Luckily, the laptop was not harmed, however my bag was now ruined.

I did not know if there was any possible way to wash my bag. So, I turned to the internet. I typed in the words "washing laptop bags" in a search engine and got many results. I was able to find guides on washing laptop bags, and used one that was written for the fabric of my bag. If you are looking for tips on washing laptop bags, below is a simple guide that helped me out. It worked on my laptop bag, and should work on yours as well.

The first step to washing laptop bags is to wipe off whatever has spilled on it immediately. Depending on what has spilled, will determine if you need a wet or dry cloth. In my case, I needed to wipe off the coffee with a dry paper towel. If the bag is closed, keep it that way. As you do not want any liquids to get inside and ruin your laptop. If the bag is open, make sure you remove everything that is inside the bag, including the small devices, such as a memory card.

Next, once everything is removed from the bag, get a wet towel and gently wash off the area that has been infected. If you spilled coffee, like myself, this will help take out the stickiness. You could also use a stain remover, just make sure you read the back of the label, and know what your laptop bag is made of. You do not want to ruin the material of your bag. Soak thoroughly with water if the material allows for it (not leather and suede obviously) and try to work the dirty spots out with soap.

Once you are done washing the laptop bags, leave them to dry. Whether your bag was open or not, you need to make sure the bag has completely dried out. You do not want to take the chances of your laptop being exposed to water, as it could cause serious damage It can be a good idea to put your freshly washed laptop bag in your washing machine on spin cycle to force the excess water out. Making sure to remove the bulk of the excess water will help prevent mold or smells from developing.

This approach to washing laptop bags should work for most materials. It is an easy way to clean up your bag.

Tags : Toshiba Tecra A11-S3520 HP Pavilion DV4-2167SB


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