Friday, March 4, 2011

Traditional Laptop Versus Lightweight Notebook - 8 Factors to Consider

There are of course many models of laptop computer on the market, from tiny ultra-portable notebooks that weigh only a couple of pounds to large, sturdy (and very heavy) models equipped with 17″ screens, full size keyboards and more.  With so many choices it can be hard to know what to look for and just as hard to find the notebook or laptop that truly represents good value for the money.

If you have been trying to decide between a full size laptop and one of those ultra-lightweight notebooks you are certainly not alone.  Many computer users are struck by the incredible lightness of these new portable notebooks, and they may be wondering if these notebooks can really replace larger and bulkier machines.  These ultra-lightweight notebooks are certainly much easier to carry around than those full size laptops - indeed most models weigh in at only a couple of pounds.  This light weight makes them easy to carry from place to place - certainly a boon to road warriors and busy workers on the go.

But before you take the plunge it is important to consider a number of factors.  These ultra-portable machines are a great choice for many users, but they may not be the solution for every user.  In order to determine if an ultra-portable notebook is right for you it is important to consider a number of factors.

Factor #1 - Your Computing Lifestyle

One of the most important factors to consider is whether or not you really need such a lightweight notebook.  Those tiny laptops are certainly sleek and attractive, but do they fit well with the way you work?  If you do most of your computing in your office or your home you probably will not see many of the benefits of an ultra-portable notebook, and you may be better off with a full size laptop that boasts a large screen and easy to use keyboard.

If on the other hand you are a busy executive on the go who needs constant access to email and other applications a super lightweight laptop may be just what the doctor ordered.  These notebooks were created with the needs of the traveler in mind, and ultra-portable notebooks are the perfect choice for road warriors and others who travel frequently.  These handy machines can offer many of the benefits of a web-enabled cell phone, including internet surfing, email access, calendar applications and more in a package that weighs only a few Pounds.

Factor # 2 - Cost vs. Capability

In addition to its size, there is another very interesting feature of most notebook light - namely, their very low prices. With a little 'shopping in, you can find these ultra-light notebooks on sale for a few hundred dollars, are cheaper because they are useful.

Of course, lower costs have a price tag of its right, so it's important to look carefully. The specifications of theselightweight laptops can themselves be a bit light at times, so it is important to choose a machine with plenty of memory, a solid processor and enough extras to make it truly a good replacement for a traditional desktop or laptop computer.

Factor #3 - Processor Speed

Lightweight notebooks are often far less costly than traditional laptops, and one of the ways manufacturers cut the cost is by skimping on the model and speed of the processor.  The CPU is the heart of any laptop, no matter what its size, so be sure to look for an ultra-portable laptop with a solid processor built in.

Factor #4 - The Amount of Memory

The amount of memory is one of the best determinants of how fast the notebook will run, so don't skimp on RAM.  The good news is that many of the most popular ultra-portables on the market boast a good amount of memory - often 4GB or more.  Boosting the amount of installed memory is one of the best ways to boost the performance and usefulness of your lightweight notebook.

Factor #5 - Screen Size

One of the things that makes ultra-portable laptops so lightweight and easy to carry is the size of the screen.  When shopping for this class of laptop you will typically be looking at screen sizes between 7″ and 12″.  These differences in screen size can be significant, and it is a good idea to look at a few models in person to ensure the screen will be useful for you.

Factor #6 - Keyboard Size

The size of the keyboard is yet another factor with this class of notebook, so again it is a good idea to actually lay your hands on the computer.  Go to the store and type on the keyboard - does the keyboard feel comfortable and easy to use?  The good news here is that even some of the smallest ultra-portables have surprisingly large and easy to use keyboards.

Factor #7 - Optical Drive (or Lack Thereof)

Many people are surprised to find that many ultra-portable notebooks do not come with a built-in DVD drive, so it is important to look for this feature as you shop. One of the great things about buying a small and compact notebook computer is that it can serve as both computer and portable DVD player.  If the ability to play your favorite movies while on the go is important to you be sure to look for an ultra-portable with a built-in DVD drive.

Factor #8 - USB Slots and External Connections

We all know how useful those little USB thumb drives can be, but some lightweight notebooks provide only a few - or none at all.  It is important for computer shoppers to look at the external connections on the notebooks they are considering - not only USB slots but connections for external monitors, docking stations and more.

By considering these factors you will be better able to determine if one of these super sleek and super lightweight notebooks is the right choice for you.  Buying a new computer is a major purchase, and it is important that this purchase care and attention they deserve.

Happy shopping!

Tags : Toshiba Tecra A11-S3540 Sony VAIO VPC-z114gx/S


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