Saturday, April 2, 2011

Best Laptop Screen Magnifier - LCD Magnifier Software Vs Fresnel Lens

When your vision has been recently impaired, suffering from blurred vision or difficulty focusing, and are considering acquiring laptop screen magnification tool to help you continue your work using your laptop, then you certainly have choices in picking the best laptop magnifier for you. The choice basically boils down to two possibilities, using a magnifier software, and using a Fresnel lens which acts as a thin computer desktop magnifier.

In this article we will discuss the pros and the cons of both low vision magnifiers, the software version and the optical, Fresnel lens version. When you are finished reading, you will have a much better idea which direction to go based on your situation and your low vision magnifier preferences.

Option 1, get magnifier software.

The software option is clearly the winner when it comes to multiplicity of choices, features, and the flexibility. For instance, with magnifier software, You can choose the level of magnification, with a single click. You can choose only the portion of the screen enlarged. You can only intelligent enlarges the text on the screen and choose to move away from the power line to allow you to read.

In addition, readers can turn only with a magnifying glass, click on the button, change the background color and text color to light, preventing common in patients with low vision. You canpick and choose colors that help you see the best.

Last but not least, the magnifier reader can use its robotic voice (again, easily selectable from multiple male and female voices), to straight out read out aloud for you the letters, the words, or the selected texts, or simply the entire article. This is a welcome help to people with serious vision impairment, or complete blindness.

Option 2, get magnifying Fresnel lens

There are multiple advantages to magnifying Fresnel lens as compared with software readers. The lens is set up once, and will continue to provide instant magnification every time you look at the laptop screen. Furthermore, the optical lens will actually increase the viewing angle for the entire screen, something that the magnification software will never be able to accomplish. And, being instant, and always on, there is no new skills to learn to use a magnifying lens as your laptop screen magnifier.

So, bottom line, when you value flexibility, and are not afraid of a learning curve to use the software effectively, magnifying reader software is a clear winner. When, however, you want a simple solution, with no learning curve, then, likely, you will be better off with a Fresnel lens and use optical screen magnification instead.

Visit : Sony VAIO VPC-CW21FX/R Compaq Presario CQ60-615DX


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