Thursday, April 14, 2011

Laptop, Desktop Or All-In One PC - What to Choose?

So, it appears you need a computer, but you're still not sure what to choose and advice from your friends and colleagues just confuse you ever more? Well, actually no one can choose a machine better than yourself, because it's only you who knows what you really need. You just need to find out what exactly do you need a computer for, and choose the one that fits your purposes best of all.

Here's a brief overview of three kinds of computers: all-in-one PC, laptop and a desktop. Keep in mind, however, that there's not any "versus" or "what-beats-what" thing. All those computers are meant for different purposes, they're just different, not "better" or "worse", much like a car and a truck.


A laptop is meant to be mobile. You'll need it if you travel a lot, want to work outside your home, need to demonstrate some of your work (for example, 3D-models) in action, or just have a big home and want to have a workplace wherever you choose it to be. Laptops allow you to perform lots of tasks, but those tasks are quite simple: typing, Internet surfing, communication, some casual gaming, watching movies or downloading data. Laptops are very quiet and you can leave them downloading something while sleeping in the same room.

Of course, there are many kinds of laptops, and there are some amazingly capable types, but their first purpose is mobility and lightness. Basically, it's a typewriter, browser and a videoplayer you can bring with you.


Desktops are the most powerful and huge machines. Not every single one of them, of course, but they most certainly can be. If you're going to play a lot and run every new released game on its maximum detalization level; if you work with video and graphics and need some heavy programs for it (for example, Adobe Premiere, Maya or 3DS Max) - then desktop is your best choice. The best thing about desktop is that you can configure it exactly like you want, and if you ever want to replace something, you can do it very fast without buying a whole new PC. Adding some RAM, changing an old videocard or a hard drive - all this is quite painless with a desktop PC.

However - no mobility and a big size. It's a stationary computer that needs its own place, much like any big home appliance.


All-in-one PC (or a monoblock) is a relatively new model. Indeed it can be called a combination of a laptop and a desktop, but that combination is a bit curious. First of all, it's a stationary machine - you can't bring it anywhere. However, if you ever need to move it, it can be done much easier than moving a desktop, and besides, all-in-one PC requires way less space.

If put it simple, monoblock is a machine with all hardware integrated into the monitor. You don't have any big metal box under your desk, you have much less cables and it can fit into much more places of your home. You can even put it on the wall and turn into a TV (remote control comes with the package). Add a cordless keyboard and a mouse - and you'll have just them and a monitor on your desk.

However, size reduction is rarely good for PC's performance. You can find quite powerful monoblocks now, but still they're not meant for hardcore gaming and working with heavy video editing programs. Their primary purpose is to be a home mediacenter, a tool for Internet surfing, communication and some routine work.

The most amazing feature of a monoblock is a touch screen. You can put your keyboard and mouse in a drawer, just come up to the screen on the wall and start dragging elements around it with your fingertips. The icons are quite big and visible, so even your old granny can get familiar with the machine in no time.

I hope I've outlined most common features of different kinds of PCs for you and now you have a better idea what you need. After choosing a type of your future PC you can dig up some more info about that type and pick an exact model.

There is, however, yet another device called a nettop. But I will write about it in another article.

Related : Sony VAIO VPC-EB16FX/P Sony VAIO VPC-CW23FX/R Sony VAIO VPC-z114gx/S


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