Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Laptop Accidental Damage Policies - are really worth the cost?

When purchasing a new laptop computer, the buyer is offered the opportunity to upgrade the base warranty and add on what is called an Accidental Damage Protection Policy.

This added Protection Service helps to protect a laptop from accidental damages such as:

Accidental spills

Drops and Falls

Electrical Surges

These laptop Accidental Damage Protection Policies can cost an several hundred dollars, in addition to the base computer warranty.

But are they really worth the cost?

According to IDC, which is a market research and analysis firm specializing in information technology:

Businesses will spend over one billion dollars per year to replace and repair laptops damaged by accidents.

One out of every ten laptops are damaged by accidents. That's eleven to eighteen percent of all laptops.

The most commonly damaged components of a laptop are the LCD screens and hard drives. Unfortunately, these are also the most expensive parts to repair!

More than sixty percent of those surveyed have dropped their laptops.

Fifty percent of those surveyed have spilled some sort of liquid on their laptop.

Here is my own personal laptop accident horror story:

The other day, I was sitting in my recliner, with my Lenovo ThinkPad X41 notebook computer perched on my lap. The phone rang and in my haste to answer it, I accidentally knocked my ThinkPad X41 off my lap and onto the floor.

When I picked it up, there was a big black "X" engulfed across the entire screen! Upon closer examination, I also discovered a small, spiderweb crack in the middle!

My IBM ThinkPad X41 is still under warranty but I had only purchased the base warranty. I wish now that I had added the Accidental Damage Protection Policy. My options include paying big bucks to replace the broken LCD screen or purchasing a new IBM ThinkPad laptop.

Based on personal experience, I would strongly recommend that you purchase an Accidental Damage Protection Policy the next time you buy a new laptop computer.

The peace of mind that you will gain, knowing that you will avoid would could be potentially costly repairs down the road, is more than worth the price of the policy!

Friends Link : Sony VAIO VPC-z114gx/S


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