Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cheap and Simple Way to Speed Up Your Laptop

Random Access Memory, or RAM, in most cases, as the place where a computer operating system, application programs and data currently in use are kept so that it defines to be reached quickly by the computer processor. Why is it important? RAM stores data of all running programs at this moment in time. For example, if you were seen running in the taskbar at the bottom, how many applications? A look at the symbols on the rightside. Including your virus protection (which I hope for your sake you have), I'm guessing you have at least 10 items, if not more. All of the information from each of these tasks is stored in your RAM.

I am guessing that, after a while, things start to slow down. You booted up your laptop fine but now things are starting to run sluggishly as you swap between your browser and your media player for instance. That is because your RAM is starting to fill up. Depending on your operating system (whether it be windows xp, vista, 7 or maybe even OSX), the amount of space you have initially may not be too high. Vista, for example, is prime culprit of an OS that takes up too much space on your RAM.

To solve the initial issue I would recommend upgrading to Windows 7, or the latest OSX, as graphical efficiency has improved greatly, meaning you need less RAM for higher performance. Another option would be to replace the RAM or add more. I am guessing that the majority of you would not have even considered upgrading the RAM on your laptop, which is fair enough depending on the specification of your laptop, but it may be worth looking into purchasing more RAM. You can buy laptop RAM from all major online retailers and price-wise, you are looking at saving a lot of money in the long run, if you were to buy new RAM instead of a new laptop. Now try this; lift up your laptop and look at the bottom. In most cases, there will be square panels screwed on; one of these panels will be for your RAM. If you were to unscrew this (please don't do this if you are still within warranty), you would see short, thin strips of circuit board. This is your RAM. In most cases, you can simply lift it up and pull it out (if the laptop is powered down of course), and then replace it with your newly purchased RAM! Things to consider when buying RAM:

Make sure your motherboard supports it (check in your laptop manual and see what type of RAM you have currently, whether it be DDR2/3 or whatever)
Please do not attempt this until your warranty has expired or is at least about to (manufacturers don't like you tampering with their hardware!)
Find out how much RAM you have currently (right-click My Computer > Properties) and then decide how much you would like to buy (these days I would say 2-4gb is a minimum)
Simply adding RAM may not be a viable option if it does not match your current RAM exactly. In most cases the best thing would be to completely replace the RAM.

After these steps is a sure way to make Windows faster, and it will go a long way to enhance portable performance of your. Of course, if you do not feel to open your laptop, there are always ways to speed up the resolution without the inside. In this case I had time to review a brief but accurate eBook taken to improve specify some simple ways to improve the performance of your PC.

Related : Toshiba Qosmio X505-Q870


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