Thursday, July 15, 2010

A laptop for everyone on the planet

Gate vision of changing from a desktop PC in every home in America has become a reality. No one dreams of the Internet in every home, but it is a reality. With the paradigm of the work of the company rose from the border as an office in the road and at home, the phenomenon of mobile computing has been increasingly popular use of laptops and notebooks.

Going broke through a paradigm shift in mobile computing to distinguish particularbetween the office and at home with the proliferation of mobile computing gadgets. Shifts of eight hours by the guards of all employees replaced at home because they do not need to be controlled during traditional working hours. Soon everyone on the earth will live a laptop as an instrument for whether employees or independent, in the office, at home or somewhere on the planet.

Exceed desktops

Notebooks and Laptopswere sold than desktop PCs in the U.S. in 2005. The Gartner Group statistics show that they enjoy a growth rate of 18% of global sales, while desktop PCs hovered in the growth of 7% over the same period. At this rate, the laptops will soon represent 50% of all consumer PCs sold real estate in 2011. This year, Gartner sees mobile sales eat 40% of all PC in the world.

Almost half of all employees in many organizations, from home or workon the road. Sales people do not need office space, because they are on the road most of the time of visit and sales to customers. do programmers and analysts and managers can do what they do in the office.

There are virtual secretaries and clerks, the same work remotely and transparently. About the only people who are his office need space laboratory scientists, engineers and scientists to continue on a single centralized facilities for their work work, and can be accessed from theirHousing.

Popularity Laptops

What is the cause of the change from desktop to laptop? It really is not rocket science when you consider that laptops have become increasingly closer to the computing power of desktop computers. This is essentially what has redefined mobile computing, needed to work the way its employees. account with a small footprint, portability and price reductions, the laptops are gaining more market share in the office safe and at home.

- Cost

Notebookused to be more expensive than desktop computers the same performance. Today, while the two desktops and laptops prices reached prices of the mass, differences in prices a distance of close to $ 300 to $ 500 just in the gaps, both in a playground near level.

- Power

The computing power have reduced differences for most models of desktop PCs, high-end command always an advantage of the computing power, especially among users in the animation and graphics industry. have storage capacity of data between the twoJust reduced.

- Portability / Mobility

Given the almost equal in power and the price of the laptop portability of the compact and give him the advantage of the market is that more practical for mobile computing is the norm in their employment policies on the situation today. GP



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