Monday, September 20, 2010

How to clean spilled coffee on your laptop

Ultimately, it is likely to happen to us all. If you have children, animals, spirits, or you are not satisfied and uncoordinated way by nature. Assuming that after the disaster, you do not see smoke, hear, or death kris laptop, the first thing to do immediately after the catastrophe, which may help to avoid costly to fix a computer is as follows:

Turn on your laptop - do not try to move again.

Enjoy the rest of the liquid.

Disconnect all devices from your laptop.

Remove the battery from the laptop computer without tilting the laptop, if possible.

If the water that has been paid, then you may be able to simply allow the laptop to day sitting under a fan for one. If you give the patient. If sticky drinks like coffee and soda is at fault then it is very likely to open the case and clean inside.

Removing the laptop bag can be a bit 'harder than you may realize, so you need directions fromManufacturer's website and take notes or pictures as you progress with disassembly and reassembly.

Be sure to remove the components inside the case and revision, if necessary, hard drives, RAM, CD / DVD drive, keyboard. The keyboard is known not to follow the same thing is buried. Maybe, but it is generally the least expensive repair to replace. You should only clean electronic equipment with methylated spirits, which can for about $ 5 a can be obtainedLiter. Allow all parts to dry before assembly. Good luck and save the data the next time!

Related : ASUS G51JX-X5


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