Thursday, September 16, 2010

Purchase of a green laptop

Buy an eco-friendly laptop to save the earth

Buying a laptop is a smart environmental decision when compared to the PC with the purchase of a desktop. The main reason is that a notebook is smaller than a desktop so there is less environmental impact assessment on the disposal. The size of the laptop thin plate means disposed and less hazardous parts are smaller, such as hard drives, CD / DVD drives, flash card, USB, etc. The production of small players and laptops also have the indirect effect that the processing plants produce less harmful emissions into the environment. Another factor that makes laptops a better environmental decision is the fact that most laptops now comply with European requirements for the calculation of lead, as the WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) and RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) that are responsibleCodes of disposal in Europe. Lead is mainly used to weld the parts together on a computer, but to encourage these rules, the companies have different methods for the development of PC use.

An interesting player in the laptop market is the Eco-friendly "to" One Laptop Per Child project. Your mission is able to produce cost laptop - the "XO" - to revolutionize the way laptops, the children of this world. The project aim is to get laptops into the handsPeople in third world countries that would otherwise not have access to this technology. But the project also show that the laptops can be produced for a very low cost - laptops weighing less than one kilogram and rely on no electricity.

But despite the progress in the world of green laptops, there are still many problems, the laptop must be pleasant to deal with in order to produce a more eco. In 2009, worldwide sales of notebook computers is expected to exceedDesktop PCs for the first time. The average person years for a laptop for only three before the government has thrown in the garbage or throw in, which presses the issue for a laptop or recyclable. Some issues that still need addressed and some possible resolutions:

First Problem: plastic filled with oil. Solution: create the portable bioplastic from corn polymers. The main problem for the point is to create a heat-resistant polymer to withstandThe heat from a laptop.

Second Problem: Power. Solution: Use the power of Sun laptop charging solar powered chargers are in process.

Third Problem: in waste products of lead. Solution: As mentioned, the EU has adopted lead to legal restrictions. President Bush has followed suit and also use the standard for American leadership.

Fourth Problem: Spinning hard drives. Solution: laptop future could reduce energy consumption up to 10 percentreplacing hard drives with flash memory, which has no moving parts hungry watts. Dell debuted a laptop with a gigabyte solid state drive from 32 this year.

Recent winners of awards includes some laptops, the XO laptop friendly, Toshiba Portege R500, HP 2710p, Lenovo Thinkpad X300 and Dell D630.

Tags : ASUS G51JX-A1


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